
Working with byte arrays in C#

I have a byte array that represents a complete TCP/IP packet. For clarification, the byte array is ordered like this: (IP Header - 20 bytes)(TCP Header - 20 bytes)(Payload - X bytes) I have a Parse function that accepts a byte array and returns a TCPHeader object. It looks like this: TCPHeader Parse( byte[] buffer ); Given the ori...

Can you retrieve the hostname and port from a System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient?

Is it possible to retrieve the underlying hostname/port from a new TcpClient? TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, port); TcpClient client = listener.AcceptTcpClient(); // get the hostname // get the port I've routed around in client.Client (a System.Net.Socket), but can't find anything out in there either. Any ideas?...

Monitoring, simulating, creating HTTP packets

I did some HTTP monitoring with WireShark. Are there more tools like this that allow you to create your own HTTP messsages? Telnet comes to mind Could be handy to get see how hacker-proof your site is... ...

Is there a good Java networking libary?

Hi folks! I'm currently searching for a Java networking library. What I want to do is sending XML, JSON or other serialized messages from a client to another client and/or client to server. My first attempt was to create an POJO for each message, plus a MessageWriter for sending and a MessageReader for receiving it. Plus socket and err...

Is there a Python library than can simulate network traffic from different addresses

Is there a python library out there than can allow me to send UDP packets to a machine (sending to localhost is ok) from different source addresses and ports? I remember that one existed, but can't find it anymore. ...

Speed of file transfer NFS vs. Microsoft Network Share?

I would like to know, if there are any performance differences using NFS instead of standard Microsoft Network Share? ...

How to find where a connection is failing

I have a website running a basic ASP.NET application that is mostly used from a single location, which is my client's office. The server is at a high-class datacenter. Whenever I've been testing or using my application from outside their office I have consistently good connections but from their office the connection seems inconsistent...

Differentiating IOWAIT in Linux

I'm working on a monitoring agent that works with systems using the Linux kernel. By opening /proc/stat , you can easily tell how much time one one or all CPUs (aggregate) is burning waiting for I/O requests to complete. I'm trying to find a way to break that number down so that I can differentiate between disk and network i/o. For inst...

How Ethernet receives the bits and forms the Data Link Layer Frame.

I am curious to know how the incoming bits at the physical layer are properly framed and sent to the data link layer. How the OS deal with this process. It would be grateful if you explained it in detail or give me some links/pdf. I am interested to know in depth about Layer 1 and 2 operations. Advance Thanks. ...

What have you used to test (functional/load/stress) your network service with its custom protocol?

I recently created a turn-based game server that can accept 10s of thousands of simultaneous client connections (long story short - epoll on Linux). Communication is based on a simple, custom, line-based protocol. This server allows clients to connect, seek for other players in game matches, play said games (send moves, chat messages, ...

How secure is IP address filtering?

I'm planning to deploy an internal app that has sensitive data. I suggested that we put it on a machine that isn't exposed to the general internet, just our internal network. The I.T. department rejected this suggestion, saying it's not worth it to set aside a whole machine for one application. (The app has its own domain in case that's ...

How can I implement an IRC Server with 'owned' nicknames?

Recently, I've been reading up on the IRC protocol (RFCs 1459, 2810-2813), and I was thinking of implementing my own server. I'm not necessarily looking into adhering religiously to the IRC protocol (I'm doing this for fun, after all), but one of the things I do like about it is that a network can consist of multiple servers transparent...

Good Python networking libraries for building a TCP server?

Hi all, I was just wondering what network libraries there are out there for Python for building a TCP/IP server. I know that Twisted might jump to mind but the documentation seems scarce, sloppy, and scattered to me. Also, would using Twisted even have a benefit over rolling my own server with ...

WCF WSDL location address with HTTPS

A common issue for WCF appears to be how the hostname is resolved within the wsdl for the links to other files. The issue is that the machine name of the computer is placed into the wsdl to link the other wsdl files, so if you visit http://myhost/service.svc it may point to the rest of the wsdl on another location, ie http://mypc/service...

How to determine an Oracle query without access to source code?

We have a system with an Oracle backend to which we have access (though possibly not administrative access) and a front end to which we do not have the source code. The database is quite large and not easily understood - we have no documentation. I'm also not particularly knowledgable about Oracle in general. One aspect of the front end...

Virtual Network of Virtual Machines

I am developing software that is designed to run on a LAN. When multiple instances of the software are run on the network, they interfere with each other. I want multiple team members to be able to test the program simultaneously. How would I do so (without altering the program). My first thought would be to create a bunch of virtu...

Hosting website subfolder on separate domain

We have 2 web applications what we want to be installed on different IIS servers. But we want what user can access one by address and second by Is it possible? ...

port aggregation on Linux

I have to detect port aggregation configuration on Linux. Supposing that the ifcfg-* files were not updated (configuration was done with ifenslave only), how can I understand which eth? devices are slaves to which bond? devices? ...

How can I modify multicast TCP/IP packets' TTL?

I'm supporting a 3rd party app that sends multicast packets with a TTL of 1. We cannot modify the app, but need a higher TTL to route the packets to another customer's network. Is there a network appliance or windows (server 2003) app that will let me modify this? Is there a better approach for connecting the sender and receiver in t...

My simple poll() example only partially works

I have included the code below. The program is supposed to accept telnet connections on port 8888 and then send and messages from each telnet client using poll and send and recv but It doesn't quite work 100%. It seems certain connections can always send messages to anyone and the program works fine but there is always at least one clien...