
Python - Library Problems

I'm relatively new to Python and am having problems programming with Scapy, the Python network manipulation tool. However, I can't tell if it's as much a Scapy problem as it is a being-a-Python-newbie problem. On the scapy site, they give a sample program which I'm not able to run on my own machine: #! /usr/bin/env python import sys fr...

Moving to office with a shared network - what should I look out for?

We're moving to cheap office space that provides a lot of stuff: receptionist, copiers, printers, microwave and internet access - all of it shared with strangers. What should I ask to find out if the network is safe to use, and if it's not inherently safe, what can I do to make it safe? ...

How do I choose a multicast address for my application's use?

Hi, How should I choose an IPv4 multicast address for my application's use? I may need more than one (a whole range perhaps ultimately) but just want to avoid conflicts with other applications. Packets will be entirely contained within an administrative domain, probably a LAN If several independent instances of my application are in ...

Communication between server and client for WinForms

I have 50+ kiosk style computers that I want to be able to get a status update, from a single computer, on demand as opposed to an interval. These computers are on a LAN in respect to the computer requesting the status. I researched WCF however it looks like I'll need IIS installed and I would rather not install IIS on 50+ Windows XP bo...

What is the quickest way to get the String contents of a URL using Cocoa/iPhoneSDK?

Say I want to get the HTML of as a String using some built-in classes of the Cocoa Touch framework. What is the least amount of code I need to write? I've gotten this far, but can't figure out how to progress. There must be an easier way. CFHTTPMessageRef req; NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"

I need a standard package to move key,value pairs over a net connection: any tips?

As I hate reinventing the wheel, I wonder if there are any commonly used packaged out there for doing hte simple job of communicating (key,value) pairs of data betweeen two network endpoints (probably TCP/IP is the most likely carrier). I would like something that works in any environment, which for me means Unix/Linux-style socket API ...

C# 3.5 - Connecting named pipe across network

What is the correct way to setup a named pipe in C# across a network? Currently I have two machines, 'client' and 'server'. Server sets up its pipe in the following manner: NamedPipeServerStream pipeServer = new NamedPipeServerStream( "pipe", PipeDirection.InOut, 10, PipeTransmissionMode.Byte, PipeOptions.None) pip...

VBA how to check for LAN environment and Cancel check

I am updating a VBA program (excel). At startup the program checks if it can find a directory which is on the office fileserver using: FileSystemObject.FolderExists("\\servername\path") If this is not found the program switches to offline mode and saves its output to the local hard disk (for later transfer), instead of directly to the...

What causes a TCP/IP reset (RST) flag to be sent?

I'm trying to figure out why my app's TCP/IP connection keeps hiccuping every 10 minutes (exactly, within 1-2 seconds). I ran Wireshark and discovered that after 10 minutes of inactivity the other end is sending a packet with the reset (RST) flag set. A google search tells me "the RESET flag signifies that the receiver has become confus...

Is 1-to-n multicast on the open internet reliable?

I'm a newbie at networking. I understand the concept of multicast, but was wondering if it's reliable on the open/public internet? It seems like sort of an edge case that different backbones or ISPs might intentionally break to reduce router load or generally segment the network for practical high-use applications. Is my fear reasonab...

Java Network Events

Hello, I am creating a java mobile application and I want to be aware as to when the device obtain an IP address to then be able to send messages to a backend system. Do any API exists? I guess if an API existed it would have to use system dependant calls thru JNI? Thank you, Julien. ...

rtsp over http over a proxy

I am trying to fetch an RTSP stream over HTTP using a proxy. The behavior of the Real client seems to be a bit hectic: it tries all the possible ports, methods and protocols at once. The only thing that should work is HTTP GET over port 80. Such a request is indeed issued, and is received on the server. Here's how the request looks when ...

TCP is it possible to achieve higher transfer rate with multiple connections?

Is it possible to achieve better data transfer rate with multiple parallel TCP connections in high-latency environment (public internet with large geographical distance assuming no traffic shaping per connection or stuff like that) or can TCP utilize the whole bandwidth with a single connection? Is TCP sending data as fast as it cans ...

Finding ideas for a startup / switching gears during development

I found and reviewed a couple related questions, but I don't think this one has been asked. I also read Paul Graham's essays with some regularity. However, the essays seem to be centered around what to do once you have an idea, rather than how to find them in the first place. I'm familiar with some of the regional startup groups, weeken...

How do I query the iPhone's current IP address?

How do I query the iPhone's current IP address? ...

Is it possible to forward all traffic to an IP Address?

we have a old and dying dedicated server. we want a new one at a new datacenter. we have a bunch of sites using the current server and don't have control of all their DNS. is there an easy way to redirect all the traffic from xx.xx.xx.xx to zz.zz.zz.zz without updating DNS records? Thanks. ...

Sun Java Web proxy - SSL transactions/sec?

I hope this is "close enough to programming" to pass the bar :) Is there any way to monitor SSL transactions / sec on Sun Webproxy? Preferably with SNMP, but anything goes :) ...

Network simulator?

Do you know of software which is capable of emulating networking conditions such as constrained bandwidth, latency, closed ports, congestion, collision? Platform-specific is fine, but I'd like to be able to emulate hundreds or thousands of nodes under varying network conditions. ... versus java.nio

At what point is it better to switch from to java.nio? .net (not the Microsoft entity) is easier to understand and more familiar, while nio is scalable, and comes with some extra nifty features. Specifically, I need to make a choice for this situation: We have one control center managing hardware at several remote sites (each s...

How do you detect packet-loss on Windows Server 2003?

Is there any way to detect packet loss with the help of performance counters or am I better of using a 3rd-party tool? What tools would you recommend? ...