
Are Oracle stored procedures faster than in line SQL for a Microsoft.NET application ?

Hi, We are developing a Visual Studio.NET 2008 application with Oracle 9i as backend. Is it true that the usage of Stored procedures would be faster than Inline SQL ? This is a debate with my co-programmers. We are using ODP.NET (Oracle Data Provider for .NET) from Oracle. Thanks. ...

How do I get textual contents from BLOB in Oracle SQL

I am trying to see from an SQL console what is inside an Oracle BLOB. I know it contains a somewhat large body of text and I want to just see the text, but the following query only indicates that there is a BLOB in that field: select BLOB_FIELD from TABLE_WITH_BLOB where ID = '<row id>'; the result I'm getting is not quite what I exp...

How to performance tune when you have heavy concurrency on an Oracle table

On an Oracle 10g table which has heavy read/write we occassionally get a huge spike in concurrency quoting "latch library cache" using all the CPU. What approaches can we take to lessen the load within the database. We've seen stuff about free lists and increasing those. Any other opinions. ...

Why does DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH have an implicit commit?

I noticed recently that calling dbms_mview.refresh(...), which refreshes materialized views in Oracle, has an implicit commit. Any ideas - other than "because it does" - why this action has an implicit commit? ...

How to trace the connection pool in a Java Web application - DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO

Hello, I need improve the traceability in a Web Application that usually run on fixed db user. The DBA should have a fast access for the information about the heavy users that are degrading the database. 5 years ago, I implemented a .NET ORM engine which makes a log of user and the server using the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package. Using ...

How to insert a CLOB using OleDb

Could someone post some sample code showing how to insert text greater than 4000 characters in length into an Oracle 10g CLOB field? I am using the Oracle OLEDB provider and ATL in C++. My naive attempt returns the error 'ORA-01704: string literal too long' whenever the text I am attempting to insert goes over 4000 characters in length. ...

How accurate is Oracle's EXPLAIN PLAN?

Are there any good ways to objectively measure a query's performance in Oracle 10g? There's one particular query that I've been tuning for a few days. I've gotten a version that seems to be running faster (at least based on my initial tests), but the EXPLAIN cost is roughly the same. How likely is it that the EXPLAIN cost is missing ...

Oracle XE or MySQL , which one I should choice?

I am going to develop a SNS website. Now I need to make a decision between Oracle XE and MySQL. I know you are a group of experts. Can you share some comments on this? Best wishes Ariso ...

Oracle Trigger Permissions

I want to create a trigger owned by user A for a table that is owned by user B. What permissions must I set on B.table to avoid an ORA-01031: insufficient privileges error? ...

SQL server for an oracle developer/dba

I have a few years experience developing with oracle and have now moved to a place where they use SQL server (2005). Where would be a good place to learn things like SQL Server query optimisation, basic dba stuff and sql server gotchas for someone with my background. Thanks! ...

how to create a stored procedure in oracle which accepts array of parameters

Can any one tell me if its possible to create a stored procedure in oracle which accept array as an input parameter and how ? ...

Performance of Oracle .Net drivers

I'm currently comparing the performance of 4 different Oracle .net drivers. ODP.Net, DataDirect, OraDirect and the Microsoft .Net driver. It seems that the Microsoft driver is the slowest, the others being comparable with DataDirect faster than OraDirect which in turn is faster than ODP.Net. The question I have is whether or not this i...

Choosing the right database: MySQL vs. Everything else

It would seem these days that everyone just goes with MySQL because that's just what everyone goes with. I'm working on a web application that will be handling a large quantity of incoming data and am wondering if I should "just go with MySQL" or if I should take a look at other open-source databases or even commercial databases? Thanks...

Import Date Format mmddyyyy

Hello, I have to import dates into oracle with this type of format 03JUN2008 The only example I've seen this done before has dashes and this does not. Should I just bring it in as varchar and manipulate or is there another way? Thanks ...

Why is there a discrepancy between ActiveRecord SQL and PL/SQL Developer SQL?

I have a select statement in Oracle PL/SQL Developer that's retrieving values based on a date: select * from <table> where to_date(create_date) = to_date('20090506', 'YYYYMMDD') where create_date is of Oracle type date. This returns a non-empty set as it should. However, in ActiveRecord: <Table>.find_by_sql("select * from <table> wh...

SQL: delete all the data from all available tables

I am using oracle DB to maintain more than 30 tables, how can I delete all the data from all the tables? I only want to delete the data but not drop the tables. Thank you so much. ...

Connecting to Oracle with 32 bit apps running on Vista 64 bit

I am attempting to use a 32 bit application to talk to an Oracle database from Vista 64 bit (Embarcadero RapidSQL). I already have the Oracle 11g 64 bit client installed for the web apps I develop, but because RapidSQL is a 32 bit application, it requires a 32 bit version of the Oracle client. Is it safe to simply install the 32 bit Ora...

Alternative to SQL Tools and Toad IDEs for Oracle query development

Are there any better alternatives to using SQL Tools and TOAD for writing stored procs and queries for Oracle DB? Better in the sense of being able to debugg large queries and stored procedures. Any pointers are welcome! ...

SQL Query With Row_Number, order by and where clause.

I have the following SQL querry: select      ID, COLUMN1, COLUMN2 from      (select ID, COLUMN1, COLUMN2, row_number() over (order by 2 DESC) NO from A_TABLE) where      NO between 0 and 100 What I am trying to do is to select the first 100 records of the query select ID, COLUMN1, COLUMN2 from ATABLE order by 2 DESC And here are the ...

Rename Oracle Table or View

What is the syntax to rename a table or view in Oracle? ...