
How to trace an unobtrusive onclick using Firebug

I'm working with the jqGrid 3.5 a lot as of recent, but I have noticed that when I add a checkbox input dynamically it can't be clicked (but it doesn't appear to be disabled). So I'm trying to search through the massive js dependencies that are part of the control but can't seem to find anything "not allowing" my checkbox to toggle. My...

CollapsiblePanelExtender Click Event

I have a a CollapsiblePanelExtender with the usual extend and collapse buttons....I would like to have a click event fire off when the extender is extended and a different click event fire off when the extender is collapsed. But the most important event is when it is extended. I could live without a click even on collapse. Most of the ...

Span inside Anchor with event bubbling

Hi, I have such a piece of html: <li class="addToFriends"><a href="....">Something something<span>INSIDE SPAN</span>something</a></li> To handle AJAX request when clicking on anchor I have registered handler on click event: $('.addToFriends a').click(function(event){ var target = $(event.target); if (target.is('a')) { ...

Proper way of lazy-loading a single select box options via ajax once clicked.

I have a select box that should be populated only when clicked. The query involved takes a long time so I'm deattaching it from the standard data shown on the page. I have implemented the function loadMyData(element, id) which does an ajax request and returns the data as JSON. Then it populates the select box. the event is binded to t...

I am having trouble changing my images on click event with Jquery

I am trying to swap image when an image is clicked...here is my jquery so far and it's not working. $(document).ready(function(){ imgFldr = '../../App_Themes/Default/Images/'; $('#smallImg1').click(function(){ $('#smallImg1').attr('src', imgFlder+'belkinSmall4.png'); }); }); And below is an example of my HTML <div> ...

image change on onmouseover, onmouseout, onclick events

Hi All, I have a two iamges say, img1 and img2. My Code : <div id="JourneyReport" style="display:none;" class="divbackground"> <uc1:ReportControl ID="JourneyControl" runat="server" /> </div> </td> and my javascript is: function roll(id,img_name,event_name,img_id) { var state ; if(event_name == 'mouseover...

how to retrieve href value for an onclick event based on "class" selector in Javascript?

Hi I have <a href="test.php?id=2" class="confirm_delete">Click to proceed</a> and following javascript. When I click on above link it displays the dialog box with 2 buttons. "return false;" stops the default event of link tag. But I need the functionality in which when I click "Yes, delete" to take me to other page by choosing href ...

JavaScript: Invoking click-event of an anchor tag from javascript

I have a page with an anchor tag. In my JavaScript I am setting the HREF attribute of the anchor tag dynamically based on some if-else conditions. Now I want to invoke the click event of the anchor tag programmatically. I used the below code, but was not successful. var proxyImgSrc="CostMetrics.aspx?Model=" + model +"&KeepThis=true&TB_i...

How can I stop an onclick event from firing for parent element when child is clicked?

Hi, I'm having two issues with onclick events, they are somewhat similar so I'll ask them both here. First: I have a checkbox in a div. The input has an onchange function and the div has an onclick function. <div onclick="doSomething()"> <input type="checkbox" onchange="doSomethingElse()" /> </div> The problem is when I check/...

Problems with asp:Button OnClick event...

Hi, Here is my button <asp:Button ID="myButton" Text="Click Me" OnClick="doSomething(10)" runat="server" /> Here is the server function public void doSomething(int num) { int someOtherNum = 10 + num; } When I try to compile the code I get the error "Method Name Expected" for the line: <asp:Button ID="myButton" Text="Click Me"...

Javascript is called in IE and FF but not in Chrome, why?

I have the following code below for a button on an aspx page. When it is clicked it should call a javascript that will print the text in that div. Everything works great in IE & Firefox but when it is tried in chrome it is as if the OnClientClick is not kicking off the javascript. I receive no errors and it works in IE and FF now. ...

How to Set OnClick attribute with value containing function in ie8?

My goal is to change the "onclick" attribute of a link. I can do it successfully, but the resulting link doesn't work in ie8. It does work in ff3. For example, this works in firefox3, but not ie8. Why??? <p><a id="bar" href="#" onclick="temp()">click me</a></p> <script> doit = function(){ alert('hello world!'); } ...

Jquery animate hide and show

I would like to have two things happen at once when I click on a link. I am slowly going through Jquery documentation, but have yet to learn what I need yet. Here is a link to my site When I click on the services link I would Like the #slideshow div to hide, and a new div to replace it. I had tried to just have the slideshow animate...

JSF, how to use EL in onclick.

Hi, I want to create links using database columns. I have a backing bean where I 'm connecting to the database. There is no problem with the connection and also no problem with the links names. I can see my links on my browser. I want to use onclick function and that's exactly where the problem starts. How can I use or can I use EL in o...

Form not submitting with JS

I have the worlds most simple javascript function: fnSubmit() { window.print(); document.formname.submit(); } Which is called by: <button type="button" id="submit" onclick="fnSubmit()">Submit</button> All is well and good, the print dialog shows up, however after printing or canceling the print I get the following error: "docu...

Is there a way to detect a click anywhere on a page except for a certain region?

Here is my problem, I'm designing a website that allows you to select a certain item from a list by clicking on it using the onClick attribute. I would like to be able to deselect the item by clicking anywhere else on the page. I tried doing <body onClick="deselect()"> but then if I click anywhere on the page it deselect my item (even wh...

How to handle onclick event in a listview button?

If I have listview control with a button in the item template, how do I handle the onclick events for each of the buttons that ends up getting generated in the listview? ...

Call click event of a button form another website.

Hello Experts, I am explaing with a exmple what I am trying to do. Suppose there is a site abc.com and i am working for site xyz.com in a aspx page of xyz.com i want to have the results of a aspx page of www.abc.com/somepage.aspx conatins a textbox , a combobox a option button and a submit button i want to fill this form and want to ...

How do I get this "Share" button to grab the current URL's HTML title in addition to URL?

I'm a javascript novice trying to build a basic share button as a learning project. I'm a bit stumped about one aspect. While I can grab the URL of the current page and pass that into the url that prepopulates the share form, I'm not sure how to grab the html title. Here's what I have to far: <a href="http://www.domain.com/submit" on...

correct way to echo a link with a onclick javascript function

Hello, my question is how I can echo this the right way because the variable in the onclick function gives out a undefined error $openchat="<a href='javascript:void(0)' onClick='return chatWith(" . $livenaam .")'>" . $livenaam . "</a><br>"; echo $openchat; I want to use it in a loop to get a list off users online for the chat Thank...