
Authentication on odata service

I want to add some authentication to my odata service. Depending on the user calling i want to: filter rows and/or remove columns. I read in scott hanselmans fine blogpost on odata ( http://www.hanselman.com/blog/CreatingAnODataAPIForStackOverflowIncludingXMLAndJSONIn30Minutes.aspx )that it is possible to intercept the incoming queries...

Add custom param to odata url

I want to add some authentication to my odata service. The authorization token i want to include in the url as param so that the url can be used in excel How would one be able to receive and parse any addition param supplied in the url before the odata service does it's thing? (i'm using entitie framework and wcf dataservices) ...

Example on how to combine odata and extjs

Is there a blogpost or example on how to combine the ext-js grid with an odata datasource? I suspect it would require a custom datareader. ...

Where/what is the specification for odata.service meta tag?

I would like to add some tags to our web app to enable auto-discovery of our odata feeds. So for example Nerd Dinner has the following tag: <link rel="odata.service" title="NerdDinner.com OData Service" href="/Services/OData.svc" /><link rel="odata.feed" title="NerdDinner.com OData Service - Dinners" href="/Services/OData.svc/Dinners...

How to implement Self-host WCF data serivces (http://localhost:1234/myDataService.svc/...)

I have a project that needs to implement WCF data services (OData) to retrieve data from a control system (.NET Framework Application). The WCF data service needs to be hosted by the .NET application (No ASP.NET and NO IIS). I have seen many WCF Data Service examples recently; they are all hosted by ASP.NET application. I also see the s...

Is there an equivalent to odata's QueryInterceptor in the Entity Framework?

Hi, I'm looking for the simplest way to implement row-level authorization in Entity Framework 4. Something like odata's query / change interceptors would be great. This two-year-old msdn forum thread mentions that it was on the team's to-do list at that time. Has this been implemented by now? I could not find anything anything related...

Using asp.net membership "THROUGH" wcf data services?

Hi there, can anyone help? I recently had asp.net membership setup using a connection string to my db via the web.config in my service layer. It enabled me to do something like this :- public bool IsValidLogin(string username, string password) { return System.Web.Security.Membership.ValidateUser(username, password); ...

Custom OData operation / customize EF model to hide join table in many-to-many relationship

I've got a data model that has two tables with a join table for a many to many relationship & creating an OData service to expose the data for CRUD ops in a Silverlight app. What I'd like to do is abstract the join table from the service. I'm not sure if the best way to do this would be in the model (using EF in .NET3.5SP1) or if I shoul...

Is it possible to expose data from Oracle using OData?

From my personal research, it appears that OData implementations depend extensively on MS Entity framework. It would seem possible to implement the OData producer protocol using an open ORM like NHibernate in C# or Hibernate in Java. In the best of all worlds, it would be cool to expose data using OData protocol from Oracle. I am ope...

WCF Data Service returns 400 Bad Request for POST queries

Hi, I need to host a WCF Data service as part of a legacy ASP.NET MVC website running in IIS 7 Integrated mode. Read access to the web service is working fine, but whenever I try to POST to the web service, I get a 400 Bad Request error. For testing purposes, I have downloaded the sample odata service from http://www.odata.org/develop...

Is there a general method to check whether a property define supported by a Linq provider, especially OData?

I successfully ran the following statement with the NorthWind.sdf in LinqPad: from s in Shippers select new { s.ShipperID, s.CompanyName, Count=s.ShipViaOrders.Count() } At the same time , I failed to run a similar statement with the Odata Service (http://services.odata.org/northwind/northwind.svc) in Linq...

select top 10 longest posts

i am trying to view the lengthiest posts on stackoverflow using: http://odata.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/new i am doing: select max(body) from posts;​ and it returns: You'd be looking to static link (as opposed to dynamically link) I'm not sure how many of the MS redistributables statically link in. anyone know what i...

How to instantiate a WCF DataServices Client without hard-coding the URI

I'm fairly new to WCF DataServices (OData) and I need to know the best way to instantiate the entity container on the client without hard-coding the URI. It seems like all of the examples on MSDN describe instantiating the client like this: Uri uri = new Uri("http://www.someservice.svc"); DataServiceContext svc = new DataServiceContext(...

OData UnTyped Provider with SQL Backing Store

I have a table in a database which is a store of Key/Value pairs, with some type information on the type of data stored in the value field. I've read the blog series on creating an untyped data provider, and have grabbed and messed with the samples from odata, but I can not figure out how to turn the sample which uses an in-memory Dic...

Exposing OData via WCF RIA Services

I've created a new Silverlight application, so I have a web project called "SilverlightOnLineChess.Web" and the Silverlight app called "SilverlightOnlineChess.Client". In this solution I've created a new WCF RIA Services class library called "SilverlightOnlineChess.Data", and in doing so it creates the associated web project called "Silv...

Using OData from WebForms

As some background I prefer the flexibility and benefits that ASP.NET MVC gives me, and have been building in MVC since its release. But the new project I am about to start requires a complex calendar / scheduler control - and none of the jQuery alternatives meet all the requirements. This has led me to the Telerik Radtools Scheduler, w...

Customize feed for WCF Data Services using Entity Framework (Code First)

Hello, Can anybody tell me how to customize the OData feed for Ado.Net Data Services using Entity Framework (Code First/Only)? There is no EDMX file (as it is Code Only). I have tried adding the attribute: [EntityPropertyMapping( "Id" , SyndicationItemProperty.Title , SyndicationTextContentKind.Plaintext , true )] To my POCO entity...

OData / WCF Data Services metadata versioning

Is there any metadata versioning support in OData protocol and its WCF Data Services implementation? Let us suppose that we have OData service that exposes the single Goods colletion, and the Goods entity type has three properties: Key (string), Name (string) and AvailableSince(string). The service is already running, and there are some...

WCF Data Service can't handle UPDATE on feed entries

Hi! Me and some buddy of mine are trying to get started with WCF Data Services, so let me first describe what we have done so far: We have created a fairly simple WCF Data Service with a data source that implements the IUpdatable interface and exposes some data through some public IQueryable<> attributes (the code is attached at the b...

OData or REST WCF toolkit for Visual Studio 2008?

I tried to create a OData web service using VS 2008 without any luck. I downloaded ODataDemo from Odata.org, installed Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1, and ADO.NET Data Services Update for .NET Framework 3.5 for Windows XP. However, I don't see any reference to ADO.NET Data Services Framework. When I tried to add a new ADO.Ne...