
How to automatically export an Oracle Applications web form to PDF?

The idea is, upon data entry, automatically export an Oracle Applications (web) form to PDF, storing it in the database. Using XML Publisher, one can allow the user to export it on-demand, but I need to have the report/form PDF generated automatically. Answer A good solution is pretty much covered here. Basically, with a bit of OAF co...

Oracle Ref Cursor Vs Select into with Exception handling

I have Couple of scenarios 1) need to read the value of a column from three different tables in a predefined order and only 1 tabel will have the data 2) read data from table1 if records are present for criteria given else Read Data from Table2 for Given Criteria In Oracle Stored Procedures The way these are being handled right ...

ADO.NET OracleCommandBuilder performance issue

I'm currently investigating some performance issues in a .NET/Oracle application. I've run an oracle trace file and I have noticed that the following query is being called a lot and is using a lot of resources: select ac.constraint_name key_name, acc.column_name key_col,1 from all_cons_columns acc, all_constraints ac where acc.owner ...

Oracle Stored Procedures in SubSonic 2.2

Howdy! I'm still not getting my SP's generated in SubSonic 2.2 against an Oracle 10g DB. The Tables and Views generate up perfectly. Also this product is multiplatform so we're gen'ing up SubSonic libraries against SQL 2K5 and that works great for Tables/Views and SP's. I recall on the old forums there was a bug in earlier versions o...

Can't select from dba_tab_cols from within stored procedure (PL/SQL)

Hi. I'm trying to SELECT from the dba_tab_cols view from within a stored procedure. It's not working and I don't know why. If I execute the following SQL as a query: SELECT t.data_type FROM dba_tab_cols t WHERE t.table_name = 'ACCOUNTTYPE' AND t.column_name = 'ACCESSEDBY'; it works fine. However if I copy it into a stored p...

Oracle works better with Windows or Linux? give your answer based on your experience.

In most cases i am used ti work with Windows, some weeks ago i started to work with Oracle, i have experience with other DBMS like SQL and MySql and I have worked with them in Windows. Now i am learning Oracle and i dont know in which OS oracle works better. I have installed it in windows but not in Linux. Also i downloaded the Oracle En...

How to duplicate an Oracle instance?

How can I duplicate an Oracle instance? Does anyone have any idea how to do so? ...

Problem reading nchar data from oracle database

I have an oracle database which nls character set is set to ALS32UTF8 and nls nchar character set is set to UTF8. But however if i insert any data to a nvarchar column in a table. Subsequent when i do a select the data i got is ???. Why is this so? The funny thing is that using TOAD i can read view the correct nvarchar data using the...

What does the letter on the Oracle release mean?

What does the letter on the Oracle release mean? ...

SQL Sorting using Order by

Can you all please help me with this? Presently, I have this SELECT which returns data ordered by this way SELECT DISTINCT gl.group_id, gl.group_name, gl.group_description, gl.status_code, gl.member_count, ( SELECT grpp.group_name FROM test_group_relationship grel JO...

SQL SELECT: combining and grouping data between three tables using subqueries

Sorry for a long question and not a very descriptive title, but my problem is very difficult to explain briefly. I have three database tables: TABLE A: AID PK STATUS VARCHAR TABLE B: BID PK AID FK CID FK TABLE C: CID PK CREATIONTIME DATE For each STATUS = 'OK' row in table A I want to find the corresponding row in C w...

Oracle: sequence MySequence.currval is not yet defined in this session

The title kind of says it all. What does this mean, and how can I get around it? SELECT MySequence.CURRVAL FROM DUAL; Result: ORA-08002: sequence MySequence.CURRVAL is not yet defined in this session ...

DBCA : Cannot see new database instance under the reconfiguration of databases

I used DBCA to create a new database instance. After creation of the instance. I startup the DBCA again to reconfigure this particular datbase. But however i cannot see this database. I also tried to use dbca -slient -adddb NewDB But it prompt me DISPLAY variable not set properly. After i set DISPLAY variable. It prompt me again say...

Oracle SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH hitting 4000 character limit

I'd like to run a query like the one below against an Oracle 9i database from Java (an example table structure and example data are below). SELECT deptno , SUBSTR(comma_list, 2) comma_list FROM (SELECT deptno , SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(ename, ',') comma_list , row_number , row_count ...

scalar subquery in if statement Condition in PL/SQL

I have an If Statement block similar to the below which is failing with the error - PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "SELECT" when expecting one of the following.... Begin If (select count(*) from Table1) > 0 then dbms_output.put_line('Test'); end if; end; I have similar Case statement which works fine select case ...

Using Parameters with an Oracle ODBC Connection

I'm connecting succesfully to an Oracle 10g DB with an the Microsoft ODBC for Oracle driver. Regular queries without parameters work fine, but parameterized queries act as if the parameters aren't getting passed in. ex. --this works fine Select * from tbl1 where column1 = 'test' --this doesn't select * from tbl1 where column1 = ? --...

JSF Faces Bridge get java.lang.NullPointerException when deploying to oc4j container

I am running JDeveloper with the webcenter pre-configured oc4j. I'm trying to portletize a vanilla JSF webcenter project. I create a application using the webcenter application template. Add a JSF JSP, simple called it index with all the default values. Add a deployment profile and deploy to local oc4j navigate to the jsf pag...

MaxValue Partition Name

In Oracle 10g I'm creating a range partitioned table. Each partition will be a year. My question is what do you use for the name of the MaxValue partition? I was planning to call my partitions P2001, P2002, P2003 ... P2009. Suggestions welcome, I've considered P9999, PCurrent, PThisYear, PFuture, PEmpty, PMaxValue, and PCreateAnother...

Inserting an array within an object construction, constructed based on a query

How can I construct an object using a query if I also need to insert values in the parent object? Clearly I'm using the wrong syntax. EDITED, getting closer: insert into myTable select mybigtype('foo', 'bar', 'fizzle', myarrayoflittletypes( select ref(S) from anotherTable S where S.stname='dingle' ...

Is there an open-source SQL database that has the concept of Oracle's "rowid" pseudo-column?

I am aware that MySQL and PostgreSQL[1] do not have that concept, so I am interested in finding out of there is an open-source SQL database that does have the concept. [1] It was later pointed out that PostgreSQL does have the rowid pseudo-column. ...