Below is my Oracle Procedure. When i call this procedure using java, it throws error like this.
SELECT MenuItemId,
Hello !
I have the following line in a script and I don't understand what the "using" part is used for.
I couldn't find anything on google. Anybody familiar with that ?
Thanks a lot !!
(8, 'PLANVP.XXXX.INT', 1, 0, 0, "PVTRN", "DAILY_CAL", '2009-...
in which database software / language is it possible to create a database accessible by multiple users except its two collumns to be accessed only by admin user. please give details how this database can be created.
I have a problem with compiling an Oracle trigger via SQL*PLUS - I don't think I'm being dumb but I can't see what the problem is.
We have an installer script which is essentially a batch file which creates/refreshes all the objects in the database by calling SQLPLUS on multiple scripts, each containing one view, trigger, etc. The table...
Oracle knows the limitation to 1000 elements in the where a in (..) clause. Does this limitation also exist when using Hibernate in conjuction with Oracle?
I know the title does not sound very descriptive, but it is the best I could think of:
I have this table
28911 14/4/2009 44820
28911 17/4/2009 32240
28911 20/4/2009 30550
28911 22/4/2009 4422587,5
28911 23/4/2009 4441659
28911 24/4/2009 7749594,67
38537 17/4/2009 58280
38537 20/4/2009 137240
I am having with displaying an image file stored in a database as BLOB type.... now i want to call that image and display it in a pdf...i am using jsp and servlet for web client... i just need a central idea or crux of how to go about the problem.
Any help will be highly appreciated
Thank you
I'm trying to find the unique constraints of a table using Java (on an Oracle Database, but that should make no difference).
I found a way to discover the Primary Keys of a table, thanks to DatabaseMetaData's getPrimaryKeys(....);
However I was unable to find the unique constaints of the tables, and the Internet was not able to he...
We are using Oracle.
we have an old JDBC call like this...
Conn.prepareCall("{call some_sp_name()}",ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
usually we make the following parameter map in our mapping.
<procedure id="getMax" parameterMap="getMaxCall">{call some_sp_name()}</procedure>
<parameterMap id="getDebt...
When developing with application express, I am struggling with how to implement version control and how to have both DEV and PROD versions of an application. How do you publish changes from dev to prod? I know that I can export the entire application and then import into production, but is there a way to just import changes easily?
On Query 1 a full table scan is being performed even though the id is an indexed column. Query 2 achieves the same result but much faster. If Query 1 is run returning an indexed column then it returns quickly but if non-indexed columns are returned or the entire row is then the query takes longer.
In Query 3 it runs fast but the column...
Is it possible through SQL in oracle to compare two tables and list the columns that exist in one but not the other. I have two tables, one (table A) that receives the data from an authoritative source with a specific code and the second is the rest of the data from that import without that specific code (Table B). I was hoping there w...
Mysql's Innodb has concepts of page, extent, segment, tablespace but I don't know how they interact with each other. How are they related? What does it mean a tablespace has 16K of pages? How does this relate to the physical rows and is 'pages' something in the memory?
I would assume that Oracle might have the same concept but I'm not s...
I'm trying to integrate a Web scheduling appliance with my organization's calendar system, Oracle Calendar 10. Getting meetings out is just a matter of parsing the UNICPOUTR output, and I thought I had a handle on getting meetings in with UNICPINR, but I'm getting a couple of odd errors.
Basically I grab the room description from UNICPO...
The Jdbc call blocks and does not return back .. below is the stack trace
Oracle server =
Oracle thin driver used @ client
Would appreciate your help ....
at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:140)
at oracle.net.ns.Packet.receive(Pack...
We are facing a strange problem with Websphere Application Server Data Source.
Websphere Application Server (6.1)
Liferay Portal (5.2)
Oracle 9i
Hibernate 3.0
We have datasource deployed in Application server referencing ODBC14.jar
Hibernate Configuration for Datasource:
<property name="connection.datasource">jd...
Dear Gurus:
Here is a question about how Delphi querys the indexes from another schema in Oracle( The follow is the scenario:
There is a primary key(says myTablePK) of table "myTable", owned by A user, and my Delphi app. logons as B user who switches itself to A schema by setting CURRENT_SCHEMA=A on AFTER LOGON trigger. To id...
hi guys,
I found oracle documentation a really good resource to learn oracle. But I'm scared of it's lengthy documentation.
Now my question is: Should an oracle database user read all oracle documentation? If not, who will read all that? Great thanks.
I want to run the stored procedure script, but I am facing the problem that, when I run multiple stored procedures at one time, all procedures gets compiled but it does not create all those procedures separately, it compile it as a single procedure.
Can anyone help me out to solve this prolem.
Here is my simple PL/SQL program:
CURSOR c1 is
SELECT typ, specifikacia_typu, spz FROM Auta
WHERE (substr(spz, 1, 2) = 'KE' OR substr(spz, 1, 2) = 'KS') AND ROWNUM <= 2;
CURSOR c2 is
SELECT typ, specifikacia_typu, spz FROM Auta
WHERE substr(spz, 1, 2) <> 'KE' AND substr(spz, 1, 2)...