
What is the most effective way to create a reference to this HTML element using plain JavaScript?

If I have the following HTML: <div id="container"> <iframe></iframe> </div> What is the most effective way (mainly in terms of performance) to create a reference to the <iframe> DOM element? I'm using something like the following: var element = document.getElementById('container').getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0]; IIRC, though, ...

An easy way to display prototype nodes in PHP?

It's a kind of UI second flavor, function UISecond($elements) { } So that this functions shows the specified elements(with name,id and type) which is neccesary,but not too picky about how exactly it's displayed. EDIT Give it an array,output the HTML. Anyone has tried this? EDIT AGAIN I want to develop a render engine like drupal...

Inserting a node into a linked list c

Okay This is the code for insering a node into a linked list. vec_store holds seq and size. Variable seq holds the vectors and a pointer. and vec_mag takes magnitude of vectors. For some reason, the (vec_mag(v)<=vec_mag(temp2->next->data)) doesn't work which is the last condition. Any1 can solve the problem? By the way this is C code...

Create groovy xml with an "envelop" - add nodes in the middle of a xml structure

Hi all, (sorry for the weird title...) I want to use the groovy builder system to create a xml. My problem is that i want to have some kind of envelop around, which the user dont has to care about. An example: def builder = new groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder() { bar('hello') } this should create lets say <Something i...

What does node mean in MySQL?

Could anyone explain what node means in MySQL? This one is talking about nested set. I am reading a document from Codeigniter's wiki and I am not sure what I am supposed to add for $node. getSubTreeAsHTML (line 704) Renders the fields for each node starting at the given node * return: Sample HTML render of tree string getSubTre...

XSL: How to test if the current node is a descendent of another node.

Hi, I'm pretty new to XSLT, but need to use it for a CMS using at the moment. I've already come up with a problem, but I'll try to describe my it without going into too much information about the underlying CMS. If you need more context to help me, I can add it in. So all I want to do is test if a node of my xml is a descendant of a pa...

deleting multiple nodes in dojo.fadeOut onEnd

I'm trying to remove multiple nodes specified by checkboxes after a dojo fadeout. The nodes are simple HTML tr elements. There is an onclick event on a button that executes the below. var tbody = dojo11.byId("resultBody1"); for (var k=0; k < selections.length; k++) { var temp = selections[k]; dojo11.fadeOut( { ...

XPath. Select nodes based on an other, related node

Hi All, I have an xml that contains two groups of related values: <Rows> <!-- first group --> <Row> <Sequence>100</Sequence> <Value>+</Value> </Row> <Row> <Sequence>105</Sequence> <Value>+</Value> </Row> <Row> <Sequence>110</Sequence> <Value>-</Value> </Ro...

where does drupal store the actual content in the database?

Hi experts,, I have opened the database of drupal 7 and looked up in the tables node, node_revisions and node types and couldn't find where drupal stores the actual body of the node (content). any body have a clue? ...

XPath concat multilpe nodes

Hi, I'm not very familiar with xpath. But I was working with xpath expressions and setting them in a database. Actually it's just the BAM tool for biztalk. Anyway, I have an xml which could look like: <File> <Element1>element1<Element1> <Element2>element2<Element2> <Element3> <SubElement>sub1</SubElement> <SubElement>sub2...

C# xmldataprovider insert node

Hello, I am trying to write an editor for an xml config file. I have the xml file bound to a listview and selecting an element and then clicking edit allows you to edit an element. When the user clicks save, a delegate is called which updates the element within the xml document. I have tried to do the updating in various ways including a...

DAG based application

Hi the other day I could not exprese myself correctly and get closed my answer, so here's my second shot: I need to create a basic DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) application, put on common words, a node based application. I don't need a GUI for nw, just a console example, that excecute the whole tree. here's what I have so far : type...

Drupal: Avoid database when dealing with node type info?

I'm writing a Drupal module that deals with creating new nodes from CSV files. The way I've been doing it currently, the user provides a node type, and my module goes to the database to find the fields for that node. After the user matches the node fields to the CSV fields, I want to validate the data. This requires finding out the typ...

Drupal6: Trying to get errors from node_validate()

I'm trying to validate a set of nodes before saving them to the database: foreach ($nodes_to_save as $node) { if (! (node_validate($node, $form))) { form_set_error('', t('Node %title did not validate. No nodes were saved.', array('%title' => $node->title))); $success = FALSE; break; } } The documentatio...

Drupal-6: Why won't this node save?

I have constructed a set of nodes. After running them through node_save(), I get back an nid, and I can navigate to the page for that node, but they are empty. (No data is shown for any of the fields.) When I go to the edit url for that node, I get this error message: warning: call_user_func_array() []...

Drupal: Node Submission Time

How do I print into a block the node submission time. something like... print $node->submitted_time? ...

SQL Server 2008 shredding XML data - cant get element text in rowset!

Please consider this simple example. I can't get the text of the state element 'red' or 'blue' Please help!!!!! this is driving me batty DECLARE @xml XML; SET @xml = '<capitals> <state name="Alabama" abbreviation="AL" capital="Montgomery" >red</state> <state name="Alaska" abbreviation="AK" capital="Juneau" >bl...

how do I: setup date function in node output to format date from to - date to, then start and finish times

currently the output from my date field entries reads like this Sun, 25/04/2010 - 10:00am - Sun, 02/05/2010 - 5:00pm but I would prefer it to read like this Sun, 25/04/2010 - Sun, 02/05/2010 10:00am - 5:00pm is there a drupal beginner way of doing this? ...

Reading info inside a node of an XML using dataset

<cat number="35"> <eye>brown</eye> <tail>long</tail> </cat> <dog number="35"> <eye>green</eye> <tail>short</tail> </dog> I've loaded an XML like this into a dataset, and to access info i'm just using this: ds.Tables(cat).Rows(0)(eye) //returns brown but i'd like to get the cat's number, how do i access this information using one...

Convert an XML node to a MovieClip

I have an xml document that I would like to use to show MovieClips in my .fla: <linkedMovieClip>TestClip</linkedMovieClip> In my .fla, I created a symbol called TestClip and select Linkage > Export for Actionscript and named it TestClip. My code in my Document class traces the xml: var t:*= getDefinitionByName(String(slideItem.linke...