
How to use "SelectMany" with DataServiceQuery<>

I have the following DataServiceQuery running agaist an ADO Data Service (with the update installed to make it run like .net 4): DataServiceQuery<Account> q = (_gsc.Users .Where(c => c.UserId == myId) .SelectMany(c => c.ConsumerXref) .Select(x => x.Account) .Where(a => a.AccountName == "M...

How do I interact with OData from Java?

OData is Microsoft's repackaging of its Astoria (now WCF Data Services) RESTful query/update protocol. If I want to use Java to create an OData compatible data source, how do I do that? Similarly, if I want to consume an OData data source from Java, how do I do that? http://www.odata.org/ Partial answer below. The OData website sugges...

Difference between OData and REST web services

While looking into some web services, I ran across this "new" technology that Microsoft is calling OData. (http://www.odata.org) Reading through their description within the FAQ on what OData is, I am having a hard time distinguishing OData from REST-ful web services. Could someone please help me understand the differences? ...

Is there an OData Server Library for Java or PHP to EXPOSE OData?

Hi, I am wondering if there is or why there isn't a ADO.NET Data Services Server Library for Java? I need to expose a database from a Java Server but i only see Microsot providing clients for java not server parts. How is that an open standard when you need .NET/Windows to expose it? Thanks for any pointers to that. Same interesting ...

How would you implement API key in WCF Data Service?

Is there a way to require an API key in the URL / or some other way of passing the service a private key in order to grant access to the data? I have this right now... using System; using System.Data.Services; using System.Data.Services.Common; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.ServiceModel.Web; using Nu...

PHP Download script (Locally)

Im looking for a script that will take OData feed and download some .wmv files based on the filenames held within the OData? Can anyone help? ...

Running an existing LINQ query against a dynamic object (DataTable like)

Hello, I am working on a generic OData provider to go against a custom data provider that we have here. Thsi is fully dynamic in that I query the data provider for the table it knows. I have a basic storage structure in place so far based on the OData sample code. My problem is: OData supports queries and expects me to hand in an IQuer...

Arguments of using WCF/OData as access layer instead of EF/L2S/nHibernate directly

We develop mostly low traffic but highly specialized web applications. Normally we use L2S, EF or nHibernate as access layer and then throws Asp.Net MVC to it and in which for normal crud operations we query the ISession/DataContext directly but for more advanced functions/side effects we put it in a some kind of service layer. Now, i ...

WCF Data Service - Proxy mid-tier service.

The project we are working on is a classic 3 tiered architecture. tier 1 being the database server, tier 2 the application services and tier 3 the presentation tier (a web site). In the application services tier I have a project that includes an entity framework model and a WCF data services based service that exposes the entities withi...

Netflix OData API iPhone: Accessing more than just the title

Netflix just recently announced that they have a new OData API which gives developers access to more of their catalog and is exactly what I've been looking for. Also, on odata.org they have a sample iphone objective-c sdk that accesses the netflix odata api and displays a few movie titles in a tableview with a navigationcontroller. http...

Using OData with POCO

Hi, Is it possible to use OData with POCO or is it limited to just LinqToEntities? All the examples I can find only seem to use the Entity Framework. Also is the seen as a replacement to WCF Services or is it intended to run in parallel? Thanks ...

How to design a streaming API

I want to design a web svc that will push out data as they arrive at the backend server. Something like a twitter streaming API. I want to use the .Net platform The consumers can use json and javascript events to be notified when new stuff is in the pipe. How can I design something like this? ...

How to introduce custom primitive key types to WCF Data Services (Astoria)

Hello. We use custom type to represent Identifiers in our project. It has TypeConvertor attached and it always helped with serialization. I've tried to use WCF Data Services to expose some data from our system, but faced a problem. Astoria framework do not recognize class as an entity even though I've decorated it with [DataServiceKey("...

OData with Visual Studio 2005 and .NET 2.0

Is it possible to use OData with Visual Studio 2005 and .NET framework 2.0 ? ...

Possible to run OData on a shared host in mixed auth mode?

My host has been pretty good about helping to tweak things to get my various .NET peices working, but they are unwilling to change the IIS authorization settings. Presently my OData service whines about that. Have I got any options? ...

How do I use OData with RIA services

When using RIA services, how do I specify I want to use OData instead of a proprietary format? ...

oData/ADO.NET Data Services using LINQ-to-SQL with a decryption layer

I have written an application using LINQ-to-SQL that submits a web form into a database. I absact the LINQ-to-SQL away using a Repository pattern. This repository has the basic methods: Get(), Save(), etc. As a development of the project, I needed to encrypt certain fields in the form. This was trivial, as I just added the encryption c...

Use LINQ to query nested OData collection

I'm playing around with the new Netflix OData feed (http://odata.netflix.com/Catalog/) and having some issues. I'm trying to learn LINQ at the same time but having difficulty doing what I thought was going to be quite simple. I'd like to return a list of Titles that match a given Genre. The Titles object contains a collection of Genre...

WCF Dataservices and OData

Could someone please explain the difference? From what I understand, I could expose my data directly using WCF data services or expose it using OData. OData is a more universal protocol? http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/aa937697.aspx ...

RIA Service/oData ... "Requests that attempt to access a single element using key values from a result set are not supported."

I've recently started working up a sample project to play with an oData feed coming from a RIA service. I am able to view the feed and the metadata via any web browser, however, if I try to perform certain query operations on the feed I receive "unsupported" exceptions. Sample oData feed: ProductSet http://localhost:50880/Services...