
UINavigationController and low-memory warnings

I use a UINavigationController (included in my app's main NIB file) with the following view-controller structure: navigationController | V RootVC ---> LevelOneVC ---> LevelTwoVC All my view controllers' views are loaded from NIB files using the same name as the view controller classes (RootVC.xib, etc). The ...

Modifiying Nib file without Interface Builder

I was wondering if there is any way to directly manipulate the XIB/NIB files without the use of Interface Builder. I know its difficult but is there any way. Can you please tell me how can I do that or the internal structure or the documentations available on it? And will it be feasible or better in any other way. Regards, Vivek ...

nib no longer displays

One of the nib files in my program has stopped displaying when loaded. In desperation, I've tried rebuilding it from the ground up. When I first created the new file, with a xib dressed up with the labels and text fields, but without any code in the .h or .m (other than the starting defaults) that .xib would display. Once I cut and past...

iPhone 4 nib sizes

I want to do an iPhone 4 only app that uses the iAd AdBannerView. When I add this it has a fixed size of 320x50. How does this work with the higher resolution? Can someone explain how the higher resolution of the iPhone4 vs the previous devices work in relation to UIView's in xib files. Do I create the UIView with the higher resolution ...

Is it ok to make multiple UIViewControllers inherit from each other and let only the last one have a nib file?

Hey guys, I am trying to implement a UIViewController hirarchy where the top most UIView Controller implements just a few basic methods the second level view controller a few more methods (depending on which one it is) and the last one on the third level has some more customized methods and also a nib file whereas none of the UIView Con...

Subclasses of UIButton loaded from nibs are not initialized properly

I have a very simple subclass of UIButton: @interface MyButton : UIButton @end @implementation MyButton - (id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)decoder { if (!(self = [super initWithCoder:decoder])) return nil; NSLog(@"-[%@ initWithCoder:%@]", self, decoder); return self; } @end In Interface Builder I add a UIButton, ...

Xcode not updating nib files.

I am adding new properties in the controller but they are not appearing in IB. I am putting IBOutlet before the properties but for some reason they are not appearing there, neither IBActions. I restated xcode, my computer but nothing is changing this. This problem started when i installed the new version of xcode 3.2.3. Update: OK i w...

awakeFromNib (loadNibNamed) not called on iPad device - works fine on simulator

I made an universal app for iPhone and iPad with this code (from an Apple Sample-Code): - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application { if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone) { // load the content controller object for iPhone-based devices [[NSBundle mainBundl...

Is it correct to initialise a UITableViewCell using initWithCoder?

I am loading a UITableViewCell using, [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"BlogCell" owner:self options:nil]; cell = blogCell; self.blogCell = nil; where blogCell is an outlet to BlogCell.xib The actual UITableViewCell is of type BlogCell which is a subclass of UITableViewCell. In my BlogCell class I am using -(id)initWithCoder:(...

Load from nib file

I have an IB plugin that contains myController. I can set some properties of the controller in IB's Inspector. These properties are saved in the nib file but at runtime, myController doesn't init with these properties (they aren't read from the nib file). How do I fix this problem? ...

Is there a pre-iOS 4 replacement or workaround for UINib?

My application features a tableview which contains some rather complex tableviewcells. Therefore, these cells have been designed in Interface Builder and are instanciated later as needed using UINib which allows just that - load the content from a nib and instanciate it as needed. But UINib is only available for iOS 4.0 and above. Befor...

Weird problem using UINib / pointer going AWOL

I have something weird going on with using UINib, although I suspect the real problem may be buried elsewhere. My app is using a tableview, the content for the cells has been prepared in Interface Builder due to their complexity. For new cells (as opposed to reused ones), the contents of the nib are instantiated using the UINib Class. B...

how are decomposed xib / nib files tied and linked together

Hello, When you decompose a nib file, xcode creates multiple nib files, but I can't see where the "children" nib files are tied or attached to the hierarchy. ...

My NIB subview throws NSUnkwownKeyException when connecting IBOutlets

I have used IB to create a NIB that will be loaded as a subview into my apps main view. That main view is a UIImagePickerController (its called visorViewController) and does not have a nib of it's own - it is complex it and was coded by hand. My subview is its own class - newSuperBlob.m/.h/.xib, and it is a subclass of UIView. Using a v...

Nib file (and code) organization in a one-window, non-document-based app

Good people of StackOverflow, I am in the early stages of building a non-document-based Cocoa application. What I'm aiming for is a window layout similar to iTunes, with a left, middle, and right pane. The Xcode template for such an application includes a file called MainMenu.xib containing both the main menu, and the main application w...

NSBundle may not respond to +loadNibNamed:owner:options:

I am receiving the above warning in my code. I looked up the method in the documentation and found it was declared in UINibLoading.h. I tried importing this, but the warning didn't disappear. ...

What is the best way to load a custom UIView?

In my iPhone app, I made a custom UIView that I use in several different view controllers to display some information. I'm familiar with making customer table cells for use in a table but I've never made a custom view again. My question is what is the best way to load this view? I've tried simply placing the view in the view controlle...

tranisition from iphone to ipad nibs

hello, i am wondering how its possible to have an iphone nib that has some uitextfields and some labels to be automatically repotitioned if the device is an ipad. (i dont want a second nib) im trying to get my iphone nib to autoresize in the middle of the screen if the device is an ipad so that all the text fields and buttons arent place...

iPhone - SubClassing UIToolbar the right way ???

I created a new Class named CustomToolbar Then i created an empty nib, added a toolbar to it, and set the toolbar class to "CustomToolbar". What is the proper way of initializing CustomToolbar In code so that my class uses the nib file? I already have written the code to do that but i know it's not the correct way and it has a leak. ...

Nib loading with View Controllers on iOS

Does anyone know the rules for default nib loading of iOS View Controllers? Specifically what naming conventions are supported by -[UIViewController initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil]? The docs, quoted below, don't seem to indicate any special magic in determining the name. However I have determined that there does appear to be some magic ...