
DirectPlay8 only lists DirectPlay8 lobbyable apps

Hi, I know DirectPlay is deprecated and unintuitive, and thanks for wanting to inform me of that :) Now that we're done with that: DirectPlay8 example "Lobby Client" only lists the DP8 lobbyable applications (lobby servers), which is on my machine only "Microsoft Portrait". Is there a way to get it to list DP7 and older lobbyable appl...

Copy Files quickly from a mapped network drive

Hi, Can anyone tell me how to quickly copy Files from a mapped network drive? The windows Copy Paste works very slow and hampers the performance of the system. I have used XCOPY source destination /i /s /z /q This was quick enough and copied a few files and later threw an error "The specified network name not available" I remember ...

Sending arp via shell

Hi there! Is there a way a send custom (and event undemanded) arp responses via shell (e.g. by hand or by a shell script) on MacOS X or any other UNIX? In addition, is there a way of making the software ask for the MAC representation for all IPs in the current subnet without sending pings the anyone? Thanks, Max ...

Send a ping to each IP on a subnet

Is there a command line based way to send pings to each computer in a subnet? Like for (int i = 1;i < 254; i++) ping(192.168.1.i) to enforce arp resolution? ...

TcpListener: Listen on every address, including GPRS IP address

Hi, We have a simple piece of legacy software with which we need to communicate using TCP/IP over port 15001. We need to listen on port 15001 for the legacy software to make a connection and then read whatever it sends us. We have tested this solution accross the internet and it works just fine. If however we test the same solution acr...

Load Balancing, Spring Security, ConcurrentSessionFilter

I have a Spring 2.5.6/Flex application setup and running with Spring Security 2.0.4. Recently a load balancer (A Foundry ServerIron 4g was put into place and now I am getting cross domain errors. Basically the load balancer is firing off a request to and myreal...

Scalable PPP protocol. Help Needed regarding State Machine

Hi, I am designing scalable PPP [mean it can be extended to over Ethernet, over HDLC, over ATM etc.]. I was stuck in determining whether State Machine is hadle by PPP stack [means i have design Base class for PPPStack in which FSM, encode, decode etc is there] or PPPoE [which is derived from my PPP Base Class PPPStack]. I am designing...

How to implement RFC 3393 (Ipdv packet delay varation) in C?

Hello , I am building an Ethernet Application in which i will be sending packets from one side and receiving it on the other side. I want to calculate delay in packets at the receiver side as in RFC 3393. So I have to put a timestamps in the packet at the sender side and then take the timestamps at the receiver side as soon as i receive ...

How many threads to create and when?

I have a networking Linux application which receives RTP streams from multiple destinations, does very simple packet modification and then forwards the streams to the final destination. How do I decide how many threads I should have to process the data? I suppose, I cannot open a thread for each RTP stream as there could be thousands. S...

Good tool for testing socket connections?

I'm writing a tcp/ip client and I would need a "test server" to be able to test easily. It should listen on a configurable port, show me when a client connects and what the client sent, allow me to manually enter text to send to the client. It should work on Windows. Normally I would have use the simple but powerfull nc.exe (alias "Netc...

How to get *internet* IP ?

Imagine a situation, I have PC with two lan cards, one is connected to internet another is connected to local network, how can I detect IP which is connected to internet with C# ? ...

Java socket programming

Leading on from my previous questions I am going to try and clarify one of the problems I am facing. I am trying to create a multiplayer version of PacMan. A simple overview of how i've made my application is that I have a server which has a ServerSocket which is constantly listening on a specific port. Once a client connects it creat...

Syncing an object between two projects on different devices over the network

I have two projects communicating over a wireless network. I have communication working fine between the two. I would like to maintain two identical copies of some objects on both programs. The objects needn't be equal (in a reference sense), however the objects must show the same data when viewed. Is there an existing technology to ...

Networking problem in Java ME

Ok, so I'm using Java ME to connect to a PHP script on my server, but for some odd reason the networking will only work the first time the app is run on the phone after installation. Any other time, it won't even ask permission to use the network. Here's the method in question: private static String defaultURL = "http://www.roostercogbu...

C# - How do I check for a network connection

What is the best way to determine if there is a network connection available? ...

Can traffic on loopback be packet sniffed?

Can any data exchanged on a local machine using the loopback IP (localhost) be packet sniffed if the PC is also connected to a network (wireless or landline)? Would like to know if the loopback, as a means of interprocess communication for locally running processes, can be regarded as a secure means of exchanging data (i.e., n...

non routable ip address

I know that is by convention loopback and that there are various address ranges which are reserved for local use. Is there an IP address that is reserved never to be assigned. I would like to test that something works when an IP address can't be found, I could just use a local address which isn't used but thought that there ma...

Best Way to Transfer Large Files in Windows

I often have to transfer large files >50GBs sometimes >100GBs between drives both internal and external during backups of our networks email servers. What is the best method of transferring these files? Command Line such as XCOPY? Possibly something robust enough to continue the transfer if interrupted due to time limits or network is...

Need IPv6 Traffic Generator.

I am looking for the tool to generator IPv6 Traffic. It should allow me to give all its header value manually by me. It would be great if source code is available. Thanks in Advance. ...

iPhone EDGE/3G network port range? Anybody know?

I am trying to access 61616 in my iPhone app and the SCReachability code indicates that I have a valid network, but I time out trying to write to 61616. Does anyone know: A. If the iPhone EDGE/3G network has a limited port range or isn't allowed to connect to this port? B. How I can check explicitly for access to this port. Here is my ...