
Converting OpenGL Primitives to OpenGLES

I'm trying to convert the following code from OpenGL 1.5 spec. to the OpenGLES 1.1 spec (num_x and num_y are passed into the function by arguments) ::glBegin(GL_LINES); for (int i=-num_x; i<=num_x; i++) { glVertex3i(i, 0, -num_y); glVertex3i(i, 0, num_y); } for (int i=-num_y; i<=num_y; i++) { glVertex3i(-num_x, 0, i); ...

OpenGL vs OpenGL ES 2.0 - Can an OpenGL Application Be Easily Ported?

I am working on a gaming framework of sorts, and am a newcomer to OpenGL. Most books seem to not give a terribly clear answer to this question, and I want to develop on my desktop using OpenGL, but execute the code in an OpenGL ES 2.0 environment. My question is twofold then: If I target my framework for OpenGL on the desktop, will i...

Drawing Stippled Lines using OpenGL-ES

I have an application that draws 3-d map view marked up lines that show various features. I am porting the map over to an OpenGL-ES architecture, but am having a bit of trouble working out how to display dashed lines. Doing a lot of googling, I've found many references to the idea that drawing dashed lines and polygons were removed from...

Creating 3D model using set of 2D images on Windows.

Hello everyone, I want to create a 3D model using set of 2D images on windows which can be send through webservice to iphone to display on it. I know it can be done through Opengl but don't know how to start and also if I succeeded in creating it,is it compatible with iphone as iphone uses opengl es. Thanks in advance. ...

Develop for OpenGL ES on the desktop

I'm developing a desktop OpenGL application, and I want to make sure it'll be compatible to OpenGL ES, so that it'll be easier to port it to mobile platforms later. What's the best way to make sure I'm using only the OpenGL ES specifications in my software? ...

best openGLES tutorial for iphone beginers?

Hi friends I have found very useful links for opengles. try it and enjoy coding. this will be in chinese language, use google translator to change the language. ...

OpenGL desktop application to iPhone

I want to develop OpenGL application for iPhone. However I don't like using iPhone simulator. Is it possible to create Cocoa desktop application and then just copy-paste drawing code to iPhone application? How different is coding OpenGL for iPhone and Cocoa? ...

using glTexSubImage2D in opengl es 1.1

I am sending an opengl 3D scene across an IP link to my iPhone app built using SDK 4.1. I render the 3D scene first using FBO, read it with glReadPixels and send it to the iphone app. If I convert the pixel data received by the app to UIImage, I see it is displayed correctly. But when I use the same data in glTexSubImage2D using opengl e...