
Pipelined function calling another pipelined function.

Here's a package with two pipelined functions: create or replace type tq84_line as table of varchar2(25); / create or replace package tq84_pipelined as function more_rows return tq84_line pipelined; function go return tq84_line pipelined; end tq84_pipelined; / Ant the corresponding package body: create or replace pa...


I have a select: select substr(acc,1,4) ,currency , amount , module , count(*) , wm_concat(trn_ref_no) trn from all_entries where date = to_date ('01012010','DDMMYYYY') group by substr(acc,1,4),currency, amount, module In this case I get an error: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: : character string buffer too ...

HUGE query execution time difference between oracle 10g and 9i

I'm running the following query: SELECT * FROM all_tab_cols c LEFT JOIN all_varrays v ON c.owner = v.owner AND c.table_name = v.parent_table_name AND c.column_name = v.parent_table_column On a 10g server this takes ~2s, on 9i this takes 819s (13 mins)! What on earth is causing this huge performance difference, and how can I fi...

Printing SQL Query In PreparedStatement in oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement

I need to see the query being sent to Oracle from a Java program. In the PostgreSQL JDBC driver, toString() does the job, but the same does not apply to prepared statements from Oracle JDBC implementation. Any ideas how to achieve that? ...


I didn't find much data about the internals of PL/Scope. I'd like to use it to analyze identifiers in PL/SQL scripts. Does it work only on Oracle 11g instances? Can I reference its dlls to use it on a machine with only ORACLE 9/10 installed? In a related manner, do I have to execute the script in order for its identifiers to be analyze...

Best way to update/insert into a table based on a remote table.

I have two very large enterprise tables in an Oracle 10g database. One table keeps the historical information of the other table. The problem is, I'm getting to the point where the records are just too many that my insert update is taking too long and my session is getting killed by the governor. Here's a pseudocode of my update process...

Oracle data provider pegs IIS worker process when web site is stopped

We're experiencing a nasty issue in Oracle 11g Release 2 where the w3wp process takes over and entire processor core, and debugging shows that the Oracle data provider is throwing ThreadAbortExceptions infinitely. A developer found this issue by doing the following: 1) Browse a web site that uses Oracle data connections locally (http://...

Run time insert using bulk update ,giving an internal error?

Hi , I am trying to make a run time table named dynamic and inserting data into it from index by table using bulk update,but when i am trying to execute it this error is coming: ERROR at line 1: ORA-06550: line 0, column 0: PLS-00801: internal error [74301 ] declare type index_tbl_type IS table of numb...

al32utf8 in oracle and SQL Server and DB2 pulling data

I have a non-utf8 oracle database running on We need to support greek characters. So we have two options: use nvarchar, nclob fields for those fields that need greek (it is not all fields). We have tested this and gotten it to work with java coding. convert Oracle to AL32UTF8 database. I am not asking how to do this. I got t...

Help Auditing in Oracle

Hello everybody I need some help in auditing in Oracle. We have a database with many tables and we want to be able to audit every change made to any table in any field. So the things we want to have in this audit are: user who modified time of change occurred old value and new value so we started creating the trigger which ...

PL/SQL Sum by hour

Hi, I have some data with start and stop date that I need to sum. I am not sure how to code for it. Here are is the data I have to use: STARTTIME, STOPTIME, EVENTCAPACITY 8/12/2009 1:15:00 PM, 8/12/2009 1:59:59 PM, 100 8/12/2009 2:00:00 PM, 8/12/2009 2:29:59 PM, 100 8/12/2009 2:30:00 PM, 8/12/2009 2:59:...

Why can't we use strong ref cursor with dynamic SQL Statement?

Hi ALL, I am trying to use a strong ref cur with dynamic sql statment but it is giving out an error,but when i use weak cursor it works,Please explain what is the reason and please forward me any link of oracle server architect containing matter about how compilation and parsing is done in Oracle server. THIS is the error along with co...

Getting weird issue with TO_NUMBER function in Oracle

I have been getting an intermittent issue when executing to_number function in the where clause on a varchar2 column if number of records exceed a certain number n. I used n as there is no exact number of records on which it happens. On one DB it happens after n was 1 million on another when it was 0.1. million. E.g. I have a table with...

Clob as param for PL/SQL Java Stored Procedure

I have a java stored procedure that takes in a clob representing a chunk of javascript and mins it. The structure of the function calling the JSP is as follows: function MIN_JS(pcl_js in clob) return clob as language java name 'JSMin.min(oracle.sql.CLOB) return oracle.sql.CLOB'; In the actual JSP, I have the following: import orac...

SQL string manipulation to return multiple rows

I'm an experienced programmer, but relatively new to SQL. We're using Oracle 10 and 11. I have a system in place using SQL that combines actual rows with virtual rows (e.g. "SELECT 1 from DUAL") doing unions and intersects as needed, which all seems to work. My problem is that I need to combine this system which is expecting rows of d...



Oracle Database introduction and literature

Hi folks, got an new assignment covering Oracle databases. My problem now is that I am completely new to the Oracle system and never worked with it before. I need to develop a concept covering the installation and configuration of the server. Afterwards I need to migrate the old server to the new while ensuring date consistence. I just...

ora-00972 identifier is too long oracle 10g

I am getting the error mentioned in the title. I am using a 36 charecter ID. This error is only thrown In my sqldatasource in my webform. It is not a problem when I perform updates in Oracle sql developer. How can I fix this? ...

When using Javascript, is there an Apex built in to get the value of a radio group?

Friends, My apex page has several different radio groups, each one can have the value of Yes or No. When the user presses a button I need to capture the values of these radio groups in the javascript processing for the page and then "do stuff" dependent on their values. Is there an Apex Javascript API that I could utilise to obta...

ROO: how to create composit primary key in Entity

Hi, What can I do if I need to create entity for a table in production DB (Oracle 10g) with composite primary key. For example: [CODE] CREATE TABLE TACCOUNT ( BRANCHID NUMBER(3) NOT NULL, ACC VARCHAR2(18 BYTE) NOT NULL, DATE_OPEN DATE NOT NULL, D...