
Absolute to Relative Paths in faces-config.xml for JSP files using Netbeans

Hi there... I'm using netBeans 6.7.1 for mac, and I'm working on a java EE project that has a web project that uses jsf framework. The problem comes when I add a new file to the project, the faces-config shows me the file with an absolute path and when I set the navigation, it seems not to work... then erase the absolute path leaving /...

NetBeans / Glassfish configuration

I'm writing a webapp with NetBeans 6.5.1 / Glassfish 3 and I'd like to avoid using virtual folders in the links inside of my pages (i.e. "/contacts/info.htm" instead of "/myapp/contacts/info.htm"). I tried configuring a virtual server on Glassfish using its configuration pages by I don't understand how to synchronize NetBeans with it. ...

Overwritting PHPUnit test files with updated ones in NetBeans

Hello, Using NetBeans 6.9.1, when I update my source files with additional unit tests for PHPUnit, I always have to delete the old PHPUnit test files and generate new ones. If I choose to generate without deleting them, generation will fail and the old files won't be updated. Is there a "smart" way to force NetBeans to automatically over...

SwingX and NetBeans 6.9.1 GUI designer (JXCollapsiblePane/JXTaskPane)

Hi, I am new in SwingX and I have trouble using JXCollapsiblePane and JXTaskPane using Pallete manager of Netbeans 6.9.1 Specifically: For JXTaskPane: 1)I drag a JXTaskPaneContainer from pallete manager in a JForm 2)I drag a JXTaskPane from pallete manager into JXTaskPaneContainer 3)I try to add a jpanel or a jbutton in the JXTaskPane bu...

How do I get the original object back from a class generated by NetBeans for transfer by JAX-WS?

Java EE 6, NetBeans 6.9.1. Part of my project is a SOAPy web service. I've written the server-side part of it, and that seems to work OK because GlassFish 3.0.1 is correctly generating WSDL files for the web services. The web service sends and receives JPA entity classes, which the client operates on. I used NetBeans' "New > Web Servi...

Cannot import a .py file even though it's in my path.

Attached are screenshots (right click: View Image to see in full size): The intellisense doesn't recognize the module. Am I missing a step? Thank you for the help. ...

Does everyone get the infinite "connecting to target VM" bug when using 64-bit windows Netbeans?

Netbeans offers 64-bit support. This is absolutely essential to my project, which must use more than 2 gigs of RAM. The major advantage of Netbeans is that it offers a profiler. However, when used in 64-bit mode, this profiler often goes into an infinite loop and show the message: "connecting to the target vm" for ten minutes until ...

Problem with javacard WebApplication

Hi, I'm trying to build a javacard webapplication with netbeans, but I'm getting a build error and don't know how to fix it: [Error] Unable to parse the class file webapplication2/WebApplication2.class. Exception while looking for class webapplication2.WebApplication2: Couldnt find: webapplication2/WebApplicati...

resize the group of the SVG element....

I am working on a SVG application and now want to let a user resize an object using draggable corners, very much like in SVG-edit ( The functionality should work as follows: The user selects an SVG object, drags it to the main ‘canvas’ and once on the ‘canvas’, four corners...

Using the "pg" gem with Rails 3 ... why am I getting this error in Netbeans when I do a "bundle install"???

At my wits end with this! My current set up is: - Ruby 1.9.2 - Rails 3.0.1 - pg (0.9.0) My $PATH right now looks like this: /Users/fjones/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/bin:/Users/fjones/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0@global/bin:/Users/fjones/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/bin:/Users/fjones/.rvm/bin:ARCHFLAGS=-arch x86_64:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local...

Metrics for NetBeans 6.9.x

Hello! I've been an avid Eclipse user for my Java development for a while, but as of late I'm beginning to enjoy developing using NetBeans 6.9.1 more thanks to the faster (IMHO) code completion and the powerful templates and refactoring tools. Anyway, the one thing that I'm missing is some tool to analyse my code's Metrics. I found a p...

How to add online available javadoc to a downloaded Library in Netbeans?

Hi, maybe the answer is easy, but I'm unable to find information about the topic on google. I've downloaded the MacWidgets Library from On the site you can also find the javadocs and I would like to integrate this into Netbeans to provide me with information about classes / methods while typing li...

New comparison of Eclipse and NetBeans

Since this question staled a year and a half ago, has there been some significant development on these projects that would warrant a re-evaluation of the answers? The majority opinion seemed to be that NetBeans was better for JAVA GUI development or JavaScript, otherwise Eclipse was equal or better. ...

NetBeans module - How to get instance of FileObject for testing

I'm trying to write some unit tests for my NetBeans module, but i'm unable to get an instance of the FileObject class: @Before public void setup() throws URISyntaxException{ URL url = this.getClass().getResource("/project-template/"); file = new File(url.toURI()); } @Test public void testIsProject...

Can I edit java sources on oracle database with Netbeans?

Hi! While exploring my database in Netbeans I could only see Tables, Views and Procedures in schema tree. So these are the only types of objects that it could explore? What about Java sources and java classes at least? ...

NetBeans Ant: display browser on run only if certain file missing

How can I make netbeans to only display the browser on run if a certain file is missing. I want to keep it from re-launching the browser every time I hit run. I can ensure that the file is only created after the first run. ...

Run all the junit tests that are in a given package in Netbeans?

We have a bunch junit tests in our current project. Essentially we are looking for a way to run all the test in a given package. Currently in Netbeans I see you can run all the tests or a single test, but no way to run a a sub-set of tests. Is this built into Netbeans? Or is there another way we can do this? ...

Search and Replace Entire Project (Netbeans)

Is there a way to do a project wide search and replace in netbeans? It seems like there should be, but I can not find any information on it. Thanks ...

Does NetBeans have any "collapse all" shortcut for open directories in the navigator view?

NetBeans has a helpful (to me anyway!) feature under the "Views" menu, called "Synchronize Editor with Views". As the name suggests, toggling this on will cause the navigator view to jump straight to a file when it's opened in the editor. I generally prefer this to the normal "Ctrl+Shift+1" shortcut for manually jumping to a file. How...

Adding text and image in JList in netbeans.

I have created a GUI in JApplet Form in netbeans which also contains a JList. i just want to know how to add a text and an image before text. i know how to add a text by creating an array and pass it to the constructor of the JList but that was in simple JPanel but in JApplet Form code is disabled (non-editable).I am stuck into it.In Sho...