
Using Entity Framework with Oracle pseudo-booleans

I am investigating the use of Entity Framework in my organization. We use Oracle DBMS, and therefore (for good or ill) are using the "pseudo-boolean" pattern common in Oracle where instead of having a boolean column (which doesn't exist in Oracle) you have a 1 character column with a check constraint to force it to "Y" or "N". So, if I...

Data Type Conversion from SQL Server to Oracle

I am currently moving a product from SQL Server to Oracle. I am semi-familiar with SQL Server and know nothing about Oracle, so I apologize if the mere presence of this question offends anyone. Inferring from this page,, it would seem that the data type c...

sql data source

I have a table (EmployeeID,EmployeeName,ManagerID) How can I create a sqldatasource to include the ManagerName from the EmployeeName given EmployeeID = ManagerID? In my gridview after dragging a dropdownlist what bindings should I do to display the managerName? Is it possible to use it without writing custom select,insert,delete,update? ...

WLI domain with 3 servers - issues on JPD process startup

Hi there. I'm currently working on a clustered WLI environment which comprehends 3 servers: 1 admin server ("AdminServer") and 2 managed servers ("mn1" and "mn2") grouped as a cluster, as follows: Architecture diagram: I've developed a JPD process to execute some scheduled tasks, invoked using a Message Broker. I've deployed this pr...

set oracle user Display so i can install

running oracle enterprise linux the Oracle installer keeps telling me that my DISPLAY variable isn't set. however echo display clearly prints ":0.0" logged in as root I am able to run xclock to launch the app, but when I "su oracle" and then run xclock it refuses [oracle@devsebl ~] xclock Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server X...

Oracle EXECUTE IMMEDIATE changes explain plan of query.

I have a stored procedure that I am calling using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE. The issue that I am facing is that the explain plan is different when I call the procedure directly vs when I use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to call the procedure. This is causing the execution time to increase 5x. The main difference between the plans is that when I use exec...

Deleting Row Method on GridView

I am trying to implement the deleting method and pass my parameters for the delete operation. I am using sqldatasource. Since the ID doesnt have a column in my gridview how can I get the value of the ID and set it as my delete parameter? ...

how to increase the limit of exceptions in oracle SQLLDR

how to increase the limit of exceptions in oracle ? i have a excel sheet in which their are about 900 records to be appended .so i converted the excel to dat file and wrote a batch file that read from the dat file and appends it to the concern table but the batch file stop execution once the exceptions reach 51(all integrity constrain...

sql data source re binding question

In my gridview after an insert operation has been done I am filtering the sqldatasource by ID. I am getting an error that the item drop down box selected value is not in the list. To test my theory I created a new sql data source with only the select statement and after the insert operation I am binding it to my grid view and filtering b...

Oracle Schema Name

How can I include the schema into my connection string inside my web.config. ...

Performing Inner Join for Multiple Columns in the Same Table

I have a scenario which I'm a bit stuck on. Let's say I have a survey about colors, and I have one table for the color data, and another for people's answers. tbColors color_code , color_name 1 , 'blue' 2 , 'green' 3 , 'yellow' 4 , 'red' tbAnswers answer_id , favorite_color , least_favorite_...

Joining null in SQL Server, Oracle and informatica

Hi! I have two tables to join with a column (say emp_id).. if emp_id in both the tables have null values, how will SQL Server and Oracle treat??? Coz, I read that informatica will neglect the NULL rows when joining..if I handle the null, by substituting -1, a cross-join will happen which i don't want.. What can I do here? I cannot co...

NHibernate Performance Optimization | Suggestions invited!!!

Hi, I’m facing an issue with NHibernate performance and can you please suggest me some optimizations? Below mentioned is a small summary of my application architecture I have a windows service which is listening to a messaging bus. On receiving a message the service creates an object out of which a property is the received xml snippet ...

Compare values for audit trail

I'm attempting to develop an audit trail/tracking solution for an existing database written in PLSQL/PHP - however I'm still unsure as of yet on an easy (to implement and maintain) solution for tracking changes to fields/values. For instance, the project tracking portion of the DB APP tracks over 200 fields and ideally I'd like a nice wa...

read first 1kb of a blob from oracle

Hi, I wish to extract just the first 1024 bytes of a stored blob and not the whole file. The reason for this is I want to just extract the metadata from a file as quickly as possible without having to select the whole blob. I understand the following: select dbms_lob.substr(file_blob, 16,1) from file_upload where file_upload_id=504;...

How do i start developing a database application using Oracle + Net Beans (Java) ?

I have thought of creating my first database application for one of my projects using Oracle and Java. I have chosen Netbeans as my development environment. I have a few questions to getting started. Please bare with me as I'm a complete beginner to Oracle + Netbeans This will be a data intensive (yet still for a college project) datab...

Using Pragma in Oracle Package Body

I'd like to create an Oracle Package and two functions in it: A public function ( function_public ) and a private one ( function_private ). The public function uses the private one in an sql statement. Without pragma the code does not compile (PLS-00231: function 'FUNCTION_PRIVATE' may not be used in SQL) CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE PRA...

Accessing Oracle 6i and 9i/10g Databases using C#

Hi all, I am making two build files using NAnt. The first aims to automatically compile Oracle 6i forms and reports and the second aims to compile Oracle 9i/10g forms and reports. Within the NAnt task is a C# script which prompts the developer for database credentials (username, password, database) in order to compile the forms and repo...

Oracle 10g - JAXB unmarshalling is not working as expected

We're using Oracle 10g application server and deployed the Web service and trying to deploy the web service client. Server is working fine i.e.; marshalling is working fine. We're getting the output from the service properly but the search client is not unmarshalling (parsing) the response received. We're using all the tags under same na...

how to find out line number,procedure name in PL/sql in case of an error

I am using a D2k 6i form and getting the error on form from stored database(oracle9i) procedure ORA-00001:Unique constraint(.) violated but i m not able to trace out from which procedure it is coming. can anybody help me regarding this ...