
Query Execution Plan Tool - Java

Hi Does anyone know an open source java solution to display the Query Execution plan of a query send to a database ? Would prefer a graphical output like a graph with nodes etc. EDIT : Used Database is Oracle ...

wcf service OpenTimeout error

i am making a WCF service, and its corresponding client, both hosted in a single ASP.NET application. Now what happens, is that whenever i open my connection, it gives a timeout error. It happens, only of the .Open() statement. And moreover, it doesn't happen always, but sometimes it keeps coming.?? Please tell me a way.. ...

How can I add a simple link to a variable using openlayers / cloudmade?

Here's the code I've got; <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript"> var cloudmade = new CM.Tiles.CloudMade.Web({key: '1b67988f99f947e3bd06fbcf924aeda1', styleId:19933}); var map = new CM.Map('mapa', cloudmade); map.setCen...

svn server on shared hosting

I m looking for an open source svn server which I can install from web. (like wordpress installation) Because of shared hosting. I will connect svn server from with visual ...

Open File With Python

I am writing a tkinter program that is kind of a program that is like a portfolio and opens up other programs also writen in python. So for example i have FILE_1 and FILE_2 and i want to write a program that onced clicked on a certain button opens either FILE_1 or FILE_2. i dont need help with the look like with buttons just how to wir...

Opening a Jquery Dialog in the main window from iframe

Hello! I've been trying this for all day... I've a form in a iframe and this contains jquery validate for the form validation. I just want that when the data is invalid, the jquery dialog appears in the main page, appears in top.document. this is my code on iframe: $("#dialog-message", top.document).dialog({ ...

Choosing Open Source software for building GIS Application

Hi, Can anyone please tell me which is the best Open Source Software should i go for ......if i have to build a Desktop GIS Application ....which involves Spatial Querying both feature based and attribute based..... Languages that i wud be using C# .Net any idea about MapWindowGIS and MapObjects Thanks in advance Please reply ...

added user with perl-ldap in Open Directory but password: Crypt Password not Open Directory

added user with perl-ldap in Open Directory but password: Crypt Password not Open Directory some weird things happen 1) those user fall into Workgroup Manager > Viewing directory: Search Policy. but I expecting to see them in Workgroup Manager > Viewing directory: /LDAPv3/ 2) Account Summary indicated those user Password: C...

What open source projects can be used for extracting relevant content from various webpages?

So for example the youtube video ID from a youtube page, or a tweet ID from a twitter page, or a Facebook uid from a facebook profile... ...

Java getDesktop() open command

Hello, I am trying to use Java's Desktop / getDesktop() / open() call to open a text (simple ASCII) file with the system's default editor. I am using FileWriter / PrintWriter to write to the file, flush it, close it, but I get am getting an exception thrown. I am using the same File object in my as I am in my F...

Is it possible to read, using open graph, on a server side if user is logged in to facebook ?

Someone is logged in to Facebook and than goes to my website. Is it possible to read on a server side if he's logged in to facebook now. I need to show different fields for a comment form. At the moment I'm using Rails and plugin ...

Any Open Source Tools to test the FLASH Application ?

I have tried with the below things , FlashSelenium FlashWatir Except these any other tools available ? ...

OpenFlow crashes app whem trying to reset/ recreate

I am trying desperately to change the images on an OpenFlow instance with no luck. I am kind of giving up so I am trying now to remove the instance and create a new one. But I can't avoid crashing the app. The code to create it is: AFOpenFlowView *of = [[AFOpenFlowView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 100, 320, 380)]; [of setCenter:...

Open source software

how to get licenses of open source softwares like linux ...

How should I analyze the control flow of Mozilla's Gecko?

I am a CS noob and as an assignment I was told to analyze Gecko's source code and measure its coverage. But I am unsure of how to do this. I downloaded the source code, however it comprises several hundred files and I can't imagine that he would want us to look at each one. Is there a particular file(s) that I must examine to accomplish ...

Facebook Open Share Window from Application

Hello! How can I open the Share with friends window from inside a Flash application please? Thank you! ...

Facebook Like button sometimes appears sometimes not

Hi I have strange issue with like buttons on my site. When I enter a page it shows up correctly, than after refresh it doesn't appears and I have javascript error FB.provide is not a function [Break on this error] FB.provide('Array',{indexOf:function(a...|c.hasOwnProperty(d))a(c[d],d,c);}}); Initialization and asynchronous including...

Looking for Open Source document to text parser recommendations (ex: .PDF or .doc or to text)

Formatting should be preserved. ...

What happens to open source Glassfish by Oracle?

Dear members, As you know Sun/Glassfish has been captured by the Oracle and Oracle has commercial approach. So, what do you think for the future of Open-Source Glassfish and/or Netbeans IDE? Is this better choice to migrate to eclipse/Jboss or not yet? Regards ...

what are the other setting need to see a html table into excel sheet format in open office org?

I have generated a html table from my web application and save the table into .xls format(in a single word i am generating a .xls sheet from my web application ). But when i open that file in open office it shows the following thing (see the url) What other setting i have to show it in table form. ...