
Loading multiple concatenated CSV files into Qracle with SQLLDR

I have a dump of several Postgresql Tables in a selfcontained CSV file which I want to import into an Oracle Database with a matching schema. I found several posts on how to distribute data from one CSV "table" to multiple Oracle tables, but my problem is several DIFFERENT CVS "tables" in the same file. Is it possible to specify table s...


Hi guys , i'm having a problem when trying to MAXIMIZE ORACLE forms builder's window ; i've tried all the right commands ( set_windw_property ) also i've edited the formsweb.cfg file (width , hieght and separate) . Can anyone help me with such an issuse ?? Kindly note that i'm using - Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production); on w...

oracle equivalent of patindex and instr function with wild card characters

is there an oracle equivalent of patindex? from my search, the only function that is close to patindex is oracle's instr function but it does not support wild card. what is the oracle equivalent of the following query? select patindex('%[^0]%','00194505022') edit: i found out regexp_instr have the similar function as patindex. ...

ODP.NET Procedure Compilation

When I try to execute a create procedure using ODP.NET I get back ORA-24344: success with compilation error. However, when I run the same statement in SQL Developer it compiles successfully. Does anyone know what I need to change to get my procedure to compile? Is it a character set issue? I am using Oracle 10g Express, .NET 3.5 SP 1...

Need some information regarding data warehousing field

I am a web developer and i would like to shift my field to data warehousing. Can anyone please give me some idea , which langauges or stuff i need to learn like cogonos , datastage, etl or IF anyone currently working can guide me how can i start , i will thankful to you. DO i nned to do oracle because i know mysql , sql. My basic under...

updating a table conditionally with values from a group by sub query in oracle

the problem is Update the salary of all the employees by 50% who had worked on 5 or more than 5 projects, by 30% (>= 3 projects), by 20 % (>= 1 projects) the number of project is got by performing a group by query on the EMPLOYEE_PROJECT_HISTORY; i have tried these queries update emp set emp.sal= case when jemp.pcount >=5 then emp.sal...

Getting ORACLE programming object definitions

Let's say I have an ORACLE schema with contains a package. That package defines types, functions, procedures, etc: CREATE PACKAGE... DECLARE FUNCTION ... PROCEDURE ... END; Is there a query I can execute to get the definitions of those individual objects, without the wrapping package? ...

Oracle listening on changing port for remote connections

I installed Oracle 11gR2 and I am now trying to access the database from a remote system. My listener.ora is still the default: LISTENER = (DESCRIPTION_LIST = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = EXTPROC1521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521)) ) ) ADR_BASE_LISTENER = /medi...

Mono ASP.NET Oracle Connection

Hello to everybody, if i want to connect to orcale i became the following error: Description: HTTP 500. Error processing request. Stack Trace: System.DllNotFoundException: at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Data.OracleClient.Oci.OciCalls/OciNativeCalls.OCIEnvCreate (intptr&,System.Data.OracleClient.Oci.O...

How to use Data Pump (expdp and impdp) commands from Oracle without tnsnames.ora file

I want to be able to run expdp and impdp onto a machine by directly specifying the connection parameters instead of a tns name that resides in tnsnames.ora. Is this possible? ...

Suggestions needed for replacement of Oracle SSO 10g in an 11g environment

We're currently using the SSO component of Oracle 10g App Server to authenticate users on our external / internet facing client "portal" (think similar to online banking) SSO uses Oracle Internet Directory to store it's data, and we've been able to use PL/SQL and Java to access and modify the data held in OID (e.g create/drop users, cha...

optimizing the sql query by not repeating the math..

Here is the query in Oracle I was trying to remove the redundant math operation from: SELECT name, CASE when nvl(num1,0) + nvl(num2,0) - nvl(num3,0) > 0 THEN nvl(num1,0) + nvl(num2,0) - nvl(num3,0) ELSE 0 END as result, .... from .... How do I not repeat the summation above? The 'result...

What is the SQL statement that removes duplicates but keep additional column's data?

Hello: I'd like to know what should be the SQL statement (for ORACLE DBMS) that would get back unique (by CUSTOMER_ID, VEHICLE_ID, DEALER_ID and EVENT_TYPE_ID) rows BUT it will return the latest date (EVENT_INITIATED_DATE) for that row too. I've tried DISTINCT and GROUP BY, but wasn't able to figure out how to handle EVENT_INITIATED_DA...

PL/SQL time segment calculation

Hi, I need to figure how much time passed between 2 times. For example: (14:00:00 - 13:15:00) * 24 = .75 I need this to later on convert KW to KWh, but that's not the point. I can not find out how to do this in PL/SQL. My date/time fields look like this in the DB: 1/23/2010 21:00:00 I would appreciate any suggestions. Steve ...

Ordering by a max or a min from another table

I have a table that consists of a unique id, and a few other attributes. It holds "schedules". Then I have another table that holds a list of all the times each schedule has or will "fire". This isn't the exact schema, but it's close: create table schedule ( id varchar(40) primary key, attr1 int, attr2 varchar(20) ); creat...

oracle clob insertion problem in spring

Hi, I want to insert CLOB value into my Oracle database and here is the what I could do. I got this exception while inserting operation "ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column". Would someone able to tell me what should I do? Thanks. List<Object> listObjects = dao.selectAll("TABLE NAME", new XRowMapper()); S...

Why is Oracle using a skip scan for this query?

Here's the tkprof output for a query that's running extremely slowly (WARNING: it's long :-) ): SELECT mbr_comment_idn, mbr_crt_dt, mbr_data_source, mbr_dol_bl_rmo_ind, mbr_dxcg_ctl_member, mbr_employment_start_dt, mbr_employment_term_dt, mbr_entity_active, mbr_ethnicity_idn, mbr_general_health_status_code, mbr_hand_dominant_code, mbr_h...

Geeting internal Oracle connection from Hibernate in JBoss

Hello, I need to set an application context through Hibernate. I found there is a method setApplicationContext on oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleConnection. I wrote a test, in which I was getting the Oracle connection from the Hibernate session and it worked fine. However, when I moved the code to my application running under JBoss where co...

Restore Oracle XE data from *.DBF

Is it possible to restore oracle database from *.DBF files? If yes, then how? I really find it hard to deal with backup and restore things in Oracle compared to SQL Server. I have a backup of the whole oraclexe folder including these files. ...

Oracle manually add an FK constraint

Alright, since a client wants to automate a certain process, which includes creating a new key structure in a LIVE database, I need to create relations between tables.columns. Now I've found the tables ALL_CONS_COLS en USER_CONSTRAINTS to hold information about constraints. If I were to manually create constraints, by inserting into thes...