
Changing a column in oracle that has a foreign key constraint

I have a column that is only 6 characters long in a table that references a column that is 20 characters using a foreign key constraint. How do I fix this? Note: The issue was due to the limitation of the Oracle SQL Developer Edit table. When I performed the specific alter column, it worked fine. ...

question in sql

Hello, how I can create a query in Oracle for "angel" no matter if it is Angel, ANGEL, angel AngEl ...

Query SQL Server from Oracle - force metadata refresh

I am a SQL Server developer, with a task in Oracle. DBA set up a DBLink in Oracle that points at a SQL Server database. I am writing a view on the SQL Server data and then a view on the Oracle side to join it with additional Oracle data. Problem: if I change the definition of the view on SQL Server, even "Select * From myview@dblink" er...

Is there any way to convert oracle data files from Chinese Simplified (HZ) encoding to Unicode(UTF-8) encoding

anyone have any idea? ...

Circular Match

I have a database with three tables: userid_tbl, need_tbl, have_tbl create table userid_tbl (user_id varchar2(15) not null primary key); create table need_tbl (user_id varchar2(15) not null, have_item varchar2(100) not null, foreign key (user_id) references userid_tbl (user_id) ); create table have_tbl (user_id varchar2(15) not null,...

Oracle - NULLS in foreign keys?

Hi, I'm trying to answer the following question... "Explain the issues that arise when NULLs are present in columns that make up foreign keys. Discuss how ANSI have attempted to resolve this issue with the three 'matching rules' that can be adopted when using concatenated foreign keys." Can anyone point me in the right direction as to...

Data Integration between Oracle and External Application ?

We have an application that needs certain HR (Human Resource) data like the employee table etc. to initiate the manual and automate workflow process it is used for. Well I am looking into the way to integrate or synchronized with Oracle Data,lets say I get a new customer who has something called "Oracle HR" and they say we will buy your...

TransactionTimeout with Oracle 11g

Using an Oracle 11g database. I have a service that is tagged with: [ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall, TransactionTimeout="00:00:10")] The method itself looks like this: [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true)] [TransactionFlow(TransactionFlowOption.NotAllowed)] public OrderMess...

Oracle Select numbers from an IN clause

I'm looking for the best way to select numbers directly from an in clause. Basically like: SELECT * FROM (2,6,1,8); That doesn't work. I can do it this way: SELECT Lv FROM ( SELECT Level LV FROM DUAL CONNECT BY Level < 20) WHERE Lv IN (2,6,1,8); But that seems to be a bit clunky. Is there a m...

Oracle/PLSQL performance

Is there any difference in performance when you break down a stored procedure into multiple procedures instead of having a big procedure?! wich one is faster?! for example: mainSP   callSP1   callSP2   callSP3 end; rather than SP .... ..... .... Thanks guys. ...

difference between a User and a Schema in Oracle?

What is the difference between a User and a Schema in Oracle? ...

Problem connecting to Oracle database via ASP.NET page under IIS

I'm having a problem getting a simple ASP.NET webpage to display. The page contains a GridView with a SqlDataSource connected to an Oracle database. When I run the page in the VS debugger (cassini webserver) everything works fine, but when I publish the application to my local IIS server (same machine), I get the following error: ORA-1...

Oracle Connection and nls_lang

Hello I have a legacy database set with NLS_LANG set to IW8ISO8859P8. This I cannot change. I have another application, that is not working with unicode, that works on the same data my application works on. In some of the fields, and some of the times, the user inserts as part of a string, the character 161 which represents NIS curren...

How do I determine if a PL/SQL parameter value was defaulted?

Suppose I have a PL/SQL stored procedure as follows: PROCEDURE do_something(foo VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS BEGIN /* Do something */ END; Now, suppose do_something is invoked two different ways: /* Scenario 1: The 'foo' parameter defaults to NULL */ do_something(); /* Scenario 2: The 'foo' parameter is explicitly set to NULL */ do...

How can Oracle User Profiles be put to practical use?

Oracle 10g has Profiles that allow various resources to be limited. Here are some references for clarity -, Oracle Documentation. I am particularly interested in limiting CPU_PER_CALL, LOGICAL_READS_PER_CALL, and COMPOSITE_LIMIT with the goal of preventing a poorly formed statement from destroying performance for every other...

How do I fix an oracle Table/Index row count mismatch

I just had an oracle9 database crash and it left me with a couple of .trc files. Some of them specified indexes that were out of kilter and i dropped and readded those indexes. However, when I run: ANALYZE TABLE TABLESPACE.TABLE VALIDATE STRUCTURE CASCADE; I still get an error: ora_00900, sqlstate: 4200 This creates a .trc file wit...

Inserting multiple rows into Oracle

In the discussion about multiple row insert into the Oracle two approaches were demonstrated: First: insert into pager (PAG_ID,PAG_PARENT,PAG_NAME,PAG_ACTIVE) select 8000,0,'Multi 8000',1 from dual union all select 8001,0,'Multi 8001',1 from dual Second: INSERT ALL INTO t (col1, col2, col3) VALUES ('val1_1', 'val1_2', ...

Oracle EX and SQL Plus: How to recover dump file?

I have .dmp and .log files. I need to recover the database schema and data using SQLPlus or some feature of EX. How do I do that? I've tried the RECOVER command and impdp. No luck, or I'm doing something wrong. ...

Data Logging with Oracle (or any RDBMS)

What is the "best" (correct, standard, etc) way to maintain a log of data acquired at a set rate (every minute, every 5 seconds, every 10ms, etc) in an Oracle database? It seems inefficient to store the 7 byte DATE value for every datapoint (especially as the frequency increases). However, packing the data into some type of raw format ...

Why does running this query with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE cause it to fail?

I am writing a PL/SQL procedure that needs to to dynamically generate some queries, one of which involves creating a temporary table using results from a query taken as a parameter. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sqlout(query IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_tab AS (' || query || ');'; END; It c...