
OAuth for Internal Twitter Feeds

Still trying to wrap my noggin around OAuth, but I have a question. I have some twitter accounts that are solely for internal use, build server output, etc. and I have some little bash and python scripts that let me publish updates from jobs and stuff. For this type of use case, does OAuth make sense? I ask because part of the OAuth pr...

Twitter Oauth with ASP.NET MVC, where to store secret token

I have a dilemma where to store secret tokens that I receive from twitter. Options: a. Put it into FormsAuthenticationTicket, encrypt it and put it into cookie. Is this secure enough? b. Put it into Session and put user_name into FormsAuthentciation FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(String.Concat("<em>", screen_name, "</em>"), true...

How do I request data securely via Google OAuth?

Until recently users of my site were able to import data from Google, via OAuth. However, recently they have received the warning below, in a yellow box, when authorising (although the import still works). I've also noticed this same warning on Facebook's GMail authenticator! What's changed / am I missing? This website is registere...

Django - AttributeError - 'User' object has no attribute 'validate'

I'm getting an AttributeError using rcrowley's django-twitterauth: http://github.com/rcrowley/django-twitterauth Looks like it occurs when the validate() method is called on the user object, which the user object does not have. I don't know why the author did this. I'm really new to Django, wondering if anyone else knows. I know you can...

How do websites post to Twitter, on my behalf? Is this OAuth?

Hi folks, i'm wanting to allow my website to post (an authorised user) to twitter (eg. update status). How do websites do this? eg. TwitPic, etc? I know i had to authenticate at one point with the source website -> twitter -> my twitter account. It's just like how I log into SO -> using OpenId. Is this OAuth / the twitter's OAuth API...

twitter oauth icomparer error

I am trying to convert this code from csharp to vb. Used all kids of free csharp to vb converter but getting an error. please let know if anyone has solved this problem before. error: Class 'QueryParameterComparer' must implement 'Function Compare(x As OAuthBase.QueryParameter, y As OAuthBase.QueryParameter) As Integer' for interface '...

OAuth library for BlackBerry apps (for a twitter client)

Hi Is there an OAuth library available for integration with BlackBerry apps? I would like to post a tweet from my app but could not find anything which would help in logging in. Did find this URL but could not get it working in my BB app. Can anyone please help me out. Thanks. ...

Invalid OAuth Signature returned while using Yammer Api

I am trying to write a small webapp that pulls data from Yammer. I have to go through Yammer's OAuth bridge to access their data. I tried using the Oauth php library and do the 3 way handshake. But at the last step, I get an error stating I have an invalid OAuth Signature. Here are the series of steps: The first part involves getting...

OpenSocial authentication from external application

I'm working on a web project that isn't all that dissimilar in principal to power.com, where I am attempting to unify several different social networking sites under a single website, allowing users to register once with the system, and then add as many of their individual social networking accounts (Facebook, MySpace, Orkut, etc) as the...

Trouble setting Request Parameters in MPOAuthConnection

I'm using MPOAuthConnection for Cocoa oauth. I've updated the latest from SVN, built the project and have been playing the example provided. In the example, the method called has no place to set parameters. The WebService API I'm using requires parameters to obtain the data (of course). I've tried modifying the example code directly to s...

Update twitter status using oauth

I am trying to update status from my c# application using oauth. At first i am able to update the status successfully where the oauth has oauth_token, and oauth_token_secret //Get the access token and secret. oAuth.AccessTokenGet(Request["oauth_token"]); if (oAuth.TokenSecret.Length > 0) { ...

Best practices around generating OAuth tokens?

I realize that the OAuth spec doesn't specify anything about the origin of the ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, AccessToken, RequestToken, TokenSecret, or Verifier code, but I'm curious if there are any best practices for creating significantly secure tokens (especially Token/Secret combinations). As I see it, there are a few approaches to ...

Android: Twitter and OAuth anyone?

I was wondering if anyone got this working. I am trying to do a basic authentication but for some reason it keeps complaining "Could not authenticate you.". How would I go about getting it to run with OAUTH? ...

Two legged OAuth using DotNetOpenAuth

I have read up on two legged OAuth and understand the principals behind it - my question is specific to the DotNetOpenAuth library. Is there sample code or supporting documentation on how to use DotNetOpenAuth via two legged authentication? Three legged appears to be supported quite well and since two legged is simply a reduction in th...

Uploading to rails via oauth

I'm having problems uploading a file through the OAuth gem (0.3.6). The way I call it is: response = @access_token.put( args[ 0 ], args[ 1 ], { 'Accept' => 'application/xml', 'Content-Type' => 'multipart/form-data' } ) args is an array, [ 0 ] is the url I want to send the multipart form, [ 1 ] is the hash of parameters. I'm using...

Storing Twitter OAuth in MySQL

I'm about to add a feature on my website that will post stuff to the users' twitter accounts. I read that storing an "OAuth" token is better than storing their usernames and passwords (which makes sense). What should I store in my MySQL database? The token, secret and username? Or just the token? What data type(s) would you use? How bi...

Best Practices for REST Shared Secret Value

I am using a REST API that uses oauth for authentication. When registering for the service I was given my API Consumer Key and my API Shared Secret. I've been simply hardcoding the Shared Secret into my Application code and compiling it. Is this the best way to manage a Shared Secret? That is, are there any security implications? Shou...

Python: OAuth Library

Is there a full flegged python library for oauth? I haven't found any that handle reissuing of oauth tokens once they expire (Step 5 on the Yahoo OAuth flow). So what is the most complete? I tried the one from oauth.net, and it doesn't handle oauth_session_handle which the oauth spec says is required if the endpoint returns it (like yah...

Trouble Using Third Party Framework In Xcode 3.2

I am attempting to set up my own project using a third party library (MPOAuthConnection) for connecting to an oauth REST API. Steps I've gone through thus far: Downloaded source for MPOAuthConnection. Built source and had a resulting MPOAuth.framework in the Product tab. Opened my existing project and dragged the MPOAuth.framework in...

OAuth's tokens and sessions in REST

The other minute I read an article on OAuth. It described especially the tokens being exchanged between client and service provider during a series of requests. The article also mentioned that OAuth gains significant popularity in RESTful APIs as authorization layer. As I understood, REST should be kept completely stateless. The questi...