
Ninject: Provide an un-opened SqlConnection when asked for DbConnection

I want to map DbConnection to an un-opened SqlConnection using Ninject. This is what I've done: string constr = @"Server=.\SQLEXPRESS; Trusted_Connection=True; Database=TestDB"; Bind<DbConnection>().To<SqlConnection>() .Using<OnePerRequestBehavior>() .WithConstructorArgument("connectionString", constr); However, when trying t...

I am looking for a simple yet practical and robust IOC\DI framework for .net

I am going to use it in a project with less-experienced developers so a complex framework such as Spring.NET is not an option. I was thinking about: Ninject Castle Windsor StructureMap Which would present a moderate learning curve without losing flexibility? and another question - where is the correct place to put the configuration?...

NInject with Generic interface

I have defined one interface and one class: public interface IRepository<T> { } public class RoleRepository:IRepository<Domain_RoleInfo> { } Inject here: public RoleService { [Inject] public RoleService(IRepository<Domain_RoleInfo> rep) { _roleRep=rep; } } How can I perform Dependency Injection With Ninject...

How to inject an 2.0 web service reference using ninject

I was trying to inject an 2.0 good old web service reference but it failed. the failure was when trying to use the injected interface. ...

Creating an instance using Ninject with additional parameters in the constructor

I decided to start using Ninject and face an issue. Say I have the following scenario. I have an IService interface and 2 classes implementing this interface. And also I have a class, which has a constructor getting IService and an int. How can I create an instance of this class with Ninject (I dont want to hardwire this int, I want to p...

Ninject kernel creation inside a class library

I have a class that has dependencies that I've wired up with Ninject. public interface IFoo {} public class MyObject { [Inject] IFoo myfoo; } In the real implementation I'm using property injection, but just to quickly illustrate, I'll inject on the field. As I understand, instead of newing instances of MyObject, in order ...

How do i get ninject 2.0 working with mvc 2?

Hello, i am using:- mvc rc 2 Ninject and ninject mvc extension ( i keep getting the 'No parameterless constructor defined for this object.' for my AccountController. The AccountController is injected with Services. The bindings for these services are defined in the ServiceModu...

Ninject 2 Property Injection for ActionFilterAttribute not working

I have a method attribute which expects several properties to be injected by Ninject 2, but userSession and jobRepository are coming up as null: [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false)] public class JobAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute { [Inject] private IUserSession userSession; [Inject] private...

What DLL is the Bind(Of T) from Ninject located in.

I am using .Net 3.5 and a console application that eventually will become a windows service. Most of the examples I find use something like Bind<IWeapon>().To<Sword>(); I have included all the DLL as references in my project and I the compiler is still complaining. Any clues of where I am going wrong? Sorry this might be a stupid qu...

Ninject modules or organising wiring up dependencies

I've started playing with Ninject and from a screencast it states the following is how you set up a binding: class MyModule : StandardModule { public override void Load() { Bind<IInterface>().To<ConcreteType>(); // More bindings here... } } This is all very good. However suppose you have one hundred objects u...

Using Ninject, if I create a custom provider must I ensure a single instance or can I use the SingleInstance attribute?

Hi I am hoping either Peter or Ruben sees this question as they seem to be the go to guys regarding Ninject. I needed to create a custom provider because I have a class that takes 4 arguments. The two can be injected because they are types but the other two are configuration parameters and are integers. They refer to timeouts in millise...

ninject 2 and db4o

Hi, I am trying to use ninject with db4o and I have a problem. This is the relevant code from the Global.aspx static IObjectServer _server; protected override void OnApplicationStarted() { AutoMapperConfiguration.Configure(); RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); RegisterAllControllersIn(Assembly.Get...

Lazy generic delegate initialisation using Ninject

I'm using Ninject 1.0 and would like to be able to inject lazy initialisation delegates into constructors. So, given the generic delegate definition: public delegate T LazyGet<T>(); I'd simply like to bind this to IKernel.Get() so that I can pass a lazy getter into constructors, e.g. public class Foo { readonly LazyGet<Bar> getBa...

Ninject 2, logging, and WebForms

The officially released Ninject 2 no longer includes reference to the WebForms-specific functionality for IoC for WebForms, MasterPages, etc. It's now separated out into plugins/extensions; which in this case is the extension. My problem however is that there's a dependency on log4net (or NLog) and I ...

Using Ninject 2.0 with ASP .Net 3.5

Hi, I am trying to use Ninject 2.0 with Asp .Net 3.5 web application. Following are the DLLS and it's versions I am using. Ninject.dll - v2.0.0.0 Ninject.Extensions.Logging.dll v2.0.0.0 Ninject.Web.dll v1.0.0.0 In my global.ascx.cs I have following method. protected override IKernel CreateKernel() { IKernel kernel = new...

Ninject.Web.PageBase still resulting in null reference to injected dependency

I have an ASP.NET 3.5 WebForms application using Ninject 2.0. However, attempting to use the Ninject.Web extension to provide injection into System.Web.UI.Page, I'm getting a null reference to my injected dependency even though if I switch to using a service locator to provide the reference (using Ninject), there's no issue. My configur...

Is there a better way to use Castle Windsor's API for Factories?

I am open to other IoC containers, such as NInject and StructureMap if they are much cleaner than this. I hear that StructureMap just introduced "containers" that may simplify this , perhaps? As the title says, is there a better way? This seems like a lot of code, just to register an object that requires a factory to create it. // Th...

Strategy Design pattern with IOC containers - Ninject specifically.

I have a class which is going to need to use the strategy design pattern. At run time I am required to switch different algorithms in and out to see the effects on the performance of the application. The class in question currently takes four parameters in the constructor, each representing an algorithm. How using Ninject (or a general...

Ninject 2.0 - binding to a object that uses the same interface more than once?

Consider the following: public Something(IInterface concreteObjectOne, IInterface concreteObjectTwo) { this.concreteObjectOne = concreteObjectOne; this.concreteObjectTwo = concreteObjectTwo; } How do I set set this type of binding up with Ninject? I'd try Googling the term, but as I'm not sure what this is...

Anyone using Ninject 2.0 as the nServiceBus ObjectBuilder?

I have been trying to get nServiceBus to work with Ninject 2.0 as the underlying IoC container unsuccessfully. While I can achieve basic integration, I've had issues with "ghost" messages getting sent to the various subscribers. I used the Autofac implementation as a template of sorts, replacing the necessary pieces with Ninject-specif...