
Placing a byte at a very specific address on a hard disk, can it be done? (using c++ for example)

This might sound silly, but I'd like to know how to do the following. I've created a .txt file. The content of the .txt file is the word "hi" without the quotes. So the .txt file contains 2 characters. When opening the .txt file in a hex-editor one sees 2 hexadecimal pairs, namely "68" and "69": Offset 00000000 68 69 hi What I want t...

Android - Live Wallpaper offset clipping

Hello, I am writing a live wallpaper for android. To test my basic code was working I drew a rectangle in the top left-hand cornor of the screen: canvas.drawRect(0f,0f,50f,50f,paint); Half of the rectangle was underneath the bar at the top of the home screen. I tried to take into account pixel offsets using: public void onOffsetsC...

Codeigniter pagination problem

Hi, I basically can’t get the pagination bit to work, I did before I changed my database query and now I’m stuck. My model looks like: function get_properties($limit, $offset) { $location = $this->session->userdata('location'); $property_type = $this->session->userdata('property_type'); if($property_type == 0) { $sq...

Create a DWORD Pointer from Offset

So if I want to read some information at the offset 00A2E63C (e.g.)... and I need to have it as a DWORD, how can I convert the "00A2E63C" String to a proper DWORD? help is appreciated ...

Jquery offset issue

Hi all, I'm trying to position some divs children of the same parent, giving offset top and offset left. It's doing it almost ok, but for some reason jquery is adding the height of the previous item to the top of the next, can someone help me? EDIT: this is my code <html> <head> <style> .earea {overflow: hidden;width: 381px;height: 46...

PHP Notice: Undefined offset when importing data

This used to work fine until last night, it appears the source file changed, so I changed my explode to try and fix it but I still get the error. The source code definition tells me the fields are: #export_date^Aapplication_id^Alanguage_code^Atitle^Adescription^Arelease_notes^Acompany_url^Asupport_url^Ascreenshot_url_1^Ascreenshot_url_...

Calculating page numbers and offsets

Let's say we have 1kb pages (2^10). The address is 512. To find the number of pages we do: 512/1024 = 0.5 (therefore it's on page 1) To find the offset we do (address - (page*page_size)): 512 - (1*1024) = -512 A negative offset is not possible, is it? ...

IPhone - Full screen UIScrollView starts right but repositions itself below navigation bar

Hi all, I am currently trying to implement a photo picker just like the Photo App but with a custom image source. For the "photo scrolling" part I used the Apple PhotoScroller sample code and adapted it. One of the main difference is that it is now embedded in a navigation controller (wich is the photoPicker own nav controller, not the ...

Porting Issue: Pointer with offset in VC++

Ok, this compiles fine in GCC under Linux. char * _v3_get_msg_string(void *offset, uint16_t *len) {/*{{{*/ char *s; memcpy(len, offset, 2); *len = ntohs(*len); s = malloc(*len+1); memset(s, 0, *len+1); memcpy(s, offset+2, *len); s[*len] = '\0'; *len+=2; return s; }/*}}}*/ However, I'm having a prob...

In Excel VBA, the volatile Offset function is very slow. What is a alternative?

Hi, I'm having a performance issue in my Excel macro. One particular piece of code runs really slow. I think the reason is the Offset function. I've found online that it is a volatile function which recalculates a lot. The strange thing is that I use it as a VBA-function, so I can't figure out how it would affect performance as it never...

Excel - Using OFFSET function to create dynamic graphs

Hi guys, I have been working on a dynamic way to create a bargraph where the data can be updated and modified over time which will change the appearance of the graph e.g. If I add a new row it will feed that data into the graph. I have managed to do this successfully when the data is organised vertically e.g. Data column which has the ...

Flex 3 - import skin from Illustrator : default position problem

Hi all, I export a .swf skin file from Illustrator. (For my test i create the default Flex Skin Palette from Illustrator and I export it to .swf file.) Flex Builder side, the import is successfull (create automaticaly a CSS file). But, all my components are a default position problem, that is to say, for example i have a button in my ...

Excel chart dynamic range-selection

I have a client that has a simple yet complicated request for an excel sheet setup, and I can't for the world thing of where to start. I'm drawing a blank. We have a data range. Example: Quarter Data 2010Q1 1 2010Q2 3 2010Q3 4 2010Q4 1 I have a chart built on top of that. Change data, chart changes, protec...

how to get the 'droppable' s offset().left and offset().top without using jquery, use raw javascript .

for some reason , i can't use jquery . this is my code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <body > <style type="text/css"> #draggable { position: absolute; width: 100px; height: 100px; padding: 0.5em; float: left; margin: 10px; border: 1px so...

What is the correct way to offset a pointer?

I want to pass a pointer to a function. I want this pointer to point to some place in the middle of an array. Say I have an array like such unsigned char BufferData[5000];, would the following statement be correct syntactically? writeSECTOR( destAddress, (char *)( BufferData + (int)(i * 512 )) ); // destAddress is of type unsigned long...

jQuery.offset is off, in some cases

I have a strange jQuery.offset() problem. I'm building a website which makes use of layers, built with div's with a z-index. The links on the lower levels are not selectable, because a layer with a higher z-index is positioned on top. They are visible, because the upper layer is mostly transparent and empty. My solution is to iterate ...

ho to make absolute divs align with table cell/row?

hello everyone, i just started building a new website. the website page im working on at the moment is 100% percent height and 100% width, so the content should be viewed all the time. in the page i have a table, who represents the days of the week. now, every day of the week looks like this: <td style="height:100%"> <div style="po...

"Previous" link - equivalent of LIMIT x OFFSET y ?

I'm creating a page system using CouchDB, showing: 10 items per page a link to the previous page (if any) a link to the next page (if any) From this article on the topic, I understand that using skip is suboptimal, and that I should instead use the startkey property to specify the first document, read 11 documents from there, displa...

Getting absolute position of an element relative to browser

I have a div set to the css class float with float being: .float { display:block; position:fixed; top: 20px; left: 0px; z-index: 1999999999; } * html .float {position:absolute;} This class causes the element to stay in a fixed position on the page (the *html part is to make it work in IE). I am using javascript to shift the position...

JQUERY: Simple get Offsets of a div.

Hi to all, i would like get the offsets of a div,but when i try to access to that div says me [Object object]... or undefined or 0.0;because i think that my method is wrong :-( This is the code of the page: And i have already tried with this code: var p = $(".product_72ivnj"); var offset = p.offset(); var ...