
XSLT transformations on very large files

We are using XSLT to generate reports of our data. The data is currently stored in Oracle as XML documents (not using the XML type, but normal CLOB). We select the right XML documents and create a single document: <DATABASE> <XMLDOCUMENT> ... </XMLDOCUMENT> <XMLDOCUMENT> ... </XMLDOCUMENT> ... </DATABASE> In some cases, the c...

How do I compare rows in an Oracle Table?

I have a table that's like this rank continuationofrow 1 row 2 row 3 row 4 row 4 row 4 row I'm trying to identify the previous rows rank number within an Oracle statement. Any help is greatly appreciated. I've searched the internet and haven't found much. ...

How to drop all user tables?

How can I drop all user tables in oracle? I have problem with constraints. When I disable all it is still no possible. ...

Do database cursors pick up changes to the underlying data?

Quick question about cursors (in particular Oracle cursors). Let's say I have a table called "my_table" which has two columns, an ID and a name. There are millions of rows, but the name column is always the string 'test'. I then run this PL/SQL script: declare cursor cur is select, from my_table t order by 1; ...

Running Oracle 11g r1 on Windows 7 x64 getting 64 bit error

I have installed Oracle 11g r1 64 bit on Windows 7. I am able to connect to it using Sql Developer and a command line tool written in .Net that is 32 bit. I am using Visual Studio to create an ASP.Net application. The solution has 4 projects all of which are compiling for "Any CPU" I installed the 64 bit version of Oracle client and...

Displaying each of the 24hrs of the day...

Hi I was trying to display just the hours in 24hr format like: select to_char(trunc(sysdate+(1/24)),'HH24:mi') from dual But this only always returns 00:00. How can I show 01:00 to 23:00? Thanks and Regards ...

what the difrent between primary..unique..foreign key, index

hi What is the difference between primary, unique and foreign key constraints, and indexes? I work on Oracle 10g and Sql Server 2008 thanks in advance ...

Oracle SQL Developer How To Default To Other Users Tables?

Hi Guys, In order to see all of the tables in our companies DB I have to go find the main sys account. Is there a way to default my connection so that it shows the other users tables? ...

ADF: Calling a method through a managed beans in JSP

Hi, I am running into issues with passing parameters to managed beans in JSP within Oracle ADF. Here is an example JSP test page I am trying to pass parameters to a test method in a POJO: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?> <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1" xmlns:f="

Implementing user-defined db parameters/properties in Oracle

OK, the question title probably isn't the best, but I'm looking for a good way to implement an extensible set of parameters for Oracle database applications that "stay with" the host/instance. By "stay with", I mean that I'd like to rule out just having an Oracle table of name/value pairs that would have to modified if I create a test/Q...

How to truncate all user tables?

How can I truncate all user table in oracle? I have problem with tables constraints. ...

help with sql query

hi i have 2 tables: Mal: IdNum,Name Trap: IdNum,Tdate,Name input: from Tdate to Tdate and Name i need all the IdNum that in Mal but not in Trap and the input condition i work on oracle 10g thank's in advance ...

how to calculate sum of hours?

My tables are as follows workers: id integer ... days: id INTEGER event_date DATE worker_id INTEGER and hours: id INTEGER hr_start VARCHAR2(8) hr_stop VARCHAR2(8) day_id INTEGER I need a function which will calculate for every user in database, sum of hours in current month. ...

Oracle database synchronization

Here is the context : I have database A on one server, which is used from internal production. And database B on another server which provide some of the database A's information to a web site. A is updated internally, and B can is updated by the website's client. What is the best solution to keep an intégrity between both database? ...

what the difference between not in - and - not exists in oracle query ?

hi what the difference between not in - and - not exists in oracle query ? when i use not in and when i use not exist ? thank's in advance ...


Hello guys: I put SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SIZE UNLIMITED FORMAT WRAPPED; in glogin.sql, but Toad doesn't seem to take this configuration. In other words, the following PL\SQL wpuldn't print output: BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Hello World'); END; How could I make Toad auto shows PL\SQL output? Thanks ...

SQL to fill columns based on columns of associated table

Suppose I have table first_table which has an FK to table second_table table second_table which has column called name_field Now, I want to add a column in first_table called name_field and fill it with the one on the associated second_table. How should I fill the values purely using SQL? (this is Oracle, if that matters) ...

Accessing data filename from within SQL*Loader control file

How do I access the input data file name from within SQL*Loader control file so that I can insert it into the table along with data from the input file? Let's say for example I have the following control file: LOAD DATA APPEND INTO TABLE STG_AM02_BA_RAW WHEN (1:2) = 'DT' ( SUBSCRIBER_NO POSITION(11:18)CHAR, ...

How FORCED views are significant if there base tables don't exist?

In context of Oracle 9i database, usually for a view to be created an underlying base table is mandatory, however this constraint can be violated if the FORCED clause is used while creating the view. What is the significance of these views if their base tables does not exist? In which conditions these views will be of help? ...

SQL to have one specific record at the top, all others below

Hey all, I am trying to put together a query that will display one specific record (found by the record's primary ID) at the top, and display all other records below it, sorted by date (I have "date_added" as one of the fields in the table, in addition to primary ID). I could do this with a UNION (first select would locate the record I...