
Port 443 on iSeries v5r4 is ‘filtered’ to internet clients, even it is allowed in firewall rules. How can I make it ‘open’? Can it be i5/OS bug? [SOLVED]

Port was fitered by ISP. The problem is that HTTPS 443 port isn't accessible from internet, but it is open in our local network. Our iSeries v5r4 is connected to inet via L2TP withot IPSec. If no packet filters are active, nmap shows that ports 25, 80, 110 and even 10322 (WAS admin console) have state 'open' on internet ip address. 443 ...

I need high performance data redundancy over IP

I have a database that I need to provide redundancy for. It is Codebase, but using a typical SQL database uses too much CPU, and having the DB offsite causes too much latency in my process. I need a viable solution for providing data redundancy with an offsite location for my time criticla process. ...

Looking for network link speed determination algorithm

I'm looking for the best way to interpret the standard (well, standardish) Ethernet PHY registers, to determine the speed that an Ethernet link is actually running at. (e.g. 10/100/1000 and full/half-duplex) I daresay that this is to be found in the source of things like Linux, and I'm just off to look there now, but if anyone has a go...

Windows Client Choose between 2 DHCP servers in the same lan.

I have two DHCP in the same network. One with IPs and the Other How do I configure my windows XP to choose between one of them. Thanks ...

How to validate IP address in Python?

What's the best way to validate that an IP entered by the user is valid? It comes in as a string. ...

Difference between winsock and linux sockets

I'm developing an FTP-like program to download a large number of small files onto an Xbox 360 devkit (which uses Winsock), and porting it to Playstation3 (also a devkit, and uses linux AFAIK). The program uses BSD-style sockets (TCP). Both of the programs communicate with the same server, downloading the same data. The program iterate...

How to open a password protected shared network folder using VB.NET?

I need to open a password protected shared folder on a network to gain access to an Access 97 database. How do I open the folder and pass in the password? Thanks, ...

How to open a network connection from windows mobile with c#?

I am trying to convert a windows forms application to a windows mobile application (windows mobile 6 professional). It needs to get an XML document from a web server. It works fine if the device already has an open network connection, say if you open IE before running the app. But it hangs if there is not an open connection. I have f...

Virtual guest not bridging to the host's VPN connection in VMware Server

I saw this similar question for Hyper-V, but I don't think any of the answers there apply directly. If they do, please point me at the right one, and I'll close this as a dupe. My question arises with using VMware's bridged networking - when I have X-many guests running in VMware Server, and I connect to my corporate VPN, none of the ho...

Send data over Internet

Hi Guys, I have a requirement to send some 100 bytes data over internet .My machine is connected to internet. I can do this with HTTP by sending requests and receiving responses. But my requirement is just to send data not receive response. I am thinking of doing this using UDP Client server program. But to do that I need to host UDP cl...

What is Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface?

Running ipconfig /all shows a Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface. What is that? Does this have something to do with IPv4 vs IPv6? Should I get rid of it? If so how? ...

Posix Error 14 (bad address) on open read stream in Cocoa. Hints?

I'm following the sample code in CFNetwork Programming Guide, specifically the section on Preventing Blocking When Working with Streams. my code is nearly identical to theirs (below) but, when I connect to my server, I get posix error 14 (bad address -- is that bad IP address (except it's not)? Bad memory address for some call I made? ...

Load balancing based on proximity

I'm working on a project were we have number (5 at the moment) of servers spread across the world. Clients connect to one of those servers through a centralized broker. We know the originating country of the client but nothing else. We have full control of the servers so we can have all the info we need on those. We don't control the cli...

What is the best way to forward all requests on a certain port to another machine on the network?

I have two dedicated servers and no hardware firewall. I'd like to forward all requests that come into the primary server on port 1008 to be fulfilled by another dedicated server on the same network. I know I need to set up some kind of TCP proxy, but I first heard of IPTables yesterday. Any quick tips? ...

How can I determine the local machine's IP addresses from Perl?

Is there a clean and OS independent way to determine the local machine's IP addresses from Perl? So far I have found the following solutions: parse the output of ifconfig and ipconfig (hard, different windows versions have different ipconfig outputs) establish a network connection to a well-known IP and examine the socket's local IP a...

Is there a UPnP Library for .NET (C# or VB.NET)?

I'm working on a P2P application, and I need to get it to communicate through NAT Routers / Firewalls using UPnP. However, it doesn't seem that the .NET Framework includes support for UPnP. Is there a UPnP Library for .NET? C# or VB.NET? UPDATE: I have since found the NATUPnP 1.0 Type Library (NATUPNP.DLL) COM Component that is part of...

How do I make an outgoing socket to a SPECIFIC network interface?

I have a server with two different network interfaces, each with a different IP address. How can I create a socket so it'll go out a specific IP address? I'd prefer a python example, but the question is language agnostic, so shoot away. EDIT: Please don't give me "You can't" as an answer. I mean, it is a computer. I can do anything I l...

Client Server Program behind router

Hi all I am trying to run client server UDP program . My both machines are in different networks. I have set up port forwarding in my router. My server has two IP Address : 1) External 200.?.?.? 2) Internal While creating UDP server I need to create a socket which is binded to addresss. What address should I bind socket...

Identify Bluetooth NetworkInterface from Java?

Hi everyone, I need to access the bluetooth network interface from Java. All local network interfaces can be reached via: Enumeration<NetworkInterface> interfaces = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); This enumeration will contain ethernet cards, usb networking devices etc and I need to retrieve the bluetooth network interface i...

How do I find how much SVN traffic I'm using?

At my office we have an SVN server set up and I'd like to know how much traffic it is using. I'm not interested in the bandwidth, just the total number of 1s and 0s the SVN service is sending/receiving. The data will all be going via the svn:// protocol, and the server is running XP pro. ...