
Java Server Client Program I/O Exception

I made this program: And it works perfectly if I put the server's hostname as or my computers name (Ajay-PC). However these 2 methods are LAN or local only not internet. So I changed it to my internet ip. etc. But it didn't work. I ch...

High-Performance In-Browser Networking

(Similar in spirit to but different in practice from this question.) Is there any cross-browser-compatible, in-browser technology that allows a high-performance perstistent network connection between a server application and a client written in, say, Javascript? Think XMLHttpRequest on caffeine. I am working on a visualisation system th...

How to allow multiple users to manage application running on server?

I'm not sure if the title makes sense. Hard question to ask. I have an application running on a server under my network account, and it's scheduled to run daily. I can remote in with my user credentials and check on the application. What if I want more than one person to be able to remote in and check it? I can create a new accoun...

Easiest way to connect iPhone and Mac over WiFi with "server client" model

Hi there, I am interested in creating a server application on the Mac and a client application on the iPhone. The iPhone would send commands to the Mac through this connection. What's the easiest way to do this? I've seen NS/CFNetServices discussed here:

How to go about reading a web page lazily in Clojure

I and a friend recently implemented link grabbing in my Clojure IRC bot. When it sees a link, it slurp*s the page and grabs the title from the page. The problem is that it has to slurp* the ENTIRE page just to grab the link. How does one go about reading a page lazily until the first </title>? ...

killing a separate thread having a socket

Hi All I have a separate thread ListenerThread having a socket listening to info broadcasted by some remote server. This is created at the constructor of one class I need to develop. Because of requirements, once the separate thread is started I need to avoid any blocking function on the main thread. Once it comes to the point of calli...

Multimedia files written over WAN are getting truncated

I use the windows Multimedia API to create .wav files. 1. Open file with mmsioOpen 2. Creates WAVE,frm and data chunks using mmioCreateChunk 3. Write audio data using mmioWrite 4. Ascend out of the chunks using mmioAscend 5. Close file using mmioClose The file is being written into a temporary location, so after it has been closed it ge...

JQUERY or JS is there a way to detect anytime the Window is loading? Basically any network activity?

Is there a way with JQUERY or Javascript, to detect anytime the browser window is loading something, making an ajax call, loading an image, etc... Basically any network activity? ...

A two player game over the intranet..

Hi everybody.. I am a student of 3rd year engineering and only a novice in my programming skills. I need some help with my project.. I wish to develop a two player game to be played over the network (Intranet). I want to develop a simple website with a few html pages for this.My ideas for the project run as follows: 1.People can log in...

On the iPhone, is it possible to find out which WIFI network we are connected to?

If yes, can we also get additional information about the network configuration? One useful way to do this could be getting the SSID of the current network. Is there an API to do that? Update: I found a similar question here: ...

Python and C++ Sockets converting packet data

First of all, to clarify my goal: There exist two programs written in C in our laboratory. I am working on a Proxy Server (bidirectional) for them (which will also mainpulate the data). And I want to write that proxy server in Python. It is important to know that I know close to nothing about these two programs, I only know the definitio...

How do I find the IP address of a GPRS modem?

I want to pull data from a device that is accessed via a serial protocol and has a GPRS modem attached which should allow transparent access over an IP connection. It seems to me that this approach is upside down, because how should I know at which IP address the device currently is? Unfortunately, the device itself is rather dumb, so I ...

Java: Infinite Error "null"

I am writing a simple web server in java as an exercise. When I run the program it immediately starts into an infinite loop outputting "Error: null" into the console. I have a few try/catch statements that do System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage()); I tried using the eclipse debugger to figure out where it starts, but when I ru...

Create ntp time stamp from gettimeofday

I need to calculate an ntp time stamp using gettimeofday. Below is how I've done it with comments on method. Look good to you guys? (minus error checking). Also, here's a codepad link. #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/time.h> const unsigned long EPOCH = 2208988800UL; // delta between epoch time and ntp time const double NTP_SCALE_FRAC...

How can you access the packet information in a JpCap Packet

How can I pull relevant packet information from a JpCap packet? I am trying to find the source/destination ip and port. So far I have tried string parsing the Packet's toString() method, but that seems brutish. ...

MD5 purpose or uses

If we can't decode the MD5 hash string, then what is the purpose of MD5 where can we use MD5. ...

Speed Problem with Wireless Connectivity on Cisco 877w

Having a bit of a weird one with my local LAN setup. I recently installed a Cisco 877W router on my DSL2+ connection and all is working really well.. Upgraded the IOS to 12.4 and my wired clients are streaming connectivity superfast at 1.3mb/s. However, there seems to be an issue with my wireless clients - I can't seem to stream any da...

Display list of websites on local IIS server in a web page

Hey Guys, I am currently trying to figure out a way to list all of the websites that are running on a local IIS 6 server at the office and display links to each site with their descriptions so we can always find our development sites with ease. The way that the server is currently set up is I add a DNS record for a new site. eg: newsit...

How can I create an ad-hoc network in iPhone?

I know the iPhone has the ability to connect to an ad-hoc network; can it create one? ...

Object to Network serialization - with an existing protocol

I'm writing a client for a server program written in C++. As is not unusual, all the networking protocol is in a format where packets can be easily memcopied into/out of a C++ structure (1 byte packet code, then different arrangements per packet type). I could do the same thing in C#, but is there an easier way, especially considering l...