
( OData - Open Data Protocol - WCF Data Services - .NET 4.0 ) - Filtering with NULL

Hello, I have the following problem, I need to query for null value using Data Services. In C# I use: DataServiceQuery<Sync.Doctor> query = syncEnt.Doctors as DataServiceQuery<Sync.Doctor>; query.AddQueryOption("$filter", "(Id eq " + CurrentDoctor.Id + " and ((synch_date eq null and deleted eq 0) or (updated_at gt synch_date)))"); T...

Custom HTTP Verb with jQuery.ajax()

Is it possible to use a custom HTTP VERB, like MERGE, with jQuery.ajax()? I'm interacting with an OData API, which expects a MERGE verb when posting updates to records. The problem I'm having is that when I use "MERGE" in the ajax() request, it doesn't send data to the server. It just sends a MERGE request with no data, so the OData ser...

Is there a way to customize search rules in jqGrid in particular column?

Hi! I have jqgrid : jQuery("#list").jqGrid( { url : 'ajax/get', datatype : 'json', mtype : 'POST', colNames : [ 'Date', 'ID' ], colModel : [{ name : 'date', index : 'date', ...

OData Entity Framework Schema Change

I am trying to expose my database with OData. I am using Entity Framework to create the DataService. I need to add a column to one my entities, so I created a partial class of my entity, and added the property. The problem is, this new added property is not exposed to OData, is there a way to add this new column to the exposed schema> ...

jquery ajax success result is null

I am doing an ajax call using jquery to get data in json format. the success callback function is called but the data is empty. $(document).ready(function () { $.ajax({ url: "http://apps.sungardhe.com/StudentResearch/public/Research.svc/Schools", type: "GET", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", ...

OData Provider in Ruby/Java

Are there any OData provider SDKs for Ruby or Java? ...

What exactly is OData?

What exactly is OData and how important/necessary is it to start learning this new concept, wrt implementing data services? Also why is the WCF Data Services documentation so tightly coupled with OData? Edit: Based on answers here's a follow-up question - I shouldn't be trying to implement WCF Data Services sans OData,or I can do that...

Filter an OData query based on a link count?

Given a structure where two types are exposed in an OData system with a master/detail relationship: Order - OrderDetails How would you filter a query of orders based upon the count of associated OrderDetails? In my head, it's something along the lines of /Orders$filter=count(OrderDetails) eq 0 But, of course there's no count functi...

Is OData intended only as a way to publish data to other parties or can i use it as a Data Layer for my Application

I am a bit confused about OData. Is it meant only for "publishing" data to other parties? Or can I use it in my client server application as a data layer. The case I have is : developing a client-server application for managing some information. The client is a WPF application, the Server is basically Database and a WCF Layer to expose ...

How to do a nested count with OData and LINQ?

Here is the query I am trying to run from my OData source: var query = from j in _auditService.AuditJobs.IncludeTotalCount() orderby j.Description select new { JobId = j.ID, Description = j.Description, SubscriberCount = j.JobRuns.Count() }; It runs great if I don't use the j.JobRuns.Count...

Advice for a mobile app for reading a publication

I'm considering developing apps for Android and Windows Phone 7 that allow the user to read content from an online producer (newspaper/magazine/blogs etc). This provider has a REST API that should allow for straightforward access to the content. A few questions I have: I saw an OData demo, where getting data from a feed was super easy,...

WCF Data Services (oData): Dependency Injection with DataService

How can I use my IoC container in a DataService and the CurrentDataSource inside for WCF Data Services? I have several services I want to pass into it. The "host" application or project for the DataService is based on ASP.NET MVC 2.0. My IoC container is setup in the MvcApplication. ...

how to return json format from ODATA?

Hi guys, I know ODATA can return json but not sure if I have to use an attribute or interace to do so. I want it to do just like http://odata.netflix.com/Catalog/Titles?$format=JSON but my odata service doesn't return JSON when i call it like www.foo.com/service?$format=json, it just returns XML. What do I need to do to return json wi...

Consuming WCF Data Services Service Operator (WebGet) async from Silverlight

Having a lot of problems trying to consume a simple service operator in a WCF Data Service from Silverlight. I've verified the following service operator is working by testing it in the browser: [WebGet] public IQueryable<SecurityRole> GetSecurityRolesForUser(string userName) { string currentUsername = HttpContext.Current.User.Identit...

use odata or MVC to return json?

Hi I am trying to use ajax to do CRUD. Should I use ODATA or MVC? i am also planning to use json in mobile platform as well. Thanks guys ...

WCF Data Services: How to avoid the __metadata members

I'm currently experimenting with using WCF Data Services as a way to open up our product a bit more while at the same time being able to consume the data from AJAX. One thing that I noticed is that the JSON represention format has these __metada members sprinkled across the data, and in the OData documentation I found this (under Represe...

How are JavaScript/JSON based OData calls authenticated?

I'm new to OData (most everyone is I think). If I have an OData service, how do I secure it from unauthorized use? I'm looking at using WS-Trust/SAML, or standard authentication if that matters. ...

Is JSONP only meant be used for completely public APIs?

Hi, I've developed an API with WCF Data Services which exposes my website user's data. The data hosted there belongs to each user and is not public, so the API is secured with API keys which are unique to each client and http header or GET parameter based authentication. Now I am wondering if I should enable JSONP on my API. It seems ...

OData - Data Service Simple Authentication

Hello, I would like to add simple authentication to Data Services, for now only to restrict access for particular applications by simple token. I don't need Domain Authentication or Forms authentication. I read a lot about authentication here: http://franssenden.wordpress.com/2010/06/14/custom-security-odata-service-wcf-data-services...

Is OData intended for use within Government and Financial envrionments? What security precautions do I need?

At first brush, OData seems like it will only appeal to "open" databases, and would never be used in envrionments where security is needed, especially with financial or government clients. Is this the correct perspective to have with the current version of OData/WCF? If not, can you share whatever I would need to change that perspectiv...