
I'm getting a NULL output in a SQL Function when concatting fields

I have the following function: CREATE FUNCTION fGetTransactionStatusLog ( @TransactionID int ) RETURNS varchar(8000) AS BEGIN declare StatusChanges cursor for select NewStatusID, FirstName + ' ' + LastName AS UserName, Stamp, CAST(Notes AS varchar(8000)) AS Notes from TransactionStatusChanges tsc left join Us...

Is there a Java standard "both null or equal" static method?

To save some typing and clarify my code, is there a standard version of the following method? public static boolean bothNullOrEqual(Object x, Object y) { return ( x == null ? y == null : x.equals(y) ); } ...

Get null == null in SQL

I wish to search a database table on a nullable column. Sometimes the value I'm search for is itself NULL. Since Null is equal to nothing, even NULL, saying where MYCOLUMN=SEARCHVALUE will fail. Right now I have to resort to where ((MYCOLUMN=SEARCHVALUE) OR (MYCOLUMN is NULL and SEARCHVALUE is NULL)) Is there a simpler way of sa...

Why does Oracle 9i treat an empty string as NULL?

I know that it does consider ' ' as NULL, but that doesn't do much to tell me why this is the case. As I understand the SQL specifications, ' ' is not the same as NULL -- one is a valid datum, and the other is indicating the absence of that same information. Feel free to speculate, but please indicate if that's the case. If there's an...

A SQL query that replaces null values.

I need a SQL query that returns ContactDate, SortName, City, ContactType, and Summary from the tables below. If any value is null, I need it to return the text “No Entry”. ContactTable ContactID ContactDate UserID Summary ContactType SortName UserTable UserID FirstName LastName AddressID AddressTable AddressID City Street ...

C# ADO.NET: nulls and DbNull -- is there more efficient syntax?

I've got a DateTime? that I'm trying to insert into a field using a DbParameter. I'm creating the parameter like so: DbParameter datePrm = updateStmt.CreateParameter(); datePrm.ParameterName = "@change_date"; And then I want to put the value of the DateTime? into the dataPrm.Value while accounting for nulls. I thought initially I'd b...

DateTime "null" value

I've been searching a lot but couldn't find a solution. How do you deal with a DateTime that should be able to contain an uninitialized value (equivalent to null)? I have a class which might have a DateTime property value set or not. I was thinking of initializing the property holder to DateTime.MinValue, which then could easily be check...

How to tell if a string is not defined in a bash shell script?

If I want to check for the null string I would do [ -z $mystr ] but what if I want to check whether the variable has been defined at all? Or is there no distinction in bash scripting? ...

NULL in MySQL (Performance & Storage)

What exactly does null do performance and storage (space) wise in MySQL? For example: TINYINT: 1 Byte TINYINT w/NULL 1 byte + somehow stores NULL? ...

Insert default value when parameter is null

I have a table that has a column with a default value: create table t ( value varchar(50) default ('something') ) I'm using a stored procedure to insert values into this table: create procedure t_insert ( @value varchar(50) = null ) as insert into t (value) values (@value) The question is, how do I get it to use the defaul...

How can I check for null values in Access?

I am new to Access. I have a table full of records. I want to write a function to check if any id is null or empty. If so, I want to update it with xxxxx. The check for id must be run through all tables in a database. Can anyone provide some sample code? ...

How do I return my records grouped by NULL and NOT NULL?

I have a table that has a processed_timestamp column -- if a record has been processed then that field contains the datetime it was processed, otherwise it is null. I want to write a query that returns two rows: NULL xx -- count of records with null timestamps NOT NULL yy -- count of records with non-null timestamps Is that...

When should I be using "NOT NULL" in a MySQL table and are there any benefits?

I have the following rails migration: create_table :articles do |t| t.integer :user_id, :allow_null => false t.integer :genre_id, :allow_null => false t.string :url, :limit => 255, :allow_null => false t.string :title, :limit => 60, :allow_null => false t.text :summary, :limit => 350, :allow_null => false t.integer :votes_co...

How are NULLs stored in a database ?

Hello, I'm curious to know how NULLs are stored into a database ? It surely depends on the database server but I would like to have an general idea about it. First try: Suppose that the server put a undefined value (could be anything) into the field for a NULL value. Could you be very lucky and retrieve the NULL value with ...WHER...

How to avoid "!= null" statements in Java?

I work with java all day long. The most used idiom (code snippet) I'm programing in java, is to test if an object != null before I use it, to avoid a NullPointerException of course. But the code looks very ugly and becomes unreadable. Is there a good alternative to avoid this code snippet? Update: Pan, I was not clear with my question...

Unique ways to use the Null Coalescing operator

I know the standard way of using the Null coalescing operator in C# is to set default values. string nobody = null; string somebody = "Bob Saget"; string anybody = ""; anybody = nobody ?? "Mr. T"; // returns Mr. T anybody = somebody ?? "Mr. T"; // returns "Bob Saget" But what else can ?? be used for? It doesn't seem as useful as t...

Javascript: var is null

I have this piece of Javascript and it just won't work. I allready checked JSlint but that said everything works. Still doesn't work. The javascript is located not in the HTML but is linked in the <head> note: I am working with a local server, so pageload in instant. function changeVisibility() { var a = document.getElementById('in...

PHP by-reference parameters and default null

Let's say we have a method signature like public static function explodeDn($dn, array &$keys = null, array &$vals = null, $caseFold = self::ATTR_CASEFOLD_NONE) we can easily call the method by omitting all parameters after $dn: $dn=Zend_Ldap_Dn::explodeDn('CN=Alice Baker,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com'); We can also call the metho... Date Binding Issue with Nulls

I have a nullable date in my database. I am connecting to it with a LinqDataSource, and binding with a FormView. It allows you to place dates fine, but if you remove the date I need it to insert the null value to the db. It is instead throwing an exception. <asp:TextBox ID="TxtStartDate" runat="server" Text='<%# Bin...

NullReferenceException when sending XMLWrite output to httpContext.Response.OutputStream

I have an application where every now and then I'm getting a strange error. This is the piece of code: Dim XMLWriter As New System.Xml.XmlTextWriter(Me.Context.Response.OutputStream, Encoding.UTF8) XMLWriter.WriteStartDocument() XMLWriter.WriteStartElement("Status") Message.SerializeToXML(XMLWriter) XMLWriter.WriteEndEl...