
Network monitoring systems

I am trying to find a good network monitoring system, easy to configure and to still have a lot of features. I want to try Nagio but it seems to be very complicated. I saw that are also a lot of systems direved from it (or work with it), like groundwork or Shinken. Do you know or recommend a good solution for this? ...

System.IO.Ports.SerialPort Write() Timeout

The program I'm working on in C# (.Net Framework 2.0) calls for the ability to switch over to a 'remote mode' and send ascii data to another screen via Bluetooth. I'll start by saying I'm not a very experienced programmer, and I know nothing about networking, but after fooling around with the SerialPort class yesterday I was able to work...

HOW-TO: Client connection manager for Boost::asio?

Hi, I created a server using boost:asio. When a client connects it sends a file_size, file_name and the file_data. The server stores this in a file on disk. This works perfectly! Though now I'm running both client application and server application in the main thread of their application (so I've got a server and client app) which block...

How to specify a range of MAC addresses?

Hi, I am using Lab Manager 4.0 and in our network configuration for our LAN; I have a range of 10 MAC addresses for networking. I would like to create a VM template which allocates a MAC address from the pool of the specified MAC address. e.g. 00-50-56-3F-DA-02 - 00-50-56-3F-DA-08. In this example, only the last number is in the range ...

VM Templates and Network Configuration

Hi, We are testing Lab Manager 4.0 for our group to manage number of VM templates for deployment. The network configuration in our organization is such that every machine has to be registered with a unique MAC address. As a result, I have a block of 10 IP addresses for 10 (virtual) MAC addresses. I can use them individually to deploy V...

Error 10061 while trying to connect to my server

I'm working on a client/server and I'm having trouble getting them to communicate over the internet. If I'm running them on the same computer, it works fine if I have the client connect to localhost or to my network address (192.168.1...), but it doesn't work (Error 10061: connection actively refused) if I have the client connect to my e...

winbindd fails to resolve local network names when firestarter firewall is up on ubuntu.

I'm using Samba and windbindd on my linux boxes. Without a firewall up on the linux box I have no trouble resolving LAN machine names: user@laptop-linux:~$ ping desktop PING desktop ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=0.878 ms when I start the firewall I get: user@laptop-linux:...

how to call XML based web service through a blackberry eclipse JDE

Hi 2 All... I want to know how to call XML based web service from blackberry there any code or any other libraries i should use....i am using ksoap libraries...but still unable to make a contact with server.. ...

how can a process execute network code

Hello guys, I am a beginner to networking and I have a few questions regarding networking. 1)How can a process execute code that is sent from a different computer on the network. Generally a process's code segment cannot be changed once its loaded to ensure protection. (Also I can execute some arbitrary code to corrupt the process's mem...

using System.Net.NetworkInformation, is there a way to bind a ping to a specific interface?

Although the Ping.Send() is easy and straightforward, I can't seem to figure out how to Ping.Send() out of the interface I choose. specifically my WLAN interface or my Ethernet interface when both are connected to separate networks. Would I have to use the Sockets namespace and the Bind(localEndpoint)? It seems odd that that binding fu...

Communicating between two smartphones without using a Cellular Tower - Peer to Peer

Lets say I have 2 mobile phones which are 50 meters away from each other and I would like to send a very small packet of data from mobile-A to mobile-B, without using any communication to cellular tower. To make it simpler, I would like to build an app which implements a Peer to Peer connection for 2 mobiles in the same radius (in the s...

How to convert WEP key to ASCII passphrase?

Does anyone have a hex->ascii method to reverse the WEP encryption? I have my WEP key (eg F2:E8:54:22:F3), but can't remember my passphrase. I'm not too concerned with the accuracy of the passphrase. I found this site, which has a Linux program that seems to work with values of keys generated by this site (supposedly the same WEP enc...

Bandwidth throttling in Python

What libraries out there let you control the download speed of network requests (http in particular). I don't see anything built-in in urllib2 (nor in (Py)Qt which I intend on using). Can Twisted control bandwidth? If not, how can I control the read buffer size of urllib2 or Twisted? sleeping to suspend network operations isn't an optio...

How to implement OpenDNS style proxying of web traffic

I have a requirement that I believe may be impossible and wanted to confirm this with experts in this community. A client wants us to configure a DNS server to point all non-whitelisted domains to an IP address of a server on the internet. This server should forward / redirect all non-http traffic to an IP address associated with the re...

[busybox] DHCP relay

Hi BusyBox v1.7.2 compiled and running on MIPS-based embedded platform, unfortunately I can't get dhcprelay work properly. I run it this way: dhcprelay vlan1 vlan2 where vlan1 ( - is LAN, vlan2 (ip - interface connected to WAN, - dhcp server address. So, I connect a Windows PC to...

Using HTTP long polling when sockets are available (e.g. iPhone, Blackberry)

I'm currently writing a simple cross platform app with Node.js on the server and web/iPhone/Blackberry clients. Bandwidth and latency requirements are similar to something you would see in an IRC "party game" or any chat system. I've developed the web client using http long polling (speaking JSON both ways). For iPhone/blackberry I coul...

Scanning a Class C network Python

Hi Alls, I'm trying to figure out how can I scan a class C ip range; For example a user provide by cmd line to my script : python (OR Let's figure my script does only a tcp connect action: import socket, sys host = sys.argv[1],65535 s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(host) s.send("...

How to access http://localhost:8080/ from another computer in the network.

I have development server (from google appengine sdk), running on my Ubuntu computer. I can access my site by navigating to localhost:8080 I want to access that site from another computer (with Vista OS) in the network. ifconfig prints the following (snippet): eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1f:e1:c5:30:cf inet...

Programatically switch betwen WiFi networks in .NET CF?

Is it possible to switch between WiFi networks in WM 6 and .NET CF v3.5 ? I'm writing a .NET Compact Framework v3.5 app for a Windows Mobile 6 device. I'd like to be able to switch between 2 different WiFi networks via C#. The first network is an Ad-Hoc wireless network with another device close by, and the second network is any other a...

Is there a way to overcome the port limit on a linux system?

Is there a way to overcome the port limit on a linux system? We have a server running that accepts incoming connection and it uses very little memory and cpu. It's rather silly that we have to build a cluster of small linux boxes just to overcome a software limit (number of points of around 60k). Any ideas? ...