
I want to insert a file to Oracle using BLOB column type over Hibernate?

I want to save my file on Oracle Instance. I am using Hibernate for data objects. How can I insert files into Oracle Blob. Is there any sample code for this? ...

Vista focus issue when invoking Microsoft Word spell check from Oracle Forms

Friends, In testing our Oracle Forms application on Vista I have found a interesting "challenge". The application can invoke the Microsoft Word spell checker to perform a spell check on a field. When invoked, the user is shown the standard Microsoft Word spell checker dialog window. Word itself is invisble to the user. The Spell Che...

SQL - Finding differences in row order of two tables

I have two tables of ID's and dates and I want to order both tables by date and see those ids that are not in the same order e.g. table_1 id | date ------------ A 01/01/09 B 02/01/09 C 03/01/09 table_2 id | date ------------ A 01/01/09 B 03/01/09 C 02/01/09 and get the results B C Now...

Where\How to store distributed configuration data

A single installation of our product stores it's configuration in a set of database tables. None of the installations 'know' about any other installation. It's always been common for customers to install multiple copies of our product in different datacentres, which are geographically far apart. This means that the configuration infor...

Oracle: How to execute an insert trigger without delaying the insert response?

The trigger below is delaying my insert response. How can I prevent this? create or replace TRIGGER GETHTTPONINSERT BEFORE INSERT ON TABLENAME FOR EACH ROW Declare -- BEGIN -- The inserted data is transfered via HTTP to a remote location END; EDIT People are telling me to do batch jobs, but I would rather have the data earlier...

Where can I query an oracle databases' case-sensitivity?

Where can I query the current case-sensitivity setting of an oracle database? I've tried looking in v$database, nls_database_parameters, and looking through the system packages, but none of them seem to provide the information I need... ...

How can a node in an execution plan have smaller costs than its child?

I always thought that a node in an execution plan can only be executed after its children have executed, and thus the total cost of a node has to be greater or equal than the cost of the child nodes. However, this is not always the case, like in the following example: Plan hash value: 2810258729 ----------------------------------------...

Use parameter in like clause in oracle

I'm trying to build a search page in ASP.NET that allows me to search for table names in oracle. When I place the sql in the sqldatasource control it doesn't recognize the parameter :Tablename. How do I need to rewrite this so that it works? SELECT Owner, Table_name, Num_Rows, Tablespace_name FROM all_tables WHERE trim(upper(table_nam...

Sequence within SQL Select

Afternoon Gents. I'm having a bit of a problem with using my sequence within a SELECT statement. SELECT c.cust_name,, customer_id_seq.nextval FROM customer c WHERE c.customer_id IS NULL ORDER BY c.site_code ASC ; Is giving me an error: 00000 - "sequence number not allowed here" *C...

Spring JDBC connection pool and InputStream results

I am writing a webservice that allows users to post files and then retrieve them at a URL (basically think of it as the RESTful Amazon S3). The issue I came across was rather then return a byte[] from my Oracle query (Spring JDBC) I am returning an InputStream and then streaming the data back to the client in chunks. This (IMO) is a mu...

ORACLE How to use spool with dynamic spool location.

Ok, so i'm a complete newb with oracle. Now that that's out of the way; I think you can get an understand of what i'm trying to do below. For each stored procedure found, output the DDL to a filename with it's name. The problem is i can't figure out how to get the spool target to pick up the value of FileName which is being set by the ...

Getting the primary key value after a merge command?

Is there some way to get a value from the last inserted or updated row? I am using the merge command to do an insert or an update if the row exists. I know how to get the autogenerated key after an insert but can I get the primary key if I use the merge command? I'm using Java with JDBC and Oracle DB. ...

Downloading large files to PC from OAS Server

We have an Oracle 10g forms application running on a Solaris OAS server, with the forms displaying in IE. Part of the application involves uploading and downloading files (Word docs and PDFs, mainly) from the PC to the OAS server, using Oracle's webutil utility. The problem is with large files (anything over 25Megs or so), it takes a l...

Multiple DataKeyNames in Master Detail Gridview.

This code lets you search for a table name in an Oracle database. then when you select a row it puts all the columns for the selected table in the second gridview. The Code below works if I only use one DatakeyName - "Table_Name" but it will display identical table names with different owners if they exist which is not what I want. I ...

The provider is not compatible with the version of Oracle client error when using Oracle.DataClient

Hi, I'm using Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition, and I'm trying my hand in developing a small application using Oracle.DataClient. I'm getting the above mentioned error, when trying to connect to the database in the target system. I've added a reference to Oracle provider for Oracle 10gR2, and in the target machine I have ...

oracle without installing the data provider

I am creating a script that retrieves data from a local oracle db. As of now I have the oracle data provider for .net installed. However, this is a big file and a long installation process. Is there a way to deploy a software that utilizes the System.Data.OracleClient without having to install the data provider? ...

Oracle 10g Partitioning: Can I partition a subtable?

I have a main table with a primary key and a partition column (a date) and five subtables which use foreign key references to the primary key. Is there a way with Oracle 10g to partition the subtables in the same way as the main table without duplicating the partition column? ...

How do I check which schemata have been granted EXECUTE permission on an Oracle object?

I need to find out which schemata have already been granted execute permission on a certain object in an Oracle 10g db (in this case, a package). What's the simplest way for me to do this? Is there a built-in function to provide this information? ...

Oracle Query Help - Using TOAD

Hi all, I have used this type of functionality before but is MSSQL but can't get it to work for Oracle, any tips? DECLARE MY_TBL NUMBER := 1; BEGIN IF(MY_TBL > 0) THEN SELECT * FROM MY_TBL ORDER BY MY_TBL_ID DESC; END IF; END; What I would like to have is a flag variable set to zero or one, if one display the re...

PL/SQL block problem: No data found

SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE v_student_id NUMBER := &sv_student_id; v_section_id NUMBER := 89; v_final_grade NUMBER; v_letter_grade CHAR(1); BEGIN SELECT final_grade INTO v_final_grade FROM enrollment WHERE student_id = v_student_id AND section_id = v_section_id; CASE -- outer CASE WHEN v_final_grade IS NULL THEN DBMS_OUTP...