
function to set background image in a jframe in java netbeans ide

Hi. I am making a java application using netbeans ide 6.8. I don't the function to set a background image to my jframe. I will be very helpful if you can post the specific coding. ...

Web page design view in Netbeans?

I'm working on a project in PHP using Netbeans IDE which is best for coding part but when I'm coding HTML part if I want to see Design view in Netbeans, that is not visible in Netbeans so is there any plugin or software that can make design view of web page like in Dreamweaver can also show in Netbeans? ...

netbeans desktop application

Hi, I am trying to make a desktop application in netbeans. The GUI form that i have made, is longer than the size of the desktop screen, so the contents in the lower parts are not visible. Please help me to get ride of this problem.Here I'm pasting the picture. ...

how to run python inside netbeans?

I installed the plugin for python and it detects the python code, but how do I run it from Netbeans? Please let me know Thank you ...

handling netbeans+symfony project on local network

We are two friends trying to develop an application on local network using symfony + netbeans + wamp. I have shared wamp directory and put my wamp server online. Now my friend can work on project that is placed in my www directory but he can not access phpMyAdmin and when he opens 'run symfony commands' window by right clicking on proje...

fork_copy error from make

Hello! I've received this message with Netbeans. I use Cygwin and because of university I use an older version. Before installing this older version Netbeans compiled correctly with a recent version of Cygwin. I can compile with Dev-Cpp. Anyone knows how to fix this error? 1 [main] make 4064 fork_copy: linked dll data/bss pass 0 f...

Using netBeans for PHP development (Apache)

I have a project to do in PHP (5) and I want to use netBeans (6.8) as the IDE (Linux). But after a little search I found out that netBeans doesn't have apache2 server. In that case: Can I use netBeans as my IDE for PHP development? If yes, I would be thankful if you can provide some examples. If not, what are the other alternatives? P...

Create javascript project in Netbeans?

How do you create javascript project in Netbeans? There is no such language category. ...

Open folder in Netbeans?

Is there a way to open a folder that contains javascript/ruby files in Netbeans without creating a new project? ...

Run javascript file in Netbeans/Eclipse?

Is there a way to run a javascript file directly in Netbeans or Eclipse? I feel it's time consuming to fire up a terminal, browse to that file and run it with node all the time. ...

Java - custom cursor is different in different operating systems

Hi I create custom cursor with bottom code: Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Image image = toolkit.getImage("C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/gaea/core/ui/gaeawindow/src/si/xlab/gaea/core/ui/gaeawindow/HandCursor.gif"); // Somewhere in mouse pressed action public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { Cursor cursor...

EJB remote application-client

Hello guys! I am starting a new enterprise project and use Glassfish 3 as an application server and NetBeans 6.9 as an IDE. I have some EJBs which I want to access remotely from a desktop Swing application. AFAIK there are two options - either use plain JNDI lookup or run the Swing application in an application-client container and use ...

Netbeans deleting a built class?

I have a NetBeans project with quite a few classes in it. I've been working on this project for the past 3 weeks, and just started having this issue today. When clicking the "Run Main Project" button in NetBeans, I see the following error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: stockscreener/Stock Caused by: java.l...

Swiching between open windows in Netbeans

Hi, is there any way to switch between open windows like for example in gnome terminal (Alt+1, Alt+2,...). C+` is no comfortable for me. ...

Setting up Netbeans to compile wxWidgets projects under Windows

I'm trying to set up my Netbeans IDE so that it is capable of compiling wxWidgets projects. There is very similar question: Setup wxWidget in Netbeans 6.1 C++ On MS Windows? but the answer is not working for me. And the mentioned versions are a bit outdated. I use the mingw package for compilation. There is no problem compiling a sma...

xdebug with Netbeans and PHP works with project custom domain only if project root is selected

When I debug a PHP project in Netbeans with xdebug, I have to select the project root first, and then click on the debug button. That way it works ok, firing the browser with the project's local domain (not localhost, but one I defined). But if the project root is not selected, suppose some inner folder or file was last clicked on, th...

How do I run a JAD/JAR in the Java ME SDK (Mac) Emulator from a Netbeans Web Project

Hi there, I'm using Netbeans on Mac. I have a web project that I'm developing, that communicates with a Java MIDlet that has already been developed. In my project /web folder, I have a /client.jar (and .jad) that interacts with my web application. I'd like a way to be able to right-click on the jad, and say "Run as MIDlet", to bring u...

Netbeans fails to execute perl script when compiling C++ project

I installed Netbeans 6.9.1 with C++ support. I also installed MinGW. When I create a C++ project and run it, I get this: I checked the c++ configuration in Netbeans: (looks good) Perl is installed on my PC under c:\perl I tried reinstalling Netbeans and I tried removing Netbeans and Perl then reinstalled Netbeans. It didn't work ...

Netbeans platform vs. Visual Studio Extensibility

Hi it could be that the word versus is too strong for my question but anyway here we go. I have used the Netbeans platform in the past and I was really impressed with it. I haven't tried anything however in VS (2008 my current edition). Does anyone have experience with VS on extensibility? Is it as powerful as Netbeans and can I build c...

SingleFrameApplication that does NOT require ALT to activate menuitem mnemonics?

In the NetBeans 6.9 IDE, if you create a New Project >> Java >> Java Desktop Application and run it, you will find that the menu items have mnemonics, but only after ALT is pressed. (The netbeans program itself uses this style of menu.) However, if you create a new File >> Swing GUI Forms >> JFrame Form, and add a simple menubar with m...