
Oracle Enterprise Manager Favicon

Our Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control website has no favicon. I don't know if this is normal or not. If it is not normal I'll contact support, but if it is normal I'd like to know if there is a way to add one. I would guess if I knew where the root of the website was I could put a favicon.ico file there, but I'm not sure...

Memory Leak in Oracle Client 10.2.04 for 64bit ASP.NET application

Does anybody know of Memory Leak in Oracle Client 10.2.04 64bit? We use in on ASP.NET application running on Windows 2008 server with System.Data.OracleClient and our process is growing to 2.4GB withing few days! ...

Inline query to update multiple rows

Here is a brief description of the tables I'm working with in Oracle 10g: Notes: Table : jnldetail : Single row with data as shown. There are multiple package id's attached to the same bill_ref_no for an account. Therefore, I'm trying to update "jnldetail " with the multiple package_id's. Relation between index_bill_ref and bill_ref_n...

"Smart" where clause for filtering values (Oracle 10g)

Imagine table t1 have 2 cols: col1 col2 -------------- test 900 1 test 901 2 test 902 3 user 901 4 test 909 5 I want to find just one row by 2 params (name, code) where name its (test, user ..etc) and code - (901, 902, null, .. etc). There could not be more than one row of the same (Code,name) - I Mean there ...

Subsonic support for Oracle ODP.NET?

I'm new to Subsonic and I work primarily with Oracle databases. Can subsonic be used against an Oracle database and does it support the use of Oracle's ODP.NET data provider. If yes, can you point me to a good example? Thanks in advance. Scott ...

LoaderLock error when connecting to Oracle in .NET OLE DB connection

I have an OLE DB connection in VB.NET that I am trying to use to connect to an Oracle database. However, I get the following error on the con.Open() line: LoaderLock was detected Attempting managed execution inside OS Loader lock. Do not attempt to run managed code inside a DllMain or image initialization function since doing so can ca...

Oracle DDL/DML script, PL/SQL in Source Control

I'm looking for recommendations/guidance on how best to store DDL/DML and PL/SQL script in Source Control (we're using Microsoft Visual Studio TFS) for an in-house developed SaaS application. We have a team of up to 7 developers working on a project that is based on a fairly straight-forward Dev/Main branch model. There are dependenc...

Insufficient privileges when adding FK constraint (Oracle)

ALTER TABLE LAB_ADMIN_USER.TEST_TEMPLATE_ABBR ADD ( CONSTRAINT TEST_TEMPLATE_ABBR_R01 FOREIGN KEY (test_template_id) REFERENCES LAB_ADMIN.TEST_TEMPLATE (test_template_id) ON DELETE CASCADE) What is the most likely cause of 'ORA=01031: insufficient privileges' when executing the command above? In other words, what permission do...

User.Identity.Name casing issue

I'm using ASP.NET MVC 1.0 along with the Oracle ASP.NET Membership Providers. I'm running into a case sensitivity problem. When a user logs into the system, it appears that the Membership provider sets the User.Identity.Name value to whatever the user typed in. That is, if I created the user as Foo and the user logs in as fOo then eve...

Getting total number of records while fetching limited set - Oracle

Hello, I have the query below that fetches 500 records according to certain criteria. The fact that there are many rows (millions). I want to get total number of records so I can say "display 500 out of .... rows". Can I do this with this query? currently I have separate query to do that but I was wondering if I can do it in same query....

How to convert Oracle "TIME" to JDBC Time in query?

Oracle doesn't support the TIME datatype, but you can use DATE to store a TIME. My problem: select to_date('2009-06-30', 'YYYY-MM-DD') as "DATE", to_date('16:31:59', 'HH24:MI:SS') as "TIME" from dual yields: DATE TIME 2009-06-30 2009-08-01 when I run it through JDBC (in SQuirrel SQL, in fact). "2009-08-01" isn't a v...

DotNet Oracle ORM

Hi, What would be a good ORM for Oracle in .NET? I am looking for something that can auto generate the classes and mapping etc. and is free. Something closer to Linq2Sql or SubSonic. ...

What do I need to do to get a Mono application to talk to oracle?

Mono is an open source version of the .net framework, having a quick look at it's website it claims to have Linq-to-Oracle support. How hard is this to get working, e.g. does oracle software need to be installed on the client machine? ...

How to force sequence of updates in DB

I have this table: old_id integer NOT NULL, new_id integer Now I want to update new_id with a sequence in such a way that the order of old_id is preserved. Basically: update table set new_id = sequence.NEXTVAL order by old_id Is something like this possible? If it matters, I'm on Oracle 10g. ...

How can I use a select query to insert with a control file in Oracle?


How to set dependency to an Oracle Datatable

Hi, In our project we want to use Cache Dependency.After some searching,i've learned that it is just for Sql Server and we should write our own cachedepency class for it.Has anyone tried it before?What is the easiest way to set dependency to an Oracle table?We use Oracle 11g and .net 2008,Thanks for Help ...

Oracle Advanced Queueing with .Net

Somebody knows how to implement Oracle Advance Queue from C# using PL/SSQL and ODP.NET? I can't find a single example or resource with concrete examples in C# or VB.NET. Ideally I would like some examples on how the enqueue and dequeue messages with simple types (XMl/string). ...

Fix numbering of many item groups in table

I have a table with these columns create table demo ( ID integer not null, INDEX integer not null, DATA varchar2(10) ) Example data: ID INDEX DATA 1 1 A 1 3 B 2 1 C 2 1 D 2 5 E I want: ID INDEX DATA 1 1 A 1 2 B -- 3 -> 2 2 1 C or D -- 1 -> 1 or 2 2 2 ...

SQL - two months from todays date in Oracle

I have a column that stores the last modified date. I want to check in a SQL query if its value is more than 2 months from the current date. I know I need to use SYSDATE but am not familiar with date stuff in Oracle so am unsure as to the rest. ...

how to calculate value of string in oracle

Hi If I have a string say "3*2+24" how can calculate its value in Oracle? In sql server you can do exec ('select 3*2+24') and it returns 30 Thanks ...