
Diff Tool That Ignores Newlines

I frequently need to compare SQL procedures to determine what has changed in the newest version. The problem is, everyone has their own style of formatting, and SQL doesn't (usually) care about where one puts their newlines (e.g. where clauses all on one line vs. newline before each AND). This makes it very difficult (especially for lo...

Python 3: Write newlines to HTML

I have upgraded to Python 3 and can't figure out how to convert backslash escaped newlines to HTML. The browser renders the backslashes literally, so "\n" has no effect on the HTML source. As a result, my source page is all in one long line and impossible to diagnose. I spent hours searching for the solution to no avail. Can anyone help...

xmlreader newline \n instead of \r\n

When I use XmlReader.ReadOuterXml(), elements are separated by \n instead of \r\n. So, for example, if I have XmlDocument representatino of <A> <B> </B> </A> I get <A>\n<B>\n</B>\n</A> Is there an option to specify newline character? XmlWriterSettings has it but XmlReader doesn't seem to have this. Here is my code to read xml. Not...

Regex: match SQL PRINT blocks with quoted text in it

Hi all, I got the following text: PRINT CONVERT(NVARCHAR, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 111) + ' ' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 108) + ' -Test Mode : ' + (CASE WHEN @turbo_mode_ind = 1 THEN 'some text ''test'' some more text.' ELSE 'an...

How can I print print just a unix newline in Perl on Win32?

By default, perl prints \r\n in a win32 environment. How can I override this? I'm using perl to make some changes to some source code in a repository, and I don't want to change all the newline characters. I tried changing the output record separator but with no luck. Thanks! Edit: Wanted to include a code sample - I'm doing a search ...

What are these ^M's that keep showing up in my files in emacs?

So I think it may have to do with textmate, but we work in a small team and are having some issues with full-file conflicts of nearly identical files in git because each line of one branch has a ^M appended to it. I would just google it, but since google searches strip special characters like ^ I am coming to you guys for help on this. ...

Having line breaks between <li>s

I have a horizontal menu consisting of <li> elements with display: inline. The elements are supposed to be next to each other seamlessly. In the source code, I would like to have each li on one line for easier debugging: <li class="item1 first"> ... </li> <li class="item2"> ... </li> ... However, if I add a \n after each element, th...

How to prevent newline/line break within a <form></form>?

This is my code. <form name="publish"> <?php include 'location.selector.html'; ?> <input type="submit" value="submit"/> </form> When displayed, there is a newline preceding the submit button, how to eliminate this newline/line break? The HTML content of location.selector.html is <table><tr><td>都道府県を選択してください</td> <td>市区町村を選択して...

Line breaks causing php bugs?

I have a php form process script that wasn't saving correctly on our live or test severs but was working in my local test environment. I committed some trivial changes to the file and it started processing correctly. I then reverted those changes and thing still worked correctly. I'm wondering if there was possibly some line breaks / n...

display mysql newline in HTML

Certain fields in our mysql db appear to contain newline characters so that if I SELECT on them something like the following will be returned for a single SQL call: Life to be sure is nothing much to lose But young men think it is and we were young If I want to preserve the line breaks when displaying this field on a webpage, is the ...

What's up with Java's "%n" in printf?

I'm reading Effective Java and it uses %n for the newline character everywhere. I have used \n rather successfully for newline in Java programs. Which is the 'correct' one? What's wrong with '\n' ? Why did Java change this C convention? ...

Order of carriage return and new line feed

Is it important to have the correct order of carriage return then new line feed? For text editors does it matter in what order they appear? For example instead of \r\n this \n\r Seems like Jeff has allready writen up a very nice Blog Post on the subject. ...

eclipse and windows newlines

I had to move my eclipse workspace from Linux to windows when my desktop crashed. A week later I copy it back to Linux, code happily, commit to cvs. And alas, windows newlines have polluted many files, so cvs diff dumps the entrire file, even when I changed a line or two! I could cook up a script, but I am wondering if it will mess up ...

git-diff to ignore ^M

In a project where some of the files contains ^M as newline separators. Diffing these files are apparently impossible, since git-diff sees it as the entire file is just a single line. How does one diff with the previous version? Is there an option like "treat ^M as newline when diffing" ? prompt> git-diff "HEAD^" -- diff --...

The text format within <pre></pre> is gone, what's wrong?

I input some text in <textarea></textarea>, I enter some line breaks, spaces,etc. purposely. However, after the text is submitted and rendered within <pre></pre>, the newline, whitespaces are gone, they are replaced by something like \r\n\r\n, what's wrong? How can I keep the original format? <textarea name="detail" id="detail" rows="7...

dojo newbie read json response from web service

i have a webservice that is returning this response : <string xmlns=""&gt;{ "Head":[ { "ID":"1","Name":"David"} ]}</string> when i try to get the response back, i keep getting the error : "missing ; before statement" i am just starting to get into this so am probably doing something very wrong. why is the respons...

RegEx getting script & parameters .. almost there...

Hi, I'm trying to parse a Powershell script for its functions and parameters. I am almost there, byt I am having troubles with newlines. The expression parses test2 to test6 fine but with test1 I cannot get it to work. I could of course specify my clients do not use the first syntax, but there must be a way. Can someone point me in the...

.NET Regex parsing of the newline character

Hi. I face some problem. In my string there can be a special character / newline '\r\n' Part of my regex: string sRegex = "(?<string>\"+.*\"|'+.*')"; How I should modify this regex to exclude newline from my string? Thanks for help. ...

prettify highlightning in a PRE with white-space:nowrap is one line in IE

Hi, In Internet Explorer, a PRE with a style of white-space:nowrap is causing the code in the PRE to be in one single line when I use prettify ( Doesn't a <br/> is supposed to cause a new line in a PRE? I checked the HTML source generated by prettify after the page has loaded and it gener...

How do I include the newlines from syscomments in SQL Server?

I'm building a script to get all the triggers in the document, but I want to include newlines. I'm copying and pasting this into excel in order to then quickly generate some mandated documentation, but all the contents from the text column end up being generated without newlines. The line I'm currently using, which produces truncation i...