
A Career in Operating Systems?

I'm currently taking a class in operating system development. I really enjoy the course work and find myself doing extra credit on every assignment. I have also been working on some open source OS projects in my free time. I can't really find anyone on Monster.com looking for OS programmers though. Has anyone out there gone down this ...

Which operating systems come with .net?

I'm trying to evaluate .net as an implementation platform for my next software project. Which operating system releases come with a .net runtime pre-installed? And which come with it as an add on (I'm thinking mono here)? ...

How can I detect from a Swing app that the PC is being shut-down?

Well behaved windows programs need to allow users to save their work when they are shutting the PC down. How can I make my app detect the shutdown event? Any solution should allow the user to abort the shutdown if user selects, say "Cancel". The normal Swing window closing hook doesn't work, nor does adding a shutdown hook. On testing...

How to do I check CPU and Memory Usage in Java?

I need to check CPU and memory usage for the server in java, anyone know how it could be done? ...

What are some Real-Time Operating Systems for 32-bit processors?

What RTOS have you used or recommend for 32-bit processors. I'm interested in mainstream processors here: PowerPC, Pentium, ARM, MIPS A link to a web site would be a nice bonus. Let's conduct this as a poll. Please only provide one selection per answer and mod up if you agree with a selection already present. ...

What is a multitasking operating system?

What are the characteristics of a multitasking operating system? What makes it multitasking? Are there non-multitasking operating systems? ...

What is round-robin scheduling?

In a multitasking operating system context, sometimes you hear the term round-robin scheduling. What does it refer to? What other kind of scheduling is there? ...

what is the difference between file modification time and file changed time?

I am confused between the term file modification time and file changed time. Can anyone help to make it clearer? ...

What operating systems available for an 8-bit microprocessor?

It does not need to be a full fledged OS, but at least have multitasking capabilities (i.e. a scheduler). Please mention what processor architecture it works on. This is a survey, so exact capabilities are not really important. Think of this as being a place to look at for possibilities when your next 8-bit embedded project comes up......

Building a new operating system

I am toying with the idea of creating an completely new operating system and would like to hear what everyone on this forums take is on that? First is it too late are the big boys so entrenched in our lives that we will never be able to switch (wow - what a terrible thought...). But if this is not the case, what should a operating syst...

Is there a .NET OS abstraction layer to make OS calls work cross-platform?

I really want to write .NET apps that run on any platform (PC, Linux and Mac). I am not really concerned about UI capabilities because these are mostly background services. I have heard of MONO and that it allows you to write .NET apps that run on Mac and Linux, but I want to be able to write a single app that when compiled for Windows...

How do you store your code and files for use across machines

I am interested to know what strategies people have to keep their code AND work versioned across multiple machines. For example I have a desktop PC running XP, a macbook running OSX and VMWare running XP as well as a sales laptop for running product demos. I want to know how I can always have these in sync. Subversion is a possibility...

Comparison of embedded operating systems?

I've been involved in embedded operating systems of one flavor or another, and have generally had to work with whatever the legacy system had. Now I have the chance to start from scratch on a new embedded project. The primary constraints on the system are: It needs a web-based interface. Inputs are required to be processed in real-ti...

Common Causes of Operating System Crashes

I am interested to learn: what are the most common technical causes (from the perspective of operating system programming) of an operating system crash (not limited to Windows crashes)? I'm looking for an answer not like "too many apps open", but what specifically happens when too many apps are open that causes the crash. ...

Licensing and using the Linux kernel

I would like to write my own OS, and would like to temporarily jump over the complicated task of writing the kernel and come back to it later by using the Linux kernel in the mean time. However, I would like to provide the OS as closed source for now. What license is the Linux kernel under and is it possible to use it for release with ...

Is there a good description of the "system call" mechanism used in OSes?

I am looking for a good primer or technical description of the System Call mechanism that is used by operating systems to transition from user space to the kernel to invoke functions such as "open", "read", "write", etc... Is there anything other than the Wikipedia entry? Websites, pdfs, books, source code, all are welcome :) ...

OS Development

I want to make my own operating system for the X86 architecture. What would be the best language to use? (Along with assem of course) What would the best compiler for the language be on a windows environment? Are there any good tutorials on this subject? Is it better to test it using an emulator or physical pc? ...

Server Operating System

What would you suggest would be the best operating system for a web server? If possible please enumerate the advantages and disadvantages if there are any... ...

What are some interesting, small Linux kernel projects to help learn the source?

What small projects would you suggest to a novice with the kernel, but someone who has plenty of systems and C experience? The aim is to develop a familiarity with the kernel source code, and a facility for experimentation with crazy ideas. I'm trying to think of some manageable small tasks (for example, add a syscall), but what would y...

Automatically mounting NTFS partition on FreeBSD at boot time

I am looking for the way to mount NTFS hard disk on FreeBSD 6.2 in read/write mode. searching google, I found that NTFS-3G can be a help. Using NTFS-3G, there is no problem when I try to mount/unmount NTFS manually: mount: ntfs-3g /dev/ad1s1 /home/admin/data -o uid=1002, or umount: umount /home/admin/data But I have a problem when ...