
generating a CSV file, what carriage return character should I use?

I have to create a CSV file that represents an order. The file is going to be FTP'd over, and imported into another system. What line feed/carriage return character should I use? I am pretty sure the receiving end will be a microsoft system, is there a way to make it server agnostic? ...

How to 'explode' this page output

Hi, I'm trying to parse the output of this page -> The documentation of that master server says that every entry is separated in this way Note: LF = LineFeed = 10 Format: serverName[LF]ipAddress:port;users/maxusers;gameCount;version;location[LF] Example: Server Name1 ...

How to save newlines in XML attribute?

I need to save content that containing newlines in some XML attributes, not text. The method should be picked so that I am able to decode it in XSLT 1.0/ESXLT/XSLT 2.0 What is the best encoding method? Please suggest/give some ideas. ...

Replace newlines with <p> paragraph and with <br /> tags

So I know how to replace newlines in my C# code. But replacing a newline for a <br /> tag isn't always very correct. So I was wondering what kind of strategy do others use? The correct way I guess would be to use <p> tags and <br /> tags. Here are some examples of the results I would like to get. If there is no newline I want the te...

awk without printing newline

I want the variable sum/NR to be printed side-by-side in each iteration. How do we avoid awk from printing newline in each iteration ? In my code a newline is printed by default in each iteration for file in cg_c ep_c is_c tau xhpl printf "\n $file" >> to-plot.xls for f in 2.54 1.60 800 awk '{sum+=$3}; END {print sum/NR}'...

CSS How to place a submit button on a new line?

How can I place an input type=submit on a new line following a text area element? without using a br tag or a div, ideally I like to do it using css. ...

[Ruby] How to do a newline in output

Hi, as a warning I am completly new to Ruby (been learning for 1 day) so please explain in simple terms. how do I make \n actually work in my output? At the moment it just writes it all in 1 long block. Thanks for any help Dir.chdir 'C:/Users/name/Music' music = Dir['C:/Users/name/Music/*.{mp3, MP3}'] puts 'what would you like to call ...

How to add line break character on my widget's javascript for Nokia WRT?

Hi guys If anybody like me is using Nokia WRT Plug-in for Visual Studio... I've created on Visual Studio a Rss Reader Widget. Now I'm customizing it, trying to add line breaks in rss tag called "< description>". I'm trying many codes like with no luck: "Fist line\u000dSecond line" "Fist line\u000dSecond line" "Fist line\nSecond li...

How can I search for a character the displays as <85> in Vim?

I have a file that was converted from EBCDIC to ASCII. Where there used to be new lines there are now characters that show up as <85> (a symbol representing a single character, not the four characters it appears to be) and the whole file is on one line. I want to search for them and replace them all with new lines again, but I don't know...

Rationale of choosing difference new line representation by Unix, Mac, DOS/Windows?

Does anyone know the original rationale, or story, of the different platforms each choosing a different, yet similar to some degree, new line representation? There must be some design decisions made originally. (I don't believe this is all random choice ...) Unix/Mac OS X: LF (\n) Mac OS 9 and before: CR (\r) DOS/Windows: CRLF (\r\n) ...

How to treat single newline as real line break in PHP Markdown?

I was reading I would like to implement that "Newline modification" in PHP Markdown: Best I could think of is: $my_html = Markdown($my_text); $my_html = preg_replace("/\n{1}/", "<br/>", $my_html); But this runs very unexpectable. ...

pocket ie renders carriage returns in html?

We're writing a series of screens designed to be used on Pocket IE, on a batch of handheld scanner units from Motorola (aka Symbol). As is typical, I am trying to layout my HTML in something of a readable format, which new controls on new lines, instead of just running my code all together into one big giant unreadable mess. Here is an...

Remove line breaks in Bourne Shell from variable

In bourne shell I have the following: VALUES=`some command that returns multiple line values` echo $VALUES Looks like: "ONE" "TWO" "THREE" "FOUR" I would like it to look like: "ONE" "TWO" "THREE" "FOUR" Can anyone help? ...

Suppressing linebreak when entering environment

In the following LaTeX fragment, how can I suppress the newline that is automatically generated between XXX and YYY after entering the align* environment. XXX \begin{minipage}{t}{0.1in} YYY \begin{align*} ZZZ... \end{align*} \end{minipage} yields XXX YYY ZZZ... But I want XXX YYY ZZZ... Perhaps align* is simply the ...

rstrip not removing newline char what am I doing wrong?

Pulling my hair out here... have been playing around with this for the last hour but I cannot get it to do what I want, ie. remove the newline sequence. def add_quotes( fpath ): ifile = open( fpath, 'r' ) ofile = open( 'ofile.txt', 'w' ) for line in ifile: if line == '\n': ofile.w...

Cannot strip newline from Cocoa NSMutableString ...

Hey, for the life of me, this is not working:.. NSMutableString *b64String = [[[NSMutableString alloc] initWithFormat:@"Basic %@", [string _base64Encoding:string]] autorelease]; [b64String stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]]; NSLog(@"(%@)", b64String); NSRange foundRange = [b64String r...

how to minimize the effect of space or newline in HTML?

First of all, my question may be unclear. I will try to explain it. this is my html <div class="left"><?php print $search_box; ?><?php if (!empty($logo)): ?><a href="<?php print $base_path; ?>" title="<?php print t('Home'); ?>" rel="home"><img src="<?php print $logo; ?>" alt="<?php print t('Home'); ?>" id="logo" width="243" height="62"...

Saving new lines in a textfield to mysql field

Quick and simple (I hope) question; If a user inputs new lines in a text field, ie: 43 Dennis Beeston How can I save the new line rather than have it transferred to the mysql server as one line?! I am using PHP and mysql. Many thanks ...

jQuery textarea append newline behavior

I'm trying to append a strings which end in newlines to a textarea using jQuery. However, different newline tokens show different behavior in Firefox3.5 and IE8, and I can't seem to find a way to use something that works for both browsers. \n works in FF but not in IE <br/> and \r\n work in IE but not in FF No luck using <pre></pre> ta...

How to remove line breaks from a file in Java?

How can I replace all line breaks from a string in Java in such a way that will work on Windows and Linux (ie no OS specific problems of carriage return/line feed/new line etc.)? I've tried (note readFileAsString is a function that reads a text file into a String): String text = readFileAsString("textfile.txt"); text = text.r...