
Using operator+ without leaking memory?

So the code in question is this: const String String::operator+ (const String& rhs) { String tmp; tmp.Set(this->mString); tmp.Append(rhs.mString); return tmp; } This of course places the String on the stack and it gets removed and returns garbage. And placing it on the heap would leak memory. So how shoul...

Returning reference to class with overloaded private & operator?

I got a class called Property (from external library == cannot be modified) that has private overloaded & operator. I use this class in another class as a property and (for sanity reasons) I'd like to return a reference to this property through the Get method. However I got the 'cannot access private member declared in class' error I can...

Providing less than operator for one element of a pair

What would be the most elegant way too fix the following code: #include <vector> #include <map> #include <set> using namespace std; typedef map< int, int > row_t; typedef vector< row_t > board_t; typedef row_t::iterator area_t; bool operator< ( area_t const& a, area_t const& b ) { return( a->first < b->first ); }; int main( int a...

User defined conversion operator as argument for printf

I have a class that defined a user defined operator for a TCHAR*, like so CMyClass::operator const TCHAR*() const { // returns text as const TCHAR* } I want to be able to do something like CMyClass myClass; _tprintf(_T("%s"), myClass); or even _tprintf(_T("%s"), CMyClass(value)); But when trying, printf always prints (null) ...

Operator() as a subscript (C++)

I use operator() as a subscript operator this way: double CVector::operator() (int i) const { if (i >= 0 && i < this->size) return this->data[i]; else return 0; } double& CVector::operator() (int i) { return (this->data[i]); } It works when I get values, but I get an error when I try to write assign a value using a(i) = 1; ...

Is the 'Is' VB.NET keyword the same as Object.ReferenceEquals?

Is the Is VB.NET keyword the same as Object.ReferenceEquals? ...

Why overload true and false instead of defining bool operator?

I've been reading about overloading true and false in C#, and I think I understand the basic difference between this and defining a bool operator. The example I see around is something like: public static bool operator true(Foo foo) { return (foo.PropA > 0); } public static bool operator false(Foo foo) { return (foo.PropA <= 0); } ...

C# memory allocation

Does using operator new in c# might fail (if it requires a large memory for example)? -Solved- And how to discover it? -Solved- What other failures new operator might throw? Thanks ...

operator << overload

//using namespace std; using std::ifstream; using std::ofstream; using std::cout; class Dog { friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Dog&); public: char* name; char* breed; char* gender; Dog(); ~Dog(); }; im trying to overload the << operator. I'm also trying to practice good...

What is the difference between an Operator and Method?

What is the difference in the evaluation rule of an operator and a method in Java? ...

What division operator symbol would you pick?

I am currently designing and implementing a small programming language as an extra-credit project in a class I'm taking. My problem is that the language has three numeric types: Long, Double, and Fraction. Fractions can be written in the language as proper or improper fractions (e.g. "2 1/3" or "1/2"). This fact leads to problems such as...

post increment operator java

I can't make heads or tails of the following code from "java puzzlers" by joshua bloch. public class Test22{ public static void main(String args[]){ int j=0; for(int i=0;i<100;i++){ j=j++; } System.out.println(j); //prints 0 int a=0,b=0; a=b++; System.out.println(a); System.out.println(b); //prints 1 } } I ca...

Assignment operator that calls a constructor is broken

I've implemented some of the changes suggested in this question, and (thanks very much) it works quite well, however... in the process I've seemed to break the post-declaration assignment operator. With the following code: #include <cstdio> #include "ucpp" main() { ustring a = "test"; ustring b = "ing"; ustring c = "- -"; ustrin...

std::map operator[] and automatically created new objects

I'm a little bit scared about something like this: std::map<DWORD, DWORD> tmap; tmap[0]+=1; tmap[0]+=1; tmap[0]+=1; Since DWORD's are not automatically initialized, I'm always afraid of tmap[0] being a random number that is incremented. How does the map know hot to initialize a DWORD if the runtime does not know how to do it? I...

Scala :: operator, how it works?

Hello Guys, in Scala, I can make a caseclass case class Foo(x:Int) and then put it in a list like so: List(Foo(42)) Now, nothing strange here. The following is strange to me. The operator :: is a function on a list, right? With any function with 1 argument in Scala, I can call it with infix notation. An example is 1 + 2 is a function...

Custom string class (C++)

Hey guys. I'm trying to write my own C++ String class for educational and need purposes. The first thing is that I don't know that much about operators and that's why I want to learn them. I started writing my class but when I run it it blocks the program but does not do any crash. Take a look at the following code please before reading ...

How Does iPhone Visual Voicemail Work From An Operator Perspective?

I'm hoping there are some Cell Phone Operator gurus here today. Would anyone be able to explain how Operators achieve the Visual Voicemail feature on the iPhone (and I assume other newer smart phones)? If a new cell phone operator that distributed SIM cards wanted to utilise the visual voicemail feature on unlocked iPhone's what servic...

Who deletes the copied instance in + operator ? (c++)

Hello, I searched how to implement + operator properly all over the internet and all the results i found do the following steps : const MyClass MyClass::operator+(const MyClass &other) const { MyClass result = *this; // Make a copy of myself. Same as MyClass result(*this); result += other; // Use += to add other to t...

conditional operator in C question

I just have a quick question about the conditional operator. Still a budding programmer here. I am given x = 1, y = 2, and z = 3. I want to know, why after this statement: y += x-- ? z++ : --z; That y is 5. The values after the statement are x = 0, y = 5, and z = 4. I know the way the conditional operator works is that it is formatte...

C++ - No match for 'operator=' when compiling using GCC

Hello! I recently tried building my own shared and weak pointers. Code that compiles using Visual Studio doesn't compile in GCC (4.5.0) with the following error: main.cpp: In function 'int main()': main.cpp:18:27: error: no match for 'operator=' in 'wp1 = weak_ptr<int>(((const shared_ptr<int>&)((const shared_ptr<int>*)(& sp1))))' weak_p...