
Is it OK to nest database views?

In the world of oracle, I have the impression that views based on other views are considered to be bad practice. I myself have complained about this when the trying to solve performance issues and the nesting seemed excessive and hid away unneeded complexity in the underlying views. Now I find myself in the situation of thinking that it ...

How to automatically export oracle environment variable required to run a ruby script?

My ruby script requires connection to an Oracle database. So I need to export ORACLE_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly before the script would run. Is there a way that I can export those env variables without using shell script? I tried to put ENV['ORACLE_HOME'] = '/usr/local/oracle_client' at the first line of the script and it doesn't...

ASP.NET Three Tier

I want to develop an application based on and Oracle using three tier architecture where the data access layer will be kept on a totally different server(Linux). I posted a question before and some people suggested me to use General asp and NHibernate. Now before i start the web application, i want to be sure about that. Please s...

Oracle Date subtraction with SQLLDR

Hi, I am trying to import NetBackup statistics into Oracle. One field I really want is ACTIVE START, but it isn't available from bpdbjobs -report. What is available is ACTIVEELAPSED, so I want to subtract that from the END TIME on import as follows: END TIME Format: 26/09/2009 10:46:20 PM ELAPSED TIME Format: 028:32:35 (which is hours...

how to get oracle port no from sql query

Hi, Is it possible to get the oracle server port no from a sql query? Thanks, Fell ...

SQL Command not properly ended

I am getting the sql command not properly ended when hiting this line below. I want to insert into table A with data from table B. Both of them have the same columns but the sequence might be different. TIA! Insert into a (select column_name from user_tab_columns where table_name = 'B') select * from b I am using pl/sql developer. ...

What is the perfect toolbox for PL/SQL development?

I work on two projects with a lot of PL/SQL code since few months. However, I didn't find any really interesting tools to develop on this langage. For the moment, my configuration includes the following tools: Eclipse (the rest of the application is developed in Java), with PL/SQL Editor plugin As I really don't like and trust the PL...

How to create pdf reports using PL/SQl

Is there pl/sql package or engine avalable which would enable the creation of PDF reports from stored procedures? ...

Does Oracle RAC allow completely transparent failovers between nodes?

I have an application running on Oracle 10g using Hibernate. I am wondering if it is possible to make the application highly available with respect to database failures without any code changes on the application side, using Oracle RAC. I have two Oracle RAC nodes for the application, and ideally would like to be able to pull the plug ...

Pattern Matching with Like Clause

I am attempting to use a LIKE clause in a SQL statement to match a certain pattern within Oracle. I would like to do something as such: LIKE '[A-Z][A-Z][1-4]%' ..but I can't use a regex because this is on Oracle9i (regex support came in 10g). I am attempting to match something that has two characters before it, then a number between...

running a batch file from oracle forms 6i using host

I am trying to run a batch file. the file is located here: C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\getfile.bat I use this in oracle forms 6i: first i assign this path to a variable: tmp_msg := 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\getfile.bat' then I use the host command: host( 'cmd /c' || tmp_msg, no_screen); This is exactly as I have it. It ...

ORA-01731: circular view definition encountered

we are migrating over to oracle from sql server side. on sqlserver we used to have a view like the following create view blah AS Select column1, column2 FROM blah; but doing this on oracle produces circular view error. is this not allowed on oracle side? ...

Oracle - how to find columns in a table + stored procedures dependent on them?

Scenario: I need to list all the columns in a table1 and all stored procedures that depends on those columns of this table1. I need to populate column name and stored procedures to a new table. I created new_table(col1, sProc) and tried to populate the column name and respective stored procedure on this new_table. Code I wrote is given...

cakephp with oracle: no group by?

Greetings, I'm trying to use the 'group' parameter for a find using CakePHP. The dbms is oracle and to my surprise it didn't work (no group by in the query). Example: $this->User->find('all', array('group' => 'id')); The query returned: select * from users User where 1 = 1; digging around the source code at the DboOracle::render...

install has detected an invalid Active EMD Home configured as </some/path/>

"Possible cause for this error may be a previous installation of Oracle Application Server that was not completely installed or deinstalled. Please perform a deinstall on that home." I believe I have deinstalled it, together with the database. And when I use runInstaller and choose deinstall, it doesn't show up. Asking google yields 6 ...

Select from table in Oracle with multiple sessions

I have multiple threads that are processing rows from the same table that is - in fact - a queue. I want that each row will be handled by one thread only. So, I've added a column - "IsInProccess", and in the threads SELECT statement I've added "WHERE IsInProccess = 0". In addition I use "SELECT FOR UPDATE" so after a thread get a row fr...

Implementation of OOPS in Oracle

Hi all, Can you give me some idea about implementation of OOPS in Oracle? Thanks in advance. ...

n00b oracle question

I am using Oracle Sql Developer I have a huge script that creates tables, indexes, primary key constraints and such. my DB name is: dbo_other I logged into this dbo_other as sysdba. If I run my script then tables do not show up on left panel under 'Tables' However, if I append the script by adding 'dbo_other.' in front of every tab...

Oracle Dynamic Join Challenge

EDIT: Far simpler example. (Formerly titled: Oracle Column Injection) GOAL: Complete the query below generate the following results? PURPOSE: Create a column dependent on an existing column in a table without putting the table in a subquery. Rules: Restructuring the query to put tbl in a subquery is not an option. The query must use...

How do I map from Oracle UDTs with ODP.NET without using OracleObjectMappingAttribute?

The data access layer in our application is going to be using the UDT functionality of Oracle. We will only be passing UDT objects to and from the database. At the moment, we generate the custom classes using the function provided with ODP.NET (which creates a truly horrible looking class that we really don't want in our codebase). We ...