
Calling php methods with strings

I have two objects. Object A and B. A has a method which returns B. And I want to call this dynamically so I use a string for calling a method inside of B like so: $method = 'getB()->someMethod'; But if do this: $a = new A(); $a->$method(); It doesn't work. Any ideas? ...

How to load array of object into extjs gridpanel

Hi, I am new to ExtJS. In examples, I do not find any one similar to my situation: I have an Array of Object like bellow: arr = new Array(); obj = new Object(); obj.StringField = "Field1"; obj.IntField = 1; arr.push(obj); obj = new Object(); obj.StringField = "Field2"; obj.I...

Can't assign value to an object's property in a foreach loop?

I have an object defined as public class EmailData { public string TemplateId { get; set;} public IEnumerable<Recipient> To { get; set; } public IEnumerable<Recipient> CC { get; set; } public IEnumerable<Recipient> BCC { get; set; } } public class Recipient { public string Key { get; set; } ...

This appears to create an object from an interface; how does it work?

interface Int { public void show(); } public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Int t1 = new Int() { public void show() { System.out.println("message"); } }; t1.show(); } } ...

Are these kinds of analysis for efficient use of stack frame memory slots possible ?

I know a compiler may detect life-time of different variables of a function and use the same stack frame slot for some different variables if it detects at beginning of life-time of each one of them life-time of previous variables has ended; but in case of local objects of classes in a function may it analyze life-time of members individ...

Where is the object explorer in visual studio C# 2010 express edition?

I am not sure that this is the right place to ask this, but because all here are programmers, maybe someone could help me. I always used 2008 express, I decided to try the 2010 version today. The problem now is that I need to check something in the object explorer, but I can't find it anywhere. ...

Creating local state for object oriented programming in javascript

I am relatively new to javascript and I have watched two tutorial videos by Douglas Crockford on the subject. He recommends creating object oriented design in javascript in the following way, through the use of nameless functions and closures: function Class() { var privateVar1, privateVar2; function privateMethod1() { } functi...

What is the proper way to return an object from a C++ function ?

I am confused between : returning an object (but then the object is copied from the local variable in the function, which consumes memory) returning a pointer (but then you have to remember to delete it, in the calling code, which is weird) returning a reference (but this is not possible because this would be a reference to a local var...

How should I maintain my object modules in Perl?

I'm writing some object module in Perl using Moose. I use to store instances of created objects then use them. The basic representation of my object's data remains the same, but from time to time I add more functionalities - e.g. class methods or object methods. Can I continue using my stored objects, which were created with an earlier...

How can I set a default value for a Perl variable?

I am completely new to Perl. I needed to use an external module HTTP::BrowserDetect. I was testing some code and tried to get the name of the OS from os_string method. So, I simply initialized the object and created a variable to store the value returned. my $ua = HTTP::BrowserDetect->new($user_agent); my $os_name = $ua->os_string(); ...

segmentation fault by using virtual method in C++

Hello all, I got a C++ object oriented program that was working right. I have decided to modify it by adding some polimorpysm definining a class hierarchy with virtual methods. When I call the virtual method it produces an fault segmentation error, likely because I have trash in the object. This is the call and the warming up GPU...

PHP class problem

class Gdn { const AliasDispatcher = 'Dispatcher'; protected static $_Factory = NULL; public static function Dispatcher() { $Result = self::Factory(self::AliasDispatcher); return $Result; } public static function Factory($Alias = FALSE) { if ($Alias === FALSE) return self::$_Factory; ...

What is the difference between declaring javascript objects with var vs. with function?

I'm a confused newbie. I read in a tutorial that you create a javascript object like so: function myObject() { this.myProperty = "a string"; this.myMethod = function () { //Method code } } Then I read somewhere else that you create an object like so: var myObject = { myProperty: "a string", myMethod : fun...

How to force Java to reload class upon instantiation?

Background: I have a MainTest class that has many buttons, each of which instantiate a class that I am coding/testing. I want the code/test cycle for these classes to be quick, and see the effect of my changes quickly, a few times a minute. MainTest which is stable takes about 20 seconds to load, which would not be a problem had I not ne...

Creating an Object [multiple of same instance]

I created an Matrix object (like the math Matrix, a 4x4 block of numbers for instance) and it works fine, can set row,col,variable just fine, but, I cant have more than one of the same object, I have it creating an ArrayList of a dozen Matrix objects, each with the three variables, but when I call changeVar(Matrix x,int variable) and ref...

How to check if a string can be used as a variable name in PHP?

In PHP one can use variable variables... For example... class obj { } $fieldName = "Surname"; $object = new obj(); $object->Name = "John"; $object->$fieldName = "Doe"; echo "{$object->Name} {$object->Surname}"; // This echoes "John Doe". However, $fieldName string may contain some characters not allowed in variable names. PHP will s...

PHP Object Life Time

I am using PHP 5.2. If I new an object at one page, when will this object be destructed? Is the object destructed automatic at the time that user go to another .php page or I need to call __destructor explicitly? ...

Creating an Arraylist of Objects

So, now I've figured out how to make multiple of the same object correctly, I need to know how to make an array of them, changing depending on how many are needed, because it is pretty much an object, that stores 3 numbers. How can I Create an arraylist that is of different objects, because I'm going to have the numbers inside them diffe...

c# Object obj's value is {}. What is "{}"?

I'm using some old code that runs a sql query as a reference. At some point, it gets to something like: sqlDataAdapter.Fill(dataSet); DataRow dataRow = dataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]; Object obj = dataRow[fieldName]; The old code does: string output; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.ToString())) { output = obj.ToString(); } else { output = ...

How to do ToString for a possibly null object?

Is there a simple way of doing the following: String s = myObj == null ? "" : myObj.ToString(); I know I can do the following, but I really consider it as a hack: String s = "" + myObj; It would be great if Convert.ToString() had a proper overload for this. ...