
browser instant updates with ajax/jquery

I'm trying to reverse engineer how facebook handles their notifications, where when you get a message you get instantly notified via the browser. I've fiddled with it for a little bit and realized that there is always a pending GET request "listening" if you will to some sort of update from the server. This appears to be some sort of...

Object Events, how do are they implemented

Events are really awesome, and I wouldn't know what I would do without them, but they're a mystery to me. I'm talking about events in a sense, a function(s) is called if a property, or value, a special event happens. I have only the vaguest idea how these actually work. I know it's an observer pattern, but I don't truly know how it wor...

Android contacts observer to track changes.

I want to monitor contacts and want to apply observer to track changes either any contact is added, updated or removed. is it possible to have contact id and type, 'type' will be is it added or updated or deleted ? please help me out thanks in adnvace ...

Cocoa document-based app: Notification not always received by observer

Hi, I hope somebody can help with my notification problem. I have a notification which looks to be set up correctly but it isn’t delivered as expected. I am developing a document based app. The delegate/ document class posts the notification when it reads from a saved file: [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:n...

XUL - traffic monitoring for a special browser window in a firefox extension only

I hope you can help me with some code to monitor sent bytes (especially if a user is uploading a file in a web formular). For my extension a have a new window(id=rootWnd) in which is my . What I want to add now is the possibility to monitor all the traffic that is sent on a single request on this browser only, especially if a user start...

Reg : Contact changes in Android

Hi, I am using ContentObserver on contacts. But here my problem is atleast once i have to launch my application other wise i am unable to get notification chages. My code like this ContactsContentObserver cco = new ContactsContentObserver(handler); ContentResolver contentResolver = getContentResolver(); contentResolver.regis...

Java Inter Application Form Communication Observer Pattern

Observer pattern? Where do i get examples of this in Java (i know google but was hoping for some personal insight also.) On to a proper explanation of my issue: i have 3 forms/windows. "board" is the main form that loads as the application. "chat" is where the text chat takes place. "network" is where network connection is establishe...

Any way to add an observer to the head of the queue using Element#observe?

This might not be possible but before I rewrite part of my application I wanted to ask... I have a JavaScript app which creates a submit <input> and observes that input's click event using Prototype's Element#observe function. For a few particular pages on one particular site which uses this app, I need to apply some additional busines...

Is there a recommended way to use the Observer pattern in MVP using GWT?

I am thinking about implementing a user interface according to the MVP pattern using GWT, but have doubts about how to proceed. These are (some of) my goals: the presenter knows nothing about the UI technology (i.e. uses nothing from*) the view knows nothing about the presenter (not sure yet if I'd like it to be model-agno...

How do I synchronize GUI-Elements?

Hello, I have a little problem with my java-program. I wanna use Observer, to synchronize two GUIs. But I can't synchronize the JComponent / JButton elements. For example: I have a GUI-Class which implements the Observer-Class: public class GUI extends JFrame implements Observer I have a second "GUI"-Class which extends the JButton-C...

Resolve php endless recursion issue

Hey all, I'm currently running into an endless recursion situation. I'm implementing a message service that calls various object methods.. it's quite similar to observer pattern.. Here's whats going on: Dispatcher.php class Dispatcher { ... public function message($name, $method) { // Find the object based on the name $...

How to perform different operations within Observer's update() in Java?

I just started playing with Observable, Observer and it's update() method and I can't understand what should I do when different actions call notifyObservers(). I mean, my Observable class has a few different methods that call setChanged() and notifyObservers() in the end. Depending on the called method, some part of the UI (Swing) need...

Ninject / NHibernate Events + Observer Pattern

I am trying to implement an observer pattern using ninject and NHibernate. I'd like to be able to inject observers that act as "triggers" when an object is persisted or deleted via NHibernate. Key points- I want the observer to be notified any time an object is persisted, including cascaded saves, which is why I am using NHibernate P...

Is there an event for customer account registration in Magento?

I would like to be able to run some functionality with a module that I am building whenever a customer registers an account, but I can't seem to find any events that are fired upon a new customer registration. Does anybody know of an event that is dispatched for that? ...

How to face observable object containing an observable field

Hello, I need a hint concerning MVC and Observer-Pattern. For example a model contains the classes "Address" and "Person". The Address class contains the fields street:String, zipcode:String, location:String. Whereas the Person class contains the fields name:String, firstName:String, address:Address. My approach so far looks something ...

Guidance: how to handle exception handling involving tons of observers for an activty stream pattern?

I'm implementing an ActivityStream for my site based on the answer provided in this question: My approach is to use observers after_create to create the activity record, including the metadata. I have a ton of observers, and don't ...

Android: Delete SMS at particular threadId location

I am trying to understand the difference between phones, and the software on them. I code and test on the Droid Incredible. A content observer of content://sms works fine and I am able to delete threadIds on the Incredible, but my app crashes on the Moto Droid Milestone. I test for the Milestone using Moto Dev Studio using the Milestone ...

Observer design pattern and others

I'm starting to read about design patterns and trying to apply them to some coding. I've read about the observer pattern and think it would be a most useful one to make use of. My two questions are these: 1) If I want my object to be both an observer and a subject, is it simply a question of making it inherit from both the observer and...

What Design Pattern to use?

The problem to model is this: A hierarchy of levels within an Army, starting with the national army in whole, through field armies, subunits, and eventually the individual men. Each level may involve links to one or more other classes such as General or Officer or whatever. The units within say a field army need to be able to communicat...

Observing for insertion of new DOM nodes and calling a method on them

I'm writing some javascript using jQuery to call a method on all nodes with class datepicker. Here's what I have: $('.datepicker').my_method(); This works as expected - it calls my_method. However, I want to be able to call my_method on all new nodes that are inserted into the DOM with the class datepicker. I want similar functiona...