
How to transfer large files from desktop to server ( .NET)

I am writing a .NET 2.0 based desktop client that will send large files ( well largish under 2GB) to a server. Need to develop the server as well. Server can be on any technology It should be secure so an underlying SSL stream is needed What are my options. Any obvious caveats etc I should be aware of To my mind the simplest solution is...

PHP - Is possible to find if user is browsing from beind a Router and get Router Info

Hello guys. I think it isn't possible just using PHP, but just to be sure. Is it possible for PHP to know if the user is accessing the web from behind a Router? And if yes, how can i get some information about that router, like: Router Name, Brand, Serial Number, ... Users connected in the same network. Can PHP also find the Local I...

How do I get current network location name?

In system network preference there are some location names.How to get the current or active network location name and list of all network locations? I guess SystemConfiguration.framework supports this but i didn't get exactly which API to use.Thanks in advance for your answer. RegardsDevara Gudda ...

Basic Client-Server Design for persistent connections?

Here's as far as I understand it: Client & Server make connection Client sends server data Server interprets data, sends client data So on, and so forth, until client sends disconnect signal. I'm just wondering about implementation. Step 2 and 3 are confusing to me, maybe I'm over-complicating it. Is there anymore to interpreting t...

Does it make sense to have more than one UDP Datagram socket on standby? Are "simultaneous" packets dropped or queued by the kernel?

I'm coding a networking application on Android. I'm thinking of having a single UDP port and Datagram socket that receives all the datagrams that are sent to it and then have different processing queues for these messages. I'm doubting if I should have a second or third UDP socket on standby. Some messages will be very short (100bytes ...

.NET Sockets Buffer Overflow No Error

I have one thread that is receiving data over a socket like this: while (sock.Connected) { // Receive Data (Block if no data) recvn = sock.Receive(recvb, 0, rlen, SocketFlags.None, out serr); if (recvn <= 0 || sock == null || !sock.Connected) { OnError("Error In Receive, recvn <= 0 || sock == null || !sock.Conne...

Is it possible that in a network,delay from router A to B is different from delay from router B to A

considering that metric is delay in distance vector routing algorithm, is it possible that delay from router A to B is different from router B to A. if yes, under which conditions?? thanks. ...

An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

I am working with a commercial application which is throwing a SocketException with the message, An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host This happens with a socket connection between client and server. The connection is alive and well, and heaps of data is being transferred, but it then becomes disconnected out of...

Active directory logonCount is 0, though the user has logged in

For a user in active directory, the properties hold values for lastlogontime & lastlogontimestamp but the logoncount is 0. I am having only one domain controller in that domain. I found from surfing, that logonCount value of 0 indicates that the value is unknown. But I am totally confused with why it is unknown. Is that an issue with A...

Socket.Recieve Failing When Multithreaded

The following piece of code runs fine when parallelized to 4-5 threads, but starts to fail as the number of threads increase somewhere beyond 10 concurrent threads int totalRecieved = 0; int recieved; StringBuilder contentSB = new StringBuilder(4000); while ((recieved = socket.Receive(buffer, SocketFlags.None)) > 0) { contentSB.Appen...

Windows IIS test server setup

hello everyone, I picked up a new server to do some testing and need of a little help in setting up my environment at home. Here is what I would like to do: The test server will be used to test new code and configurations for a SaaS product. I would like from my laptop to enter and have it hit the server. The server is con...

How to obtain MAC address of WiFi network interface?

It seems the implementation of android does not have a byte[] getHardwareAddress() method I've found several forums of people trying to do this with no definitive answer, I need to get a somewhat cross-device UUID, so I can't rely on phone n...

how to check computer's state using Qt ?

i'm trying to get computer's state in my LAN... thought about using QTcpSocket but it's not realy effective since port also should be inserted as: socket->connectToHost("hostName", portNumber); if (socket->waitForConnected(1000)) qDebug("Connected!"); can anyone demonstare me a better way to check if computer is responding ? ...

Maximum how many chunks can we create of a message so network do not get crashed??

I am working on network layer..i want to know maximum chunks that i can create so network do not get crashed..maximum limit?? ...

How do I check if output stream of a socket is closed?

I have this code: public void post(String message) { output.close(); final String mess = message; (new Thread() { public void run() { while (true) { try { output.println(mess); System.out.println("The following message was successfully sent:"); ...

Rechability of Local LAN Ip on iPhone/iPad?

Hi, i want to check if an Webserver on on local lan ip is reachable. I checked Apple's Rechability Sample, but this sample says all local lan ip's are reachable. Any Ideas how to check this? Thank's ...

Network communication across two private network

Hi All, I am trying to implement a peer to peer communication .. I use sockets for communication between them. I want to know if there are any ways i can use the same sort of communication when the two peers are behind two private Networks (They dont know each others public ip address.) I can think of a shared buffer in a well known l...

Should i need to open port for outgoing request ?

Hey can any one tell me should i need open a port for outgoing request on http? ...

Check a Western server's access time and speed for Asian users?

Hello, I am building a web site targeting users in Europe, South America and Asia. We plan to use a global CDN like Amazon's for static files. However, the CMS itself cannot be easily load-balanced so we still have one central web server. It would be great if Pingdom, Site24x7 or others offered such tests, but AFAIK they don't. What i...

How the buffering work in socket on linux

How does buffering work with sockets on Linux? i.e. if the server does not read the socket and the client keeps sending data. So what will happen? How big is the socket's buffer? And will the client know so that it will stop sending? ...