
Visual C++ AVI writer function to push bitmaps (640x480) to AVI file?

I have a video capture card with SDK for Visual C++. Color frames (640 x 480) become available to me at 30 fps in a callback from the SDK. Currently, I am writing the entire image sequence out one at a time as individual bmp files in a separate thread -- that's 108,000 files in an hour, or about 100 GB per hour, which is not manageabl...

OpenCV Video capture and fps problem

Hi to all, I'm capturing video from my webcam using OpenCV on MacOSX. It works fine but when I try to play on QuickTime my captured video it plays too fast. i.e. I capture from camera for 10 seconds but when I play on QuickTime the video is 2 seconds. I've tried to change fps from 25 to 10 and It's works quite fine, but I'm sure it's ...

OpenCV videos across platform

I am writing a video using OpenCV on linux machine. I want to read the same video using OpenCV on a windows machine. I am not able to do this using the standard codecs provided in openCV. Can anybody suggest how I can read/write videos across the two platforms? ...

Using Eclipse C++ CDT in Linux

I want to use Eclipse to develop C++ projects on Linux. Particularly I want to modify stable and widely used open source projects using the Eclipse CDT. One of them is Intel Opencv. There are tutorials to create simple c++ projects like here: . I have seen plent...

writing video from webcam using opencv

i am using JNA to be able to run opencv under java. works pretty fine until i need to write a video to the file system. the same code is running on windows without any problem (video is written using any of the cv_fourcc suggestions). however, the same code does not work under osx. the problem is i do not get any error at all. the video ...

Problem with iterating over a lots of images in OpenCv with mac os

I'm trying to iterator over some directories containing approximately 3000 images. I load the image. If the image is loaded I release it. That is the smallest program that I can write to reproduce the error. After loading and releasing 124 images the program stops loading images. I think this a memory issue but I don't understand what...

How can I display an OpenCV IplImage in Gtk+/Gtkmm?

I've got images as IplImage that I want to display in a small Gtkmm application. How can I convert them to something Gtk can display? Solved: IplImage* image; cvCvtColor(image, image, CV_BGR2RGB); Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> pixbuf = Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_data( (guint8*)image->imageData, Gdk::COLORSPACE_RGB, false, image->dept...

Favorite technique for hand gesture recognition

There is a lot of research going on about gesture recognition. I figured I would narrow this down to the topic of hand gesture recognition (i.e. stationary hand positions, up to as complex and dynamic as sign language recognition). Considering the image processing techniques available in real-time, such as blob detection, edge detection...

How to create data fom image like "Letter Image Recognition Dataset" from UCI

I am using letter_regcog example from OpenCV, it used dataset from UCI which have structure like this: Attribute Information: 1. lettr capital letter (26 values from A to Z) 2. x-box horizontal position of box (integer) 3. y-box vertical position of box (integer) 4. width width of box (integer) 5. high heigh...

How to compile OpenCV with ICC?

I am trying to compile OpenCV with icc on Linux, in order to profile the execution with intel tools. I installed the last version of icc with default options. I tried both "user" (icc is installed in my home) and "sudo" (icc is intalled in /opt) installs. The version of icc is 11.1 20090630 I also thought to source, adding n...

Matlab MPEG 7 descriptors

Hello, I need some descriptors of MPEG7 in Matlab. The descriptors are dominant color, color layout, color structure, scalable color, edge histogram and homogeneous texture. Do you know where can I find Matlab source code for these descriptors? Thanks ...

cvGetCaptureProperty always return 0 for CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT!

This is a code snippet from O'Reilly Learning Opencv, cvNamedWindow("Example3", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); g_capture = cvCreateFileCapture(argv[1]); int frames = (int) cvGetCaptureProperty(g_capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT); if (frames != 0) { cvCreateTrackbar("Position", "Example3", &g_slider_postion, frames, onTrackbarSlide); } But unfo...

OpenCV: Detect blinking lights in a video feed

I have a video feed. This video feed contains several lights blinking at different rates. All lights are the same color (they are all infrared LEDs). How can I detect the position and frequency of these blinking lights? Disclaimer: I am extremely new to OpenCV. I do have a copy of Learning OpenCV, but I am finding it a bit overwhelming....

How to test proximity of lines (Hough transform) in OpenCV

(This is a follow-up from this previous question). I was able to successfully use OpenCV / Hough transforms to detect lines in pictures (scanned text); at first it would detect many many lines (at least one line per line of text), but by adjusting the 'threshold' parameter via trial-and-error, it now only detects "real" lines. (The 'th...

OpenCV highgui110.dll Link Error

Hello to all, i encounter an error like Error 1 fatal error LNK1107: invalid or corrupt file: cannot read at 0x2C8 C:\Program Files\OpenCV\bin\highgui110.dll Additional Include Directories C:\Program Files\OpenCV\cxcore\include C:\Program Files\OpenCV\otherlibs\highgui C:\Program Files\OpenCV\cv\include Additional Library Directories C...

Qt + OpenCV + eclipse (on windows)

can anyone please help me with a tutorial for integrating Qt and OpenCV on eclipse IDE? (windows). Qt works just fine, OpenCV works just fine, but together - no good.. I'm losing my mind here.. Thanks! ...

cvLoadImage() fails whem loading *.jpg

I am trying to load a JPEG image using the cvLoadImage function and it fails. I get the output "image not loaded" (see the code below). However a window appears but no picture. When trying to load png pictures the cvLoadImage operation is successful, i.e. the picture is presented in a window. Is there a package that I might be missing or...

Compressing IplImage to JPEG using libjpeg in OpenCV

Hi everybody. So I have this problem. I have an IplImage that i want to compress to JPEG and do something with it. I use libjpeg. I found a lot of answers "read through examples and docs" and such and did that. And successfully written a function for that. FILE* convert2jpeg(IplImage* frame) { FILE* outstream = NULL; outstream=mallo...

Alpha channel in OpenCV

Hi, does OpenCV support alpha-channel? Or is there any way to work with transparent png? I need to merge two images, where the first one is background and the second one is image which was rotated by cvWarpAffine. I can do this by merging pixels one by one and omit pixels with some value, which I set in cvScalar in cvWarpAffine. However,...

OpenCV Vs ImageMagick?

Hi I have an upcoming project which is about image segmentation i.e. to group the pixels constituting the image into clusters based on certain visual properties of the pixel. We plan to do it in C++ and have zeroed in on two image processing/manipulation libraries - OpenCV and ImageMagick. I'm reading on ImageMagick and it seems it has...