
Integrate calendar into Oracle forms app

Hi guys :) i want to integrate a ready made CALENDAR on my oracle forms application whether it's a java applet or other available option ; i want the end user to be able to invoke this CALENDAR whenever he pressed a button so that he can choose a specific date to be entered in a display item . ...

Return code/ exit code for Oracle's DataPump API

I wrapped oracle's IMPDP and EXPDP in a console and could not find a good place for the return codes that these two return. I want to be more specific in pointing out errors than just a 0/1 Pass/Fail. ...

Where is all_queue_subscribers dictionary view on oracle 9i?

11g and 10g both have the all_queue_subscribers (and user_, dba_) dictionary tables for listing the subscribers to queues, but this doesn't exist on 9i. Does the same concept of queue subscribers exist on 9i databases, and where can I get this information from? ...

Query returning an ascending group number

I have a query like below that has groups (COL1) and that group's values (COL2). select col1, col2 from (select 'A' col1, 1 col2 from dual union all select 'A' col1, 2 col2 from dual union all select 'B' col1, 1 col2 from dual union all select 'B' col1, 2 col2 from dual union all select 'C' col1,...


Hello, We have a stored proc where it returns a record which is of type PACKAGE.TABLENAME%ROWTYPE. we are finding it difficult to map in JDBC? Does anyone shed some light on this? ...

utl_file.FCLOSE() is slow with large files

We are using utl_file in Oracle 10g to copy a blob from a table row to a file on the file system and when we call utl_file.fclose() it takes a long time. It's a 10mb file, not very big, and it takes just over a minute to complete. Anyone know why this would be so slow? Thanks EDIT Looks like this is related to our file system. When we...

exception creating a JDBC Conection Pool Glassfish v3

Hi all, I am experiencing problems creating a connection pool in glassfish v3, just for reference i am using the Java EE glassfish bundle. my enviroment vars are as follows Url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe User: sys Password : xxxxxxxx which i think is all i need to make a connection. but i get the following exception W...

How to make Oracle case insensitive

Is there be a setting in Oracle 10g to consider data as case insensitive? I saw a solution here. However, that is done on a session. What I am looking for is a setting either on a schema or on a table to consider its data as case insensitive. If it is on a session then I will have to make the change on all the stored procedures. ...

Setting session timezone with spring jdbc oracle

Hello I have a spring/jdbc/oracle 10g application. The Oracle server database timezone is set to GMT + 2 JVM timezone is GMT + 2 (even though it doesn't matter in my case). I have a stored procedure that performs some date operations. The problem is that session timezone is different(GMT) than database timezone even though I do not set...

select from varchar2 column with numeric value sometimes gives invalid number error

I'm trying to understand why, on some systems, I get an invalid number error message when I'm trying to select a value from a varchar2 column while on other systems I don't get the error while doing the exact same thing. The table is something like this: ID Column_1 Column_2 1 V text 2 D 1 3 D ...

Problem running oracle script from command line using sqlplus

I'm having a problem trying to run my sql script into oracle using sqlplus. The script just populates some dummy data: DECLARE role1Id NUMBER; user1Id NUMBER; role2Id NUMBER; user2Id NUMBER; role3Id NUMBER; user3Id NUMBER; perm1Id NUMBER; perm2Id NUMBER; perm3Id NUMBER; perm4Id NUMBER; perm5Id NUMBER; BEGIN INSE...

Custom order in Oracle PL/SQL

I have an oracle query in which and i want the result to be in custom order 'SENIOR DIRECTOR', 'DIRECTOR', 'MANAGER', 'EMPLOYEE' which is from the field GRADE_DESCRIPTON. I am using the below query. However I am not getting the desired result The order of the result im getting is 'SENIOR DIRECTOR','MANAGER', DIRECTOR,'EMPLOYEE' SELEC...

UnsatisfiedLinkError on Websphere Application Server 6.1 Data Source

Hi, I am unable to start the installed App on my WAS instance. I believe the root cause is an UnsatisfiedLinkError which is shown as follows: Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no ocijdbc10 in java.library.path at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary( at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0( at ...

Oracle - Parameterized Query has EXECUTIONS = PARSE_CALLS

We have a .NET application talking to Oracle 10g. Our DBA recently pulled a list of queries where executions is equal to parse_calls. We assumed that this would help us find all of the unparameterized queries in our code. Unexpectedly, the following query showed up near the top of this list, with 1,436,169 executions and 1,436,151 par...

Difference between SQL Server and Oracle 'User'

Are there any differences between a user in SQL Server and one in Oracle? If so, what are they? Thanks in advance. ...

Set "Start With" value for Oracle sequence dynamically

I'm trying to create a release script that can be deployed on multiple databases, but where the data can be merged back together at a later date. The obvious way to handle this is to set the sequence numbers for production data sufficiently high in subsequent deployments to prevent collisions. The problem is in coming up with a release...

Why does my count(*) query time out but the inline view whose records it is counting does not?

Can't figure this one out... when I execute a select query it shows an explain plan cost of ~4500 and takes ~3 seconds to return. When I wrap that query (no changes) inside of: select count(*) from ( /*query here*/ ) It times out. It's at 5 minutes and counting now. I tried this in SQL Developer and Aqua Data Studio -- same result...

JDBC opening a new database session

I just want to make sure that if I use the following, I am opening a separate DB session and not resuing the same one (for testing I need individual sessions). Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(URL,USER,PASSWORD); each time I do the above code, I run my query, then do a connection.close() So for example: while(some...

[Qt] How to get rid of OCI.dll dependency when compiling static

Hi, My application accesses an Oracle database through Qt's QSqlDatabase class. I'm compiling Qt as static for the release build, but I can't seem to be able to get rid of OCI.dll dependency. I'm trying to link against oci.lib (as available in Oracle's Instant Client with SDK). Here's my configure line : configure -qt-libjpeg -qt-zl...

Loading a file into a clob

Given a url pointing to a file hosted on the webserver, is it possible to read the contents of that url into a clob? And if so, how? ...