
Can AJAX slow down because of virus scanners or active network filtering?

I just heard one of the clients having really bad performance on IE6 despite modern hardware and decent network connection. So we are suspecting either one or both to be the reason for the bad performance. Unfortunately no exact details of firewalls or such known at the moment... What kind of issues you have had with web applications us...

[python] How do I disable Nagle's algoritm for sockets?

Hi! I'm writing some python and are stuck at the moment. I think this "Nagle algoritm" is the problem since my packages are delayed some time for some reason to the client. I've tried this on both client and server but it doesn't seems to work (or there's another problem causing it): socketobj.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_...

How to build a server that accepts many thousands of persistent network connections?

I am about build a server on linux (I get to pick programming language) that accepts many TCP/IP socket persistent connections from a desktop software. How can this be done cheaply and efficiently? A machine cannot have more than 60000 ports, so if I have to support 600k connections then I will need 10 linux boxes? Since the computatio...

How do you quickly check if a network location exists using Delphi 5?

Possible Duplicates: Speed up File.Exists for non existing network shares Faster DirectoryExists function? We need to write text to a file on our network, but there may be a situation where that location does not exist and we need to write to another location instead. How do you check quickly that a network location exists? At...

Network or Transport Layer Fuzzing

Hi, How do I go about executing a fuzzing strategy to stress a network stack, specifically at the third and fourth layers (network and transport)? I've looked at frameworks to generate fuzzers, like SPIKE, but it seems to me that they are mostly focused on the application layer and above? Is there any well known techniques out there to ...

how do i monitor network systems?

i would like to monitor my systems in my network using c#, below is the list of things to monitor Status of remote system(logged in, logged out, turned off) Shutdown/reboot/logoff remote system ...

Forcing a WWAN connection on iPhone, even when Wi-Fi is available

I need to make a network connection over WWAN (i.e. the mobile network) on an iPhone, even when the device is connected to a Wi-Fi network, however I can't find a way to do this. I've tried going down to the socket level and iterating through the available interfaces, however when connected to Wi-Fi, the WWAN interface (pdp_ip0) disappe...

How to identify whether the current data network is Edge or 3G on iPhone

Is there a way to figure out the current data network available on iPhone? Whether it is EDGE or 3G? It works for me even if its doable using core telephony private framework. I am not bothered about app store submission. I know its very simple to identify whether the user is on Wifi or CellData network. But not able to find a way to i...

Why is my .Net app contacting Verisign?

I wrote a .Net application that has nothing to do with network communication. There is not a single line of code in the whole application that uses the NIC, but my firewall has caught it trying to contact Verisign for some reason when the app starts. This does not happen regularly; as a matter of fact, it has only happened twice. The la...

Mac addresses of all devices on LAN in Ruby?

Does anyone know how to use Ruby to grab a list of the MAC addresses of all the devices on the local network? Preferably as quick a response as possible. Thanks! ...

How can I solve an application networking issue?

Hello, I have assisted with an application that has a couple of thousand deployments. This application is a .NET 2 Winforms application. There are a couple of features that require the application to "phone home" to some custom web services that we have written to update product information. For several years this has worked fin...

Why SocketException?

Hi,I have Client class and Server class but when i run both main methods and then nothing will happen and when i stop running ,this exception will be occurred. why?? please help me,how can I fix it??? my Client class: public class Client { static BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; /** * @pa...

sniff and block packets in a server

I'm new to the concept of nw-sniffing. < so , i'll try to describe the problem with the best terms i know > In an organisation , there are 30 computers connected to a server. And as users of these systems browse the Internet , packets are sent to the outside nw via this server.. i want to write an application that runs in this server , ...

Is the driver using the Linux NAPI Interface?

Is there a way to confirm if a Linux Ethernet driver is using the NAPI interface? ...

Network Protocols

I know that a protocol is a set of rules that governs communication between two computers on a network, but how are thoses rules implemented for the computer? Is a protocol basically a piece of code or, in other words, software? ...

Check Network Availablility

I'm writing an application that will be used in a mobile environment where network connectivity will be up/down regularly. How do I check to see that a specific network is available? ...

Finding Network Domains Connected in VB.Net

How do I determine which network domain I am connected to from VB.Net? ...

Some files won't stream from lighttpd to Droid

We are running into some odd issues with streaming certain files in our app. After lots and lots of testing we've narrowed it down to what seems like some sort of issue between lighttpd and Droid, and it's not just our app but the built in player as well. If you point the Droid browser to ...

Problem during JBoss Launch

Hi folks, I've a problem with JBoss 3.2.6. When I try to launch it, I get this error. 09:19:22,449 ERROR [StatefulSessionContainer] Starting failed jboss.j2ee:jndiName=TypicalBean,service=EJB java.rmi.ServerException: Could not bind home; nested exception is: javax.naming.CommunicationException: Network is unreachable [Root excep...

Connecting to remote SQL Server 2008 from Windows Azure

I am trying to connect to a SQL Server 2008 instance from a Windows Azure worker role (it's not SQL Azure, but a remotely hosted SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition), but I get the following error message System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server....