
Playing with CSS Opacity

I am trying to create a buttonbar using simple <div> and change its opacity to 50% and give a background But the elements which come inside this division exhibit the same transparency as there parent <div>. I want them to retain 100% opacity. (Which is not possible). How to make this Possible? A sample CSS of what I am trying to do is ...

jquery show/hide and opacity

Here is my lehmans terms of what i am trying to accomplish. i will have 3 100x100 px divs, floated left. <div id="container"> <div id="1">did you know?</div> <div id="2">help</div> <div id="3">other</div> </div> when you hover or mouse over either of these 3 divs another div will appear via show(); or slideDown(); wit...

Opacity and jQuery fadeIn/fadeOut in firefox extension

I'm having a hard time getting jquery fades and the opacity css element to respond to me in a firefox extension that I am writing. I am using FireFox 3.6. I'm pretty sure that these two problems are related. This code is not fading, it is simply popping on and off the screen after a four second wait: css_notify_div = { position: 'f...

Is there a way to control opacity/transparency of the border color using CSS?

Is there a way to control opacity/transparency of the border color using CSS? ...

CPALead Type Content Block (JS or CSS)

Hey, I'm just wondering how I could create a cpalead type thing to block content and display a message. Really, all I need is the screen to go black and have a very high opacity so you can only see the content a bit, and I need 1 div to be left viewable. If anyone could help me out that would be great! ...

HTML 5 canvas random opacity issue

Could someone explain to me why this is fail. Trying to get the opacity to load as a random value. I cannot get this to render in anything but black even though the alert is clearly showing that I'm getting values between 0.00 and 1.00 Important Code: alert(Math.round(Math.random() * 100) / 100); <-- Tests to see if output is what i...

Partially transparent (opacity) HTML5 Canvas drawings

Is it possible to create partially transparent elements on the fly in canvas? Currently I'm setting the whole canvas element's opacity in CSS, but I want to some elements to be more visible then others. Nothing I've found so far indicates that this is possible. ...

RESOLVED: making a paragraph animate along with rotating image in jquery

Hey all, The problem was the text failed to scroll with images. $(function() { $('#slideshow').crossSlide({ sleep: 2, fade: 1 }, [ { src: '../images/img1.png' }, { src: '../images/img2.png' }, { src: '../images/img3.png' }, { src: '../images/img4.png' } ...

[qt] transparent window stays on top

Hello. I'm trying to make a transparent window stays on top (z-order). I want to implement something like layer that indicates some parameters on the other program. So what I need is to make background transparent, not whole widget with QWidget::setWindowOpacity function. I found some documents about it http://doc.trolltech.com/qq/...

jQuery FadeIn text in IE7/IE8 : text aliased during animation

Hi, I have trouble to make a good use of jQuery fadeIn() or fadeOut() for text divs in IE(both 7 and 8), as you can see in this example : http://jsbin.com/etatu3/5 (see the code here : http://jsbin.com/etatu3/5/edit ) I did some research and it seems it's because of filter opacity. I tried using animate({filter: (opacity = 50)},10...

css opacity in IE

How to set opacity or filter in Smooth Navigational Menu for transperancy in submenu background in IE? when i set ddsmoothmenu.css as .ddsmoothmenu ul li { position: relative; display: inline; float: left; background: #0a449e; opacity: 0.9; filter :alpha(opacity=90); zoom: 1; } its woeking in chrome and FF...

Rather weird css/opacity/hover question..

Hi! Sorry for the title, I really couldn't think of how to simplify this problem. Now, the problem is this: I have a row of thumbnail images in a div: <div id="daumen"> <a href='#' class='gsc_thumb_row'> <img src='image1.jpg' class='thumbnails' /> </a> <a href='#' class='gsc_thumb_row'> <img src='image2.jpg' class='current-th...

WPF: Opacity and the MouseEnter Event

As part of a diagram, I am drawing a few overlapping Shapes, each with Opacity=0.5, like here: <Grid> <Rectangle Fill="Blue" Opacity="0.5" MouseEnter="Rectangle_MouseEnter" /> <Rectangle Fill="Red" Opacity="0.5" /> </Grid> private void Rectangle_MouseEnter(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show("Entered"); ...

Making an image / div fade with CSS3, without using a hover.

Hello, I have a div with an image in it. At the moment I use CSS3 animation to fade it off, but the performance is terrible. I am pretty sure I should be using transitions. Problem is I cannot find one example that isn't triggered by a hover. How can I make it so that when the page is loaded, after a delay of 2 seconds, the image/div f...

use css attributes "filter: alpha(opacity=70);" and "background-image: url(image.png);" on input box

can get both working individually, but am unable to get them working together. this is for use in a windows sidebar gadget. form: <form name="llPeople" action="URL" method="get" target="newwindow"> <input id="phonebook" class="blur" type="text" name="peo_name" size="15" value="Search Phonebook.." onFocus="document.getElementById('...

Putting UIView with alpha 1 on top of UIView with alpha 0.5

Hello everyone, I'm trying to have a modular uiview that will be placed on top of another view. The modular view has an alpha value of 0.5, and appears in the middle of the main view. Now, I would like for text to be rendered on that modular UIView. However, whenever I: [modularView addSubview:text] it looks all hazy. How can I m...

Animating opacity, opacity in general in IE

When IE renders a filter: alpha(opacity=..) whether it's on an image or text. It looks bad. Is there a way to make IE render normal-browser-like smooth opacity? If no, how can I easily after a fadeIn (opacity x->1) javascript animation re-render the elements so it doesn't look bad anymore..? ...

Why CSS opacity is affecting div above it?

I have overlay inside HTML element and inside that overlay I have element that contains message. But for some reson upper element gets also opacity from element under it. EDIT: I only have tested this with latest Firefox. Here is CSS example code to explain problem: .overlay { z-index: 1000; border: medium none; margin: 0p...

how to set opacity IE? probem with mouse over

When I am trying to set opacity in css, mouse over event is not getting fired. my css code is- .dropmenudiv_a{ position:absolute; top: 0; border: 1px solid white; /*THEME CHANGE HERE*/ border-top-width: 8px; /*Top border width. Should match height of .ddcolortabsline above*/ border-bottom-width: 0; border-le...

Opacity property in IE

Curvy Corners is a JavaScript library that allows IE to understand the border radius CSS property. Is there a similar JavaScript library that does this for the opacity property? ie9.js can do this, but it does not reapply itself after updating the DOM asynchronously. ...