
How do I create a subdomain on windows?

I just want to add a couple subdomains to my computers FQDN so that I can have some Vitrual Servers (apache.) Any ideas? Note: I need to add the aliases to my machine, like and I don't think apache makes those aliases. Alternative: I decided that instead of trying to add stuff to my domain name (since then I'd ...

Testing if NetworkStream is closed

Hi there! I have a class, that wrapps a Stream instance, so I can use it for wrapping FileStreams and NetworkStreams. Now, I want to test if the stream is still delivering any data, in other words, I want to test the NetworkStream if it is still connected or the FileStream if it reached its end. Is there any function whose return value...

Accessing internal network resource using external IP address

How is it possible to access an internal resource (email server / FTP server) using its external IP address but from within the network ? The situation is that a number of users have laptops and work out of the office several days per week. I don't want them to have to change the connection details from 217.x.x.x to 10.0.0.x every time ...

What do the numbers reported by the Windows TraceRt Mean

I need to create a trace route as part of a .NET appliation to support trouble shooting. I have figured out how to use the .NET Ping class to do the tracing. What I do not understand is what the numbers reported by the command line utility are. This is somewhat censored results of a "tracert" from the Windows command line: ...

URLLoader gets stuck when polling

Update: somehow this works when running flash in browser, but doesn't work if you run from IDE. You might want to try running in browser if you have the same problem. I am making a chat application that repeatedly reads a text file from my server using Flash & Actionscript 3.0. I am opening the file with URLLoader, and it works fine at ...

Did you get any good out of collaborative editors usage?

Hello, today I was looking for a free collaborative code editor for Mac OS X, I don't really need it but I find the idea pretty charming. So I want to know you opinion about that: is there someone in real world who is using a collaborative code editor and gets some benefits out of it? ...

How I can decrease time response from Open Office Service using JOD Coverter to Print to PDF?

We are currently using JOD Converter to send a word document to an open office service running in a different machine. The open office service is being hosted in a facility were they guarantee 100 Mbps bandwidth, we have three servers that print to this server hosting the open office service. 1. Amazon Cloud server (staging) takes abou...

How can I estimate ethernet performance?

I need to think about performance limitations of 100 mbps ethernet (including scenarios with up to ~100 endpoints on the same subnet) and I'm wondering how best to go about estimating the capacity of the network. Are there any rules of thumb for this? The reason I ask is that I am working on some back-of-the-envelope level calculations ...

Two way client server network communication

I am looking at building a client server application in C# using winforms or WPF. The client application must be a local application because it has to interact with specialised hardware. The architecture I'm looking for is the client connects to a server port using TCP/IP. The client will then make requests to the server and the serve...

How to dynamically create sub-domains with different IP than the original domain correctly and efficiently?

How to efficiently create subdomains dynamically that are resolved to different IP than the original domain? Most dynamic subdomain creation solutions I've found here would add a * A-record to the DNS server (usually using BIND), but that's not what I want. Does that mean the zone file needs to be set to always Expire? Woul...

If a site has 2 load balancers for redundancy reason, which one should the DNS points to?

If I simply point to both in my DNS record, wouldn't 50% of traffic be in trouble as well? ...

networking lib + helper (c++)

Are there any c++ networking libs that are very useful and robust? and libs to help them be run better? something like automatically endian conversion when using <<, blocking reads until the struct or w/e your reading completely transfers, something to help debug your protocol, etc ...

VMWare Player on laptop - maintaining connection when wireless disconnected

Hi I'm a complete newbie to VMWare and troubleshooting networking issues. I'm running the buildix app through VMWare Player on my laptop. Things work fine when I'm connected to my home wireless network. However, when I'm not connected to a network, my wireless card is turned off (eg., to save power) or when I'm connected to another ...

Handling possible errors with network drive file I/O

I'm trying to make file I/O over a network drive (likely over a WAN or VPN) as reliable as possible for a native C++ Windows app... What are the possible error conditions that I need to be able to handle? How can I simulate these error conditions in testing? How do I get detailed information on a particular error? For example, if fop...

How does the socket API accept() function work?

The socket API is the de-facto standard for TCP/IP and UDP/IP communications (that is, networking code as we know it). However, one of its core functions, accept() is a bit magical. To borrow a semi-formal definition: accept() is used on the server side. It accepts a received incoming attempt to create a new TCP connection from ...

How to get domain controller IP Adress

Hi All, I want to How I can get Domain Controller IP address programatically using C#, anyone tried that? Thanks ...

How to enumerate IP addresses of all enabled NIC cards from Java?

Short of parting the results of executing ipconfig, does anyone have a 100% pure java way of doing this? ...

How do I get the available wifi APs and their signal strength in .net?

Is there any way to access all WiFi access points and their respective RSSI values using .NET? It would be really nice if I could do it without using unmanaged code or even better if it worked in mono as well as .NET. If it is possible i would appriciate a code sample. Thanks Here are a few similiar stackoverflow questions i found: ...

Java NIO: Sending large messages quickly leads to truncated packets and data loss

I've got this nasty problem where sending multiple, large messages in quick succession from a Java (NIO) server (running Linux) to a client will lead to truncated packets. The messages have to be large and sent very rapidly for the problem to occur. Here's basically what my code is doing (not actual code, but more-or-less what's happen...

Writing a DirectPlay lobby server to establish regular TCP/IP connection

Greetings! Firs of all, I don't care much about DirectPlay per se, and am fully aware it's deprecated. However, I am currently looking into it for a quite simple reason: I love the way it's integrated in XP's built-in Windows Messenger 4.7 (the "old" one). Frankly, I greatly dislike Microsoft's move of removing the DirectPlay lobby clie...