
How to find out what tables/views/synonyms are used in a stored procedure

Through Oracle queries is it possible to find out which views/synonyms/tables a stored procedure use? In PL/SQL Developer if you collapse out a stored procedure it will show "References" which shows all the tables/views/synonyms that the stored procedure uses. I am trying to implement this functionality into a script which will com...

Conflict on ORACLE_HOME: OC4J + Oracle Database 10g (10.2.0) on Windows XP

My project requires me to use OC4J and Oracle Database system. Therefore, I go to Oracle web page to download OC4J Application Server (oc4j_extended_101350) and Oracle Database 10g. Installation of OC4J is simple. I just unzip it to a folder and set the JAVA_HOME and ORACLE_HOME. Then everything is fine. But then, Oracle Database canno...

Understanding the differences between Table and Transaction API's

Friends, This Ask Tom thread which I found via another SO question, mentions Table and Transactional API's and I'm trying to understand the difference between them. A Table API (TAPI) is where there is no access to the underlying tables and there are "getters" & "setters" to obtain information. For example to select an address I ...

Alter Type in Oracle Fails with ORA-22324 and ORA-21700

I'm trying to add an attribute to an already existing Object Type in an Oracle DB. The schema is valid, and everything is working before running the following statement: ALTER TYPE sometype ADD ATTRIBUTE (somefield varchar(14)) CASCADE INCLUDING TABLE DATA / SHOW ERRORS The alter fails with an ORA-22324 and an ORA-21700. Afte...

Does a Join table (association table) have a primary key ? many to many relationship

Does a Join table (association table) have a primary key ? many to many relationship. I've seen some Join tables with a primary key and some without can someone please explain when you would have a primary key in a join table and why? Thank you in advance;-) ...

What is the best way to store Binary data (images, pdf's, mp3's, videos ect) in mysql and why?

What is the best way to store Binary data (images, pdf's, mp3's, videos ect) in mysql and why? What i would love to know is how you do it(as developers) and why? Also how the big sites do it? Thank you in advance ;-) ...

Is it possible to pass types defined in plsql package headers using

TYPE point IS RECORD ( X NUMBER, -- The X co-ordinate of the point Y NUMBER -- The Y co-ordingate of the point ); This is defined in my package header. It is then used in a procedure defined in the same package. Is it possible for me to call the procedure via ...

Oracle utl_nla_array_dbl does not exist

Hi all, Trying to get ordinary least squares regression going using the UTL_NLA package in Oracle. The UTL_NLA package is installed by default and appears to be working. Next up, I tried to run some of the regression sample code (OLS_Regression) that ships with Oracle (olsexmpl.sql and olstype.sql). I am able to create the model just ...

Perl - Too many files error when using DBD Oracle

Can someone advise on why I get errors opening the file in the code below. The errors start about half way through the 9th iteration of 25 threads, and are "Too many open files" errors. The error only happens when running in threads, and only when the DBI connect/disconnect are used. This shouldn't affect the open file count at all shou...

Unable to read cookie across subdomains (owa_cookie)

Hi folks, In my production environment, my front end is on and my back end is on I'm creating a cookie in domain in path '/' using javascript for it to be read from any subdomain. When I try to read the cookie from domain from Oracle using owa_cookie it gives the error no_data_fo...

Is it possible to translate Oracle Forms6 application to Windows Forms (.net) ?

Is there any tool that would help to move/translate appliaction written in oracle forms6 to .net ? maybe not whole application at once, but maybe modules/forms(screens) to windows forms. I know that languages are different (pl/sql vs .net) but maybe that tool could make some template and programmer would be responsible to translate busin...

Could not access HTTP invoker remote service

hello all, i'm working in a kofax application connected with oracle database. i found an error as ERROR markview.viewer.MvViewer org.springframework.remoting.RemoteAccessException: Could not access HTTP invoker remote service at [ias9:opmn:ormi://]; nested exception is ...

When will automatic rollbacks be executed in PHP executing Oracle PL/SQL - OCI8?

I have PHP code that execute a stored procedure 10 times. If one stored procedure call fails, it should continue on, and at the end commit the transaction. It basically looks like this: $connection = getConn(); foreach($row as $i=>$j) { $SQL = "BEGIN MYPROC.EXECUTE(:VAL1, :VAL2); END;"; $statement = OCIParse($connection, $SQL); ...

Why am I getting stuck making IN query with Groovy to run against Oracle.

I'm trying to make an in statement with values coming from DB and then use them in another query. DB is Oracle Example: I've been beating my head around this for quite some time now. I need some help: Groovy Code: def myList = [] def myQuery = "select USER_ID from USER_TABLE where rownum < 3" println myQuery sql_dw.eachRow(myQuery) {...

Which IDE would you recommend to work with Oracle and why ?

The company where I work let me choose the IDE to work with Oracle. I may choose betwwen SQL Developper Toad PL/SQL Developper What are the advantages and disavantages of each one ? The price is not a concern. Licenses are already paid... ...

Oracle: copy row while updating one field

Please note: I am asking the question I want answered. I know this question means the database is set up poorly. So I will vote down any questions that suggest changing the way the table is set up. I need to duplicate a bunch of rows, while changing one value. name col1 col2 dave a nil sue b nil sam c 5 needs t...

Programatically create ODBC connection and link tables in MS Access

We are using MS Access as a reporting front-end for Oracle. The data is accessed via an ODBC connection, and there are two linked tables in Access to Oracle that are the raw data tables. I'd like to be able to set up the connection and link the tables from within the Access file. That way users don't have to worry about setting up an DSN...

Oracle-->SQL - forced conversion from non-unicode to unicode?

I have an ETL that is importing tables from Oracle to SQL 2008 using the OLEDB FastLoad. The data in Oracle is non-unicode. When the table is created in SQL it is created with unicode datatypes. For some reason the datatypes are being forced from non-unicode to unicode. Do any of you know of a way to stop this from happening? Possibly a ...

oracle update query

Possible Duplicate: Oracle Multiple update Query I have a query Select item_code,comp_code from item; which returns item_code, comp_code 912001 01 912001 04 912002 01 912002 02 912002 03 912003 01 and i have three values for comp_code for each item. suppose comp_1...

Can pass a parameter to a boolean pl/sql parameter?

Is it possible to correctly pass an OracleParameter to a boolean parameter in a pl/sql stored procedure? ...