
Auto-locating a client's server

FileMaker Pro has a feature that allows client applications to auto-locate their server's IP address and connect to it. What is the best way to do this using a general purpose language like Java or .NET? ...

Network discovery on a Mac

Is there a Mac/Unix commands that lets you see the local network in terms of machines/IP addresses? If there's something on the Mac that is gui-based that would be great too. ...

From admin to dev

Recently a friend of mine had gone from a high level NOC position to a developer. Before that he was just doing the help desk stuff. He has no degree, only the usual MIS/networking certifications and as far as I know only tinkers with code on the weekends. I can see where in some scenarios having a good understanding of configurations, p...

I need a list of computers and/or domains on a subnet programmaticly

Using NetServerEnum (PInvoke of NetServerEnum) I can get every machine in a domain, but what about other domains? The file explorer under "My Network Places|Entire Network|Microsoft Windows Network|" shows a list of domains, so there must be a way to get the list of domains and from there one could use NetServerEnum. How do I get the l...

Any video lectures about Unix and Computer Networking??

Hi,I need some videos lectures to learn them myself because I am not a computer science student. Can you share some with me? Thanks. ...

Releasing bound ports on process exit

How do I make sure that a socket bound to a port is properly release on process exit such that the port can be reused without bind() failing with EADDRINUSE? I've written a tiny program which just creates a socket, binds it to a fixed port, waits for a connection and then immediately terminates. When I rerun the program, the bind() call ...

What are some ways to control a device through an IP address?

I want to get some ideas on how I might control a video camera through an IP address. I have an API to control pan and tilt from a local machine. The code is going to be in C/C++ on Windows. I am still designing if I want multiple cameras controlled from one application or have a one camera to one application. Would SOA be a useful a...

VBA - Check for active internet connection

Wrote a small app that accesses a bunch of search websites and puts the results in a word document, which gets run a few hundred times a day. It saves individual search results in a number of local folders so the next time those words are searched, it grabs them locally instead of loading the website again. This works fine - even thoug...

Cannot access http://localhost:3000

I am trying to learn Ruby on Rails, I have followed the instructions from this page to get rails installed on my PC. I am also trying to follow this webcast to try and learn the language and framework. Everything is working so far, apart from the fact that I cannot access http://localhost:3000, ...

Stackless python network performance degrading over time?

So i'm toying around with stackless python, writing a very simple webserver to teach myself programming with microthreads/tasklets. But now to my problem, when I run something like "ab -n 100000 -c 50" (100k requests, 50 concurrency) in apache bench I get something like 6k req/s, the second time I run it I get 5.5k,...

Does File.Copy() from a network share to another share on the same machine copy the file over the network?

If my .NET client uses System.IO.File.Copy to copy a file from \server1\share1\file1.txt to \sever1\share2\file2.txt, does the file's data get read down to the client and then written back up to the server? If yes, is there any way a .NET client can copy a file on a server to another location on the same server without round-tripping the...

IPv4/IPv6 network calculations and validation for Java?

I am looking for a package that is similar to Net_IPv4 and Net_IPv6 but written for Java. It needs to be able to do the following: Verify an address is valid (e.g. is valid, is not) Return if an address is contained within a subnet (e.g. is in Return the broadcast address for a given subn...

Readings, tools and libraries for low-level, network related, softwares in C

I'm going to graduate soon in electronics and tlc engineering and I have some decent OO programming experience with PHP and Java. Now I would like to try starting a career as a C programmer. I'm interested in C since this is, I think, the most suited language, without considering Assembly, to develop device drivers, firmwares and other l...

What's the best computer networking tutorial?

I'm looking for some resources or videos for a long time. Where can I find one? ...

Measuring network traffic with Indy

Hello alltogether, I'm using a TIdTCPCmdServer to handle all communication with client applications. I would like my server to log all kind of stuff including network traffic. Is there any easy or clever way to see how much bytes the TCPCmdServer actually received and sent? I can only think of code like ASender.SendReply; Inc (FTraffic...

What aspects of networking should I study as a programmer?

I have worked/played as a software developer for years and have focused on programming almost exclusively (mostly OO software, design and methodology). I feel quite sure on "higher-level" networking concepts (like HTTP and SSL, for instance) but I've never studied -- at least not deeply -- lower-level networking concepts. Are they releva...

How do I write data over an ethernet connection to an IP:Port address?

I have a need to write a quick and dirty application to write some data over an ethernet connection to a remote machine. The remote machine is sitting waiting for data, and I just want to blat some data at it to test the connection and bandwidth etc. I'd like to be able to, say, send a known pattern of data (simple counting or repeating...

How can I monitor / limit network traffic used by my app?

I would like to be able to measure network traffic and limit it. I'm looking for something that lets me know between two calls how much data has been sent and received. Also, I would like to be able to limit network traffic (in & out) for my app. Something like the NetLimiter software (great app!) but which I can control from my code. ...

Best current book on Windows networking (TCP/IP, sockets, packet filtering, firewalls)

Before you jump to TCP/IP Illustrated or UNIX Network Programming, let point out that I am looking for a great book or two that are going to help me on Windows XP and Vista. I'm a C++ developer creating end-user applications (not a device driver writer or hardware guy) and I want to make use of the networking API's to get applications ...

Capturing VPN usage statistics

We're monitoring usage statistics of a network interface using NetworkInterface.GetIPv4Statistics() in .NET 2.0. This isn't reporting correct statistics for connections over which VPN traffic is being tunneled. Instead - in the case of the Cisco VPN client - the usage is just attributed to a new network interface that just looks like an ...