
Oracle view with multiple join is only recognize when use a quotes around - why ?

I have encountered a strange behavior while executing an sql query on the Oracle view. The view contains multiple join. When I type a regular sql: select * from vView - I receive the error that view is not find select * from "vView" - The query is executed. I am wondering why ? [url=

Configure Hibernate to use Oracle's SYS_GUID() for Primary Key

I am looking for a way to get hibernate to use oracle's SYS_GUID() function when inserting new rows. Currently my DB tables have SYS_GUID() as the default so if hibernate simply generated SQL that omited the value it should work. I have everything working, but it is currently generating the UUID/GUID in code using the system-uuid genera...

Stop Oracle from generating sqlnet.log file

I'm using DBD::Oracle in perl, and whenever a connection fails, the client generates a sqlnet.log file with error details. The thing is, I already have the error trapped by perl, and in my own log file. I really don't need this extra information. So, is there a flag or environment for stopping the creation of sqlnet.log? Thanks ...

How can I upload a file to an Oracle BLOB field using VB6?

I want to take a file from disk and upload it into an Oracle BLOB field, using VB6. How can I do that? ...

Is there a way to use a generic DbCommand to do an Asynchronous update?

When using a generic DbCommand to perform an update, it will hang indefinately if the row being updated is locked. The underlying connection used is is Devart's Oracle provider, Devart.Data.Oracle.OracleConnection Setting the DbCommand.CommandTimeOut has no effect at all, the update never times out. DbCommand does not implement BeginE...

Oracle - select AND delete in a procedure

I need to return a rowset from an Oracle procedure, and then delete them in that same procedure. Is there a neat way of doing this without temp tables? Something like an in-memory cursor maybe? Basically I'm popping the records off a queue, and I want to avoid two round trips because it's a very frequent process. ...

Oracle triggers error are not captured while using ADODB

I have and application which uses Adodb to insert data in Oracle table(customers database). Data is successfully inserted if there are no errors. If there is any error like invalid datatype etc. Error is raised and captured by my application and dumped in log gile. My customer has written their own triggers on this particular table. Wh...

Oracle moving / transferring schemas from one server to another

I am having to move databases from one server to another. Oracle on Server A has died so I can't back up the existing databases in order to move them across. I was wondering if there is another way to move databases across servers in Oracle. ...

What is the bullet-proof way to specify the Easy Connect string for Oracle?

Oracle describes the Easy Connect string as username@[//]host[:port][/service_name][:server][/instance_name] (from However, some of our service folks frequently have the issue that this format is not working on a customer site and for ease,...

How to create a dump in oracle? (in pl/sql developer)

hi, In Oracle.. Using PL/Sql DEveloper.. i need to take dump of a user(including table,procedure,etc.) as "FILENAME.dmp". if i create a new user and import that "FILENAME.dmp" then, everything would be created. Kindly tel me, how to take .dmp file.. Don tel the option run->EXP or run->imp.. Coz, due to some problem, that feture is ...

Parse CSV (comma separated values) in Oracle

I'd like to pass a set of record identifiers into an Oracle procedure, using a comma-separated string. I want to place this into a temp table and then join off that in further processing. How would I go about this? Better approaches than CSV's would be great to hear about too. I'm using ODP.Net for data access. ...

Please recommend some book on Oracle and Apex

Hi all. Can you guys recommend some book on Oracle and Apex? I want two different level of books: jr. (beginner) and sr. (advanced). Thanks! ...

How to find a first column and first row in a table using SQL

I was asked this question and could not come up with the answer. Is there a way to find the entry at the first row and first column in a table? (In matrix notation, that would be the [1,1]th location) ...

Table Join Efficiency Question

When joining across tables (as in the examples below), is there an efficiency difference between joining on the tables or joining subqueries containing only the needed columns? In other words, is there a difference in efficiency between these two tables? SELECT result FROM result_tbl JOIN test_tbl USING (test_id)...

SQL to search objects, including stored procedures, in Oracle.

I need to write some sql that will allow me to query all objects in our Oracle database. Unfortunately the tools we are allowed to use don't have this built in. Basically, I need to search all tables, procedures, triggers, views, everything. I know how to search for object names. But I need to search for the contents of the object. i....

Oracle/SQL: Why does query "SELECT * FROM records WHERE rownum >= 5 AND rownum <= 10" - return zero rows

Hi, Why does the following query return 'zero' records: SELECT * FROM records WHERE rownum >= 5 AND rownum <= 10 OR SELECT * FROM records WHERE rownum >= 5 Whereas the following query return proper records: SELECT * FROM records WHERE rownum <= 15 Regards, - Ashish ...

JDBC connection to Oracle Clustered

Hello, I would like to connect to a clustered Oracle database described by this TNS: MYDB= (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = host1)(PORT = 41521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = host2)(PORT = 41521)) (LOAD_BALANCE = yes) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME= PDSALPO) ...

Introduce me to Oracle PL/SQL extensions

I'm an accomplished user of SQL; I'm confident creating schema and optimizing queries in ANSI-SQL, for Sybase, MS SQL Server, MySQL, or postgresql. I understand joins, subqueries, indexes, etc., so I don't need to recapitulate any of that that isn't different under Oracle. I'll be taking a job that'll require using Oracle. Point me to o...

Oracle deadlock detection tool

I am looking for a static analyser of Oracle queries and PL/SQL procedures (triggers, constrains, ...) - a tool that will pass on our DB scheme and point to potential deadlocks. Just like FindBugs for Java. If such a tool does not exist, would you like to have it ? ...

Oracle Export: ORA-31600: invalid input value EMIT_SCHEMA for parameter NAME in function SET_TRANSFORM_PARAM

Im trying to export a .dmp of an oracle database but am getting the follwoing error when I run the exp command ORA-31600: invalid input value EMIT_SCHEMA for parameter NAME in function SET_TRANSFORM_PARAM This is the first time I've tried to export from this server since it has been set up. Is there something I need to do to allow expo...