
long oracle query

Hi there, I've got really long and complicated query(Oracle 10g). It contains about ten select subqueries. The query works but it's too long. Should I somehow divide this query? I mean is there some standard how long/complicated could sql query be. The query works but it doesn't seem to me like the best solution. For example one subquery...

Glassfish v3.0.1 versus Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 product - any _technical_ reason to use the commercial version?

I understand that Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 product is the open source Glassfish + branding + some closed source components. Is there any technical reason to purchase the commercial version? A JRockit license? Surveillance tools? Integration with other products? EDIT: Personal experiences with the commercial product is highly v...

Oracle sql function question

How to display the details of employee whose name contains the same characters at the start and end position of their name? ...

view with parameters?

Hello, Do I suppose correctly that it is not possible to create view with parameters? I've got a query with sub-query and in its where clause I need to specify parameter. Specifying where clause of view would not help. I would like to call simple view with parameters instead of the sending to the database complicated sql query. How wo...

Oracle times ten embedded in a java application

Can someone point to me some documentation on how to run the Oracle times ten database in an embedded mode within a java application? I would like to run times-ten as a replacement for HSQLDB. ...

Is the SRV_PROC Structure Compatible With Oracle's Extended Stored Procedure?

In a SQL Server external stored procedure(written in C) that I am trying to migrate, the SRV_PROC structure is the entrance parameter for a used method. Is it possible to call this method in Oracle or do I have to change the data type into something else? Is there any workaround for this situation? ...

Is there a way to troubleshoot change notifications in Oracle?

I'm trying to use oracle change notifications (API from Dbms_Change_Notification package) to update complex materialized views. I install change notification for my table with my PL/SQL callback and I can see in USER_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_REGS view that my change notification is installed properly. On development oracle servers with low lo...

ORA-00972 identifier is too long alias column name

hi dears, i have a query like : SELECT column as averyveryveryverylongalias (more than 30 characters) FROM Table_name it returns the error ORA-00972 identifier is too long , is there any tip to make it work without making the alias shorter? Thanks ...

how to insert BigInteger value in the oracle database.

i m trying to insert a BigInteger value in the oracle database.i m trying like this: BigInteger a=new BigInteger("4280972057205720579205792572075927209857"); String str=new String(a.toByteArray()); now in the database : PerparedStatement pstmt=con.prepareStatement("insert into database values(?)"); pstmt.setString(1,str); pstmt.exe...

sql selectL rows to colums without subquery

Hello all, I have a table in Oracle 10g that contains some information as follows: SQL> select * from t_test; INFO CODIGO GRUPO ---------- ---------- ---------- 101 190 VTOS 100 130 VTOS 102 140 VTOS I'd like to extract all the rows that have GRUPO='VTOS' and transpose those rows t...

PL/SQL base conversion without functions

Is there any way to convert decimal to binary, or binary to decimal, in Oracle 10g without having to first define a function? I have limited database access (SELECT only) and all the solutions for this I've found online seem to involve CREATE FUNCTION, which does not work for me. ...

changing password with oracle's SQL Developer

Many of my users do not use sqlplus. I cannot give them alter user. We expire passwords every 60 days. I can't get the sqlplus command "password" to work in sql developer. When I hit run, I get an invalid command error When I hit run script, nothing happens. I don't want to write them a package to change their passwords since we ha...

Connecting Oracle to code::blocks

I tried to connect a C++ program in codeblocks IDE to Oracle database. For that, I downloaded an API named SQLAPI. I took a given example in that API folder and compiled and linked the appropriate files. The code is : #include <stdio.h> // for printf #include <SQLAPI.h> // main SQLAPI++ header int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { SAC...

What's the easiest way to duplicate a column?

Currently, I'm getting the ID of the column via a select statement and insert all the returned values (except the ID). Is there an easier way to do it? ...

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space when doing a JDBC read from Oracle

I get a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space message when reading from an 11g Oracle database via JDBC. I have the defaultRowPrefetch set to 10000, reducing it to 2000 seems to resolve the issue. However, adding additional memory to the JVM (-xmx) does NOT resolve the issue. This issue only seems to occur in 64-bit java 1.6 - I...

Oracle dbms_job with invalid owner

Ok, database at a clients site that has dbms_job entries where the schema_user is invalid. (It appears to be the effect of bringing over a schema from another machine using exp/imp.) I would like to get rid of these jobs, but standard operating procedure says that you must connect as the owner of the jobs to dbms_job.remove() it. I th...

How to get all columns in Oracle in SYNONYMS

I know how to get all columns in oracle. select * from all_tab_columns but how can I get all columns from SYNONYMSas well? Is this possible to do in oracle? ...

Error on installation of Oracle Database 10g on Windows XP (SP3)

I am trying to install Oracle Database 10g on Windows XP SP3 (It is a VM on Mac OS X). After the first screen in installation program, it gives an error "The value for SID may contain only ... Is there any hint ? ...

oracle certification for programmers/developers? Are there any?

In oracle site, I see oracle certifications for DBAs.;p_org_id=1001&amp;lang=US But I would like to take a certification which would be helpful to me as a developer. Are there any?. Thanks in advance. ...

Oracle Multiple update Query

I have two tables like the below one in my DB. In the first table ITEM for evry DEPARTMENT_CODE there will be multiple ITEM_CODE. ITEM ---------------------------------------------------- "STORE_CODE" "ITEM_CODE" "DEPARTMENT_CODE" "011" "912003" "14" "011" "912004" "14" "011" "914001" "14" ----------------------...