
Obfuscating your jquery code.

Possible Duplicate: How can I obfuscate JavaScript? Can someone please suggest a method to obfuscate the jquery code used in a website. Is it correct to do so from the functionality point of view, i mean will it work fine on all browsers after obfuscation ? Thanks. ...

java proguard: library doesnt work after optimization

hello, i am optimizing a jar with proguard, but it crashes after optimization. here is my proguard task: <proguard> -injars ${dist}/${jarname} -outjars ${dist}-proguard/${jarname} -target 5 -libraryjars '${java.home}/lib/rt.jar' -dontobfuscate -optimizationpasses ...

Best Practice for Obfuscating a C# Visual Studio DSL Solution as VSIX

I was wondering if anyone has any advice for obfuscating a DSL? Background - We have created a DSL which we will putting into the Visual Studio Gallery as a VSIX file. We already use dotfuscator for our obfuscation on other projects but I would like to know if there are any best practices or issues when packaging a DSL for deployment a...

Would it be so tragic not to Obfuscate my product?

Disclaimer: I'm not sure if this is for a programming or startup forum, anyway... Hello, I'm building a software (a concept-mind-mapping/diagramming product in .NET) and seeing trouble with obfuscation (alteration of deliverable code to difficult decompilation): It cost money and time to make it work ok, and I think hackers will break i...

having problem with proguard trying to obfuscate code that uses Spring

My project uses spring for IoC. After obfuscation the application context fails to find the bean since it's class name has been changed. I tried to use -adaptresourcefilecontents option to get context.xml file be updated according to the class name, but it didn't work: the file wasn't changed. Any ideas? ...

What language will protect my source code?

I wish to create shareware software that contains a registration algorithm. I am looking for a programming language, that cannot be easily decompiled into readable code. For example, C# can be decompiled into readable code. What are my options? Edit: I'm looking for something that can be only decompiled into assembly. Delphi, for exa...

What security can be added to Java Applets?

When building a Java Applet are there any steps that can be made to prevent a user invoking internal methods? Theoretically most objects can be analysed and methods can be invoked on a client machine. In addition to obfuscation are there any other steps that can help prevent this? My situation is to secure a game where the top score i...

Can anyone de-obfuscate this exploit?

I came across the following exploit due to a warning from my AV software. It originated from an adserver delivering banner ads on one of my sites. I have retrieved the content with Wget and copied to pastebin. http://pastebin.com/m6fa38fac [Warning: Link may contain malware - Do not visit from vulnerable PC.] Please note that you have...

How can I obfuscate a Symfony PHP Web App?

Hello, I am looking to distribute a symfony web app, but don't want to reveal its source code. I know it is tough to obfuscate PHP, but I was wondering if there are any closed or open source solutions to obfuscate and/or encode the backend code so that someone receiving the app can run it but wouldn't be able to view the source code? ...

Recommended .Net Obfuscater for VS 2008?

Is there a recommended obfuscater for compiled .Net (C#) code that plugs into VS2008? If not, a stand-alone will do fine, and preferably one that can obfuscate multiple assemblies at once. I also realize the purpose of these is simply to make it more difficult to reverse-engineer the code... which is exactly what I want. Thank you. U...

How to create own dotnet obfuscator

I know that dot net dlls and exe contain their assemblies with them so every body can extract code from it. so to tell me how can i create my own dotnet obfuscator and tell me if their exist any other way to protect my application to deassemble. and plez dont give me link of any paid obfuscator. i would prefer code sample in c# or vb.net...

How to protect Java codes against decompiler ?

As we know , there are a lot of java decompiler tools which can convert .class to .java file. Therefore,we need to protect our .java files against decompiler. I know this is a big topic,and maybe there is no ending. Usually, there are two ways : obfuscator and customized classloader. Is there any mature solution or open source framewo...

.Net Component for JavaScript Obfuscation?

Are there any .Net components for obfuscating JavaScript? I'm generating JavaScript dynamically & emitting via ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock. I'd like to make it more difficult for others to view and modify that script. Caveats: Yes, I know that JavaScript obfuscation will merely inconvenience a serious developer. I do intend...

Better obfuscating in Visual Studio for solutions with many projects?

I have a solution with many projects, which leads to many dll files. My question is, is this an obstacle when obfuscating and should I optimize this in some way? Or it is just a matter of public/private fields/methods? ...

calculating expression without using semicolon

Given the expression by input like 68+32 we have to evaluate without using a semicolon in our program. If it will be something inside the if or for loop? Reference : https://www.spoj.pl/problems/EXPR2/ ...

Which is the .Net obfuscator with the best price/quality relation?

I'm searching for a not so expensive .Net obfuscator and I'm not too smart in this field. A collegue suggest me to look for .Net Reactor. It has a good price but I'm not so sure about it. In your experience and opinion ¿Which one is the best in terms of quality/price relation? Thanks in advance. ...

.Net Obfuscation

As many of you know there is no copyright law in some countries. I support copyrights myself, but in Iran: Windows Server 2008 =1$ king 2008 = 14$ MS SQL Server 2008 =50 Cents ... How can I prevent my code being decompiled in 30 seconds. I have seen lot's of videos which learn how to decompile in 30 seconds. What is best obfuscator pr...

obfuscating java web applications

From what I understand, obfuscating a java web application will just make it a little harder to read your application, but reverse engineering is still possible. My goal is just to make it very difficult to read, and not be able to decompile and run (not sure if that's possible, I guess it will still run just with ugly variable names??...

Will this format a phone number in Objective-C?

NSString *origString = @"1 888 2313 1231"; // or anything like that, 423-2342 should work too [[[origString componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[[NSCharacterSet decimalDigitCharacterSet] invertedSet]] componentsJoinedByString:@""] length] == 7 ? ([NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ (%@) %@-%@", [[[origString componentsSeparatedByC...

converting javascript code to unreadable

how can i convert http to h$#t!t@@^#p i have seen this code which was automatically injected into my site....... is there and md5 like php function or their is any other way ...