
Netbeans Editor, how can I supress warnings ?

Hi ! In eclipse, I can say to editor (and of course compiler) I don't use that variable so remove the underline with @SuppressWarnings("unused") Anyone knows in Netbeans 6.9 how can I remove the underline of unused variables in editor? Thanks in advance ...

Is there any drawback in jprobe profiler and netbeans?

while using jprobe or netbeans if it creates any problems in giving output? which profiler is best? Is there any profiler released recently in market,which is better than these two and if what are it's features ...

Netbeans RCP vs Eclipse RCP

I would like to start a new project which will make extensive use of plugins. I know that both Eclipse and Netbeans have their respective Rich Client Platforms, both with their respective strengths and weaknesses. I would like some comments on which the Stack Overflow community prefers. Also, and most importantly, how easy it is with t...

How to get rid of the blue javascript highlighting in NetBeans?

I know this isn't a direct programming question but who else besides programmers use netbeans so I figured this would be the best place to ask and actually get an answer. So please don't close the question. So what I want to get rid of is the sky blue hightlighting that happens to all javascript in netbeans:

Netbeans, Glassfish deployment problem

I am developing a web project using Netbeans 6.9.1 and Glassfish 3.0.1. Everything was fine until I refector a sesion bean by renaming it from “outboxSession” to “OutboxSession”. Now the project cannot be deployed. I have tried many thinks like restarting Glassfish, restarting Netbeans, restarting my PC itself, deleting the built folde...

Is there someone using Netbeans here? Proguard...

As title, is there someone who use netbeans here when developing for android? Personally I like netbeans, I always programmed in Java using netbeans, and I will continue using netbeans. nbAndroid is the "unofficial" plugin for netbeans to work with android and it works really well. unfortunantly I haven't finded a good way to obfuscate...

Why is my Java JOX parser servlet failing to convert from bean to string?

Currently working through a tutorial on JOX included within Sams Teach Yourself JavaServer Pages 2.0 with Apache Tomcat in 24 Hours Either the com.wutka.jox has changed or the author missed a crucial ingredient. When I try to execute: java "hu/flux/xml/XMLTestClient" "http://localhost:8080/SamsTeachYourselfJSP/joxparse" "d:\education\...

straightforward single developer deployment with mercurial and netbeans?

I am coding a website using the Codeigniter PHP framework. I am using mercurial for version control. I have 3 systems I work with. I do my coding on a Windows 7 machine using Netbeans 6.9.1. I am occasionally making commits, and pushing to a repository at, purely for the purposes of backup and version control. I have a ...

Generic static factory method problem

Hello, I have class like following: public class Tree<T extends Comparable<? super T>> { // private data omitted private Tree() {} // non parametric private constructor, not exposed // static factory method public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> Tree<T> newInstance() { return new Tree<T>(); } } Now from anothe...

Compiling Javascript with Netbeans

I have experience using Netbeans with Java but am new to using it with Javascript. I know how to open javascript files within a Java Project but is there a way to open javascript in a "javascript project" where I might be able to "compile" the code and see possible errors. Is this possible or am I asking too much? ...

How to update comment block in front of methods in Netbeans?

I know this is not programming related question so to speak, but since we are programmers and we might use Netbeans for PHP development. I am wondering how can I get in Netbeans to update the comment block in front of a method, after I change the parameter set. I need to update it someway automatically, and to keep what I've been added ...

How to change the color scheme for html attributes in NetBeans?

I'm working on a TextMate like color scheme for NetBeans (twilight), I'm almost done, there's only one thing left: I can't set the html attributes highlighting. As you can see normal attributes are okay, but the ID and CLASS attributes are highlighted with this ugly greenish color. How can I fix that? Update Here's the link to the t...

is the Java Servlet I've created in Netbeans adding something strange?

Hi, This is my second try to solve this problem. My first try was here but perhaps my explanation of my problem was insufficient, my problem was that the applet received the exception: invalid stream header: 0A0A0A3C at at java....

Is it possible to build UI elements from a database table using the Netbeans GUI designer?

I'm building an application with a form that I'd like to populate with questions from a database table. Is it possible to do this in the Netbeans GUI designer so that each question is inserted into the label of a checkbox element? My initial idea of how to do this would be to get a result set back from the database and loop it, however...

Cannot initialize EntityManager in Netbeans via Junit

I have a bunch of service (ejb 3) classes that i want to unit test. In order to do so, i have added to their implementing classes an overloaded constructor which takes an EntityManager as an argument. The idea is that during my units tests i will create a both an EntityManager instance from a persistence unit specific for my unit tests, ...

netbeans does not recognise <<<_END

Hello, I'm trying to learn PHP using netbeans although I've come up against a problem with the interpreter and I can't tell how to fix it. It's to do with the notation <<<_END. It should, from what I'm learning wrap everything into a variable until it's ended with _END However, if I plug in the following example: <?php echo <...

Having Maven2 copy resources to the build directory, but NOT bundle them in the JAR

I've started a new Maven project in NetBeans, accepting all the defaults. The POM, with all the JAR dependencies stripped out, is cut-n-pasted at the bottom of this question. The application reads in various properties files (e.g. logging and config). It also reads in external resources such as fonts, images, and sounds. I do NOT wan...

Netbeans start up is become slower more and more

hi, I am using netbeans 6.9.1 with latest JDK version on Windows7. I deactivated all unnecessary plug-ins. But as time pass, netbeans start up is become slower. I deleted cache folder of netbeans but seems it can not help. RGDS ...

Where can I get an updated version of JOGL? Possibly working with NetBeans?

Hello there, I need possibly detailed instructions on how to get an updated version of JOGL, and help in configuring NetBeans (6.9.1) to run with it (and give code hints and such). Please bear in mind that I am no expert in the field of Java, and it's just been a few weeks since I started, so the most detailed instructions possible would...

Java Socket Read Time Out Exception thrown only after Network comes back after being disabled at start up

I am working on a distributed application that communicates over socket connections. I'm not sure if this matters with the problem but it is a Netbeans RCP application. There are 2 different client sides of it which simply display the status of their connection to the server, send requests to the server side and display the responses r...