
Connecting to oracle database using C++, the basics

hey there everyone, i have a question about the theory here, i'm just starting a project which is based on C++ applications integrating with oracle DB's, i've came to two choices, OCCI, and OCI the OCCI is said to be aimed at C++ environment, but i was wondering, if it would be any good to use the OCI libraries from my C++ app since i...

Date difference in date in Oracle and Java

Hi all, following problem is bothering me and I can't find any reasonable explanation and a solution. Perhaps someone could enlighten me. I have an application that calculates date difference (in days) - in a Search mask and in a Details mask. In the first mask I use days to filter out records with a duration search criteria (Search ma...

SQL*Plus 8.0600 crashes at the trial of connect to Oracle 10g (10.2040)

Background: Oracle Forms - DB migration; 6i to 10g Hi everyone! Customer situation: We want to attemp a DB connection with SQL*Plus 8 to a Oracle 10g DB (standard installation). Unfortunately SQL*Plus always crashes without any error message. We tried the same scenario with our systems - there was no problem. Now we are confused. W...

Lookup table for oracle decodes?

Hi there, It might be a newbie question, but still.. We are all familiar with Oracle's decodes and cases, e.g. select decode (state, 0, 'initial', 1, 'current', 2, 'finnal', state) from states_table Or the same sort of thing using CASE's. Now let's say I have a table with these same values:...

How can I find the underlying column and table name for an Oracle view?

This sounds like it should be simple to do but not so! There is no Oracle (meta-data) view that I can find that gives the underlying column and table name for an Oracle view column. The only way I have found of doing it is to parse the view source SQL (which is far from and exact science). Just to explain what I want, consider the follo...

oracle raw datatype in where clause

Hi I have a column of RAW type in my database. How can I use it in where clause? i.e to get only values with third byte equal to 4. this does not work: SELECT v from T where v[3]=4 ...

OCIError on 'require'; permissions issue?

I've just recently started learning/using Ruby at work. I've got a super-simple test script that just connects to our Oracle 10g database, runs a select, and 'puts' the results to the screen. This is on a Solaris 10 server. If I run the script as the 'apps' user (the system user that runs our automated scripts), the script runs fines....

Need help with database connection and query code

In my code below, the cmdquery works but the hrquery does not. How do I get another query to populate a grid view? Do I need to establish a new connection or use the same connection? Can you guys help me? I'm new to C# and asp. Here's some spaghetti code I put together. It may all be wrong so if you have a better way of doing this feel ...

Oracle SELECT query: collapsing NULL values when pairing up dates for different fields

This question is very much like my previous question, but a bit more complicated. Rob van Wijk's answer worked perfectly for my other question, and I've been using that as a starting point. My problem now is that I am pivoting dates for different fields. Whereas before I cared about getting all open_in and open_out values for a given ...

Oracle to_date SQL formatting odd behavior

I've trawled the SO website thinking this is pretty obvious but alas I have not found one yet. Basically the setup is as follows: I have a string in a table like so: 06/22/2010 00:00:00 I do a select on it: SELECT To_Date(item, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from that_table so that effectively I am doing SELECT To_Date('06/22/2010 0...

Text to Date & time

I have two field, Date and Time. Both are Text formated. I need to bring them togeather as a date/time format so we can caluate time used. We are using current date/time - the text date/time. What is the best way to change the format of the date time text fields into one field that has a date/time format. Thank you ...

oracle JDeveloper 10g - Creating "Application Server" issue

i am quite new to oracle and its tools. i'm trying to connect our company server with jdeveloper i just clicked "application server" from the connection navigation panel, and i am having problems with these steps, although i read some documents about connection, i couldn't find the exact solution. the problem is in the connection tab(...

How to populate a gridview with database data help?

Ok first off do I need to add a data source in the designer? or will the DataSource = reader take care of that, second how can I limit it to the users badge number entered n the source page ie: user enters 3 digit code gets his hours worked typical time sheet format. Can you guys please help me I'm new to asp c# and databases but I'm tr...

What is a level pseudo column in Oracle, Can anyone explain me in this?

What is a level pseudo column in Oracle, Can anyone explain me in this? ...

Why do packages and views in Oracle SQL Developer sometimes appear to have errors even when they compile?

Sometimes when I browse views or packages in Oracle SQL Developer they have a red icon next to them, indicating that there was a compile error. This seems to randomly happen to objects that compile without any errors or warnings. They continue to work even with the red icon, but it's confusing and makes me wonder if I'm missing somethi...

Literal does not match format string for Oracle SQL to_date on a string column

Dear SQL Gurus from Stack Overflow: Environment: Oracle I'm trying to understand why I can't do a to_date selection on a table column that contains strings. Note tableZ with a column of name Value in the example below contains a bunch of strings, some of which are the correct format, for example 6/20/2010 00:00:00. tableZ | Value ...

Oracle and HIbernate, db sequence generator issues.

I have the following entity (getters and setters ommited)... @Entity @Table(name = "TBL_PROJECT_RUN") public class ProjectRunEntity { @Id @Column(name = "ID") @GeneratedValue(generator = "StakeholdersSequence") @SequenceGenerator(name = "StakeholdersSequence", sequenceName = "STAKEHOLDERS_UPDATE_SEQ", allocationSize = 1...

How can I break referential integrity briefly, within a transaction, without disabling the foreign key constraint?

I have a table with 3 columns: ID, PARENT_ID, NAME PARENT_ID has a foreign key relationship with ID in the same table. This table is modeling a hierarchy. Sometimes the ID of a record will change. I want to be able to update a record's ID, then update the dependent records' PARENT_ID to point to the new ID. The problem is, when I ...

Oracle 8, SQL: RTRIM for string manipulation is not working as expected

Oracle 8 SQL: I do have data like "VTR 564-31 / V16 H12 W08 E19 L14" from which I want to trim the second part => "VTR 564-31" According to this website I can use the rtrim function rtrim('123000', '0'); would return '123' like this it works, but adapted to my use case, the following one does not trim at all? Do I have to escap...

DataServieException: Oracle, EFOracleProvider, POCO and EF 4.0

I try to use the new POCO capabilities of EF 4.0 in combination with the EFOracleProvider. I have recompiled the EFOracleProvider (using ODAC instead of System.Data.OracleClient) to target the .NET Framework 4 (und put it in the 4.0 GAC). Everything ok so far. I host the Entity Model in a WCF Data Service: class DivaDispoDataService : ...